2010-02-28 4 views



Vous pouvez essayer PJIRC.

PJIRC is a very complete Java IRC Client. 

    * Highlight support 
    * ASL handling 
    * Graphical bitmap used for smiley's 
    * Nickname auto completion 
    * Nick, channel and URL catcher 
    * Sound support 
    * Multilingual support 
    * Esthetical options such as background image, per-channel color configuration, and so on... 
    * UTF-8 encoding support 
    * Support for external control via javascript 
    * "On connect" command list 
    * Time stamping 
    * Fast, light and reliable 
    * Free and open source 

Dernière mise à jour en 2007, la page de téléchargement est inaccessible. La dernière mise à jour sur SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pjirc/) date de 2009. Le projet est probablement mort. –