2017-05-29 3 views

Aidez-moi, J'ai cette erreurchaîne illégale décalage 'formId' dans répéteur gravityform

Avertissement: chaîne illégale décalage 'formId' dans C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ wp-content \ plugins \ répéteur ajouter -on-for-gravity-forms \ classe-gf-field-repeater.php à la ligne 287

Avertissement: chaîne non valide 'enfants' dans C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ wp-content \ plugins \ répéteur-add -sur-pour-gravité formes \ classe gf-champ repeater.php en ligne 291

  $repeater_children = $repeater_children_info; 

     if (empty($value)) { 
      $value['formId'] = $form_id; 
      if (!empty($repeater_start)) { $value['start'] = $repeater_start; } 
      if (!empty($repeater_min)) { $value['min'] = $repeater_min; } 
      if (!empty($repeater_max)) { $value['max'] = $repeater_max; } 
      if (!empty($repeater_children)) { $value['children'] = $repeater_children; } 

      $value = json_encode($value); 

     return sprintf("<input name='input_%d' id='%s' type='hidden' class='gform_repeater' value='%s' %s />", $id, $field_id, $value, $tabindex); 

Comment $ value set - devrait être quelque chose comme '$ value = [];' avant ce code. –


Je copie le code du fichier source – veronika


L'erreur est que $ value peut être juste une chaîne et que vous essayez de l'utiliser comme un tableau. Alors pouvez-vous savoir où $ value est avant le code ci-dessus? –


class GF_Field_Repeater extends GF_Field { 
    public $type = 'repeater'; 

    public static function init_admin() { 
     $admin_page = rgget('page'); 

     if ($admin_page == 'gf_edit_forms' && !empty($_GET['id'])) { 
      add_action('gform_field_standard_settings' , array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_standard_settings'), 10, 2); 
      add_action('gform_field_appearance_settings' , array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_appearance_settings'), 10, 2); 
      add_action('gform_editor_js_set_default_values', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_set_defaults')); 
      add_action('gform_editor_js', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_editor')); 
      add_filter('gform_tooltips', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_tooltips')); 

     if ($admin_page == 'gf_entries') { 
      add_filter('gform_form_post_get_meta', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_hide_children')); 

    public static function init_frontend() { 
     add_action('gform_form_args', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_disable_ajax')); 
     add_action('gform_enqueue_scripts', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_enqueue_scripts'), 10, 2); 
     add_filter('gform_pre_render', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_unhide_children_validation')); 
     add_filter('gform_pre_validation', array('GF_Field_Repeater', 'gform_bypass_children_validation')); 

    public static function gform_enqueue_scripts($form, $is_ajax) { 
     if (!empty($form)) { 
      if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) !== false) { 
       wp_enqueue_script('gforms_repeater_postcapture_js', plugins_url('js/jquery.postcapture.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), '0.0.1'); 
       wp_enqueue_script('gforms_repeater_js', plugins_url('js/gf-repeater.min.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), GF_REPEATER_VERSION); 
       wp_enqueue_style('gforms_repeater_css', plugins_url('css/gf-repeater.css', __FILE__), array(), GF_REPEATER_VERSION); 

    public function get_form_editor_field_title() { 
     return 'Repeater'; 

    public function get_form_editor_field_settings() { 
     return array(

    public static function gform_set_defaults() { 
     echo " 
      case \"repeater\" : 
       field.label = \"Repeater\"; 

    public static function gform_standard_settings($position, $form_id) { 
     if ($position == 1600) { 
      echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\"> 
        <label for=\"field_repeater_start\">Start "; 


      echo " </label> 
        <input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_start\" min=\"1\" value=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('start', this.value);\"> 

      echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\"> 
        <label for=\"field_repeater_min\">Min "; 


      echo " </label> 
        <input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_min\" min=\"1\" value=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('min', this.value);\"> 

      echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\"> 
        <label for=\"field_repeater_max\">Max "; 


      echo " </label> 
        <input type=\"number\" id=\"field_repeater_max\" min=\"1\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('max', this.value);\"> 

    public static function gform_appearance_settings($position, $form_id) { 
     if ($position == 400) { 
      echo "<li class=\"repeater_settings field_setting\"> 
        <input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"field_repeater_hideLabel\" onchange=\"SetFieldProperty('hideLabel', this.checked);\"> 
        <label for=\"field_repeater_hideLabel\" class=\"inline\">Hide Label & Description "; 


      echo " </label> 

    public static function gform_editor() { 
     echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> 
       fieldSettings['repeater'] += ', .repeater_settings'; 
       jQuery(document).bind('gform_load_field_settings', function(event, field, form){ 
        jQuery('#field_repeater_hideLabel').prop('checked', field['hideLabel']); 

    public static function gform_tooltips($tooltips) { 
     $tooltips['form_field_repeater_start'] = "The number of times the repeater will be repeated when the form is rendered. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number higher than the maximum number is the same as setting it to 1."; 
     $tooltips['form_field_repeater_min'] = "The minimum number of times the repeater is allowed to be repeated. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number higher than the maximum field is the same as setting it to 1."; 
     $tooltips['form_field_repeater_max'] = "The maximum number of times the repeater is allowed to be repeated. Leaving this field blank or setting it to a number lower than the minimum field is the same as setting it to unlimited."; 
     $tooltips['form_field_repeater_hideLabel'] = "If this is checked, the repeater label and description will not be shown to users on the form."; 
     return $tooltips; 

    function validate($value, $form) { 
     $repeater_required = $this->repeaterRequiredChildren; 

     if (!empty($repeater_required)) { 
      $dataArray = json_decode($value, true); 

      foreach ($form['fields'] as $key=>$value) { 
       $fieldKeys[$value['id']] = $key; 

       if (is_array($value['inputs'])) { 
        foreach ($value['inputs'] as $inputKey=>$inputValue) { 
         $inputKeys[$value['id']][$inputValue['id']] = $inputKey; 

      if ($dataArray['repeatCount'] < $this->min) { 
       $this->failed_validation = true; 
       $this->validation_message = "A minimum number of ".$this->min." is required."; 

      if ($this->max && $dataArray['repeatCount'] > $this->max) { 
       $this->failed_validation = true; 
       $this->validation_message = "A maximum number of ".$this->max." is allowed."; 

      for ($i = 1; $i < $dataArray['repeatCount'] + 1; $i++) { 
       foreach ($dataArray['children'] as $field_id=>$field) { 
        $inputNames = $field['inputs']; 
        $repeatSkips = $field['conditionalLogic']['skip']; 

        if (!is_array($inputNames)) { continue; } 

        if (is_array($repeatSkips)) { 
         if (in_array($i, $repeatSkips) || in_array('all', $repeatSkips)) { continue; } 

        foreach ($inputNames as $inputName) { 
         if (is_array($inputName)) { $inputName = reset($inputName); } 

         if (substr($inputName, -2) == '[]') { 
          $getInputName = substr($inputName, 0, strlen($inputName) - 2).'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i; 
         } else { 
          $getInputName = $inputName.'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i; 

         $getInputName = str_replace('.', '_', strval($getInputName)); 
         $getInputData = rgpost($getInputName); 
         $getInputIdNum = preg_split("/(_|-)/", $getInputName); 

         if (in_array($getInputIdNum[1], $repeater_required)) { 
          $fieldKey = $fieldKeys[$getInputIdNum[1]]; 
          $fieldType = $form['fields'][$fieldKey]['type']; 
          $failedValidation = false; 

          switch($fieldType) { 
           case 'name': 
            $requiredIDs = array(3, 6); 
            if (in_array($getInputIdNum[2], $requiredIDs) && empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; } 
           case 'address': 
            $skipIDs = array(2); 
            if (!in_array($getInputIdNum[2], $skipIDs) && empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; } 
            if (empty($getInputData)) { $failedValidation = true; } 

          if ($failedValidation) { 
           $this->failed_validation = true; 
           if ($this->errorMessage) { $this->validation_message = $this->errorMessage; } else { $this->validation_message = "A required field was left blank."; } 

    public function get_field_content($value, $force_frontend_label, $form) { 
     if (is_admin()) { 
      $admin_buttons = $this->get_admin_buttons(); 
      $field_content = "{$admin_buttons} 
          <div class=\"gf-pagebreak-first gf-pagebreak-container gf-repeater gf-repeater-start\"> 
           <div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-before\">begin repeater</div> 
           <div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-main\"><span>REPEATER</span></div> 
           <div class=\"gf-pagebreak-text-after\">top of repeater</div> 
     } else { 
      $field_label  = $this->get_field_label($force_frontend_label, $value); 
      $description  = $this->get_description($this->description, 'gsection_description gf_repeater_description'); 
      $hide_label   = $this->hideLabel; 
      $validation_message = ($this->failed_validation && ! empty($this->validation_message)) ? sprintf("<div class='gfield_description validation_message'>%s</div>", $this->validation_message) : ''; 
      if (!empty($field_label)) { $field_label = "<h2 class='gf_repeater_title'>{$field_label}</h2>"; } else { $field_label = ''; } 
      if ($hide_label) { $field_label = ''; $description = ''; } 
      $field_content = "<div class=\"ginput_container ginput_container_repeater\">{$field_label}{FIELD}</div>{$description}{$validation_message}"; 
     return $field_content; 

    public function get_field_input($form, $value = '', $entry = null) { 
     if (is_admin()) { 
      return ''; 
     } else { 
      $form_id   = $form['id']; 
      $is_entry_detail = $this->is_entry_detail(); 
      $is_form_editor  = $this->is_form_editor(); 
      $id     = (int) $this->id; 
      $field_id   = $is_entry_detail || $is_form_editor || $form_id == 0 ? "input_$id" : 'input_' . $form_id . "_$id"; 
      $tabindex   = $this->get_tabindex(); 
      $repeater_parem  = $this->inputName; 
      $repeater_start  = $this->start; 
      $repeater_min  = $this->min; 
      $repeater_max  = $this->max; 
      $repeater_required = $this->repeaterRequiredChildren; 
      $repeater_children = $this->repeaterChildren; 

      if (!empty($repeater_parem)) { 
       $repeater_parem_value = GFFormsModel::get_parameter_value($repeater_parem, $value, $this); 
       if (!empty($repeater_parem_value)) { $repeater_start = $repeater_parem_value; } 

      if (!empty($repeater_children)) { 
       $repeater_children_info = array(); 
       $repeater_parems = GF_Field_Repeater::get_children_parem_values($form, $repeater_children); 

       foreach($repeater_children as $repeater_child) { 
        $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child] = array(); 
        $repeater_child_field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $repeater_child); 

        if (!empty($repeater_required)) { 
         if (in_array($repeater_child, $repeater_required)) { 
          $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['required'] = true; 

        if (!empty($repeater_parems)) { 
         if (array_key_exists($repeater_child, $repeater_parems)) { 
          $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['prePopulate'] = $repeater_parems[$repeater_child]; 

        if ($repeater_child_field_index !== false) { 
         if ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['inputMask']) { 
          $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['inputMask'] = $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['inputMaskValue']; 
         } elseif ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['type'] == 'phone' && $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['phoneFormat'] = 'standard') { 
          $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['inputMask'] = "(999) 999-9999"; 

         if ($form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['conditionalLogic']) { 
          $repeater_children_info[$repeater_child]['conditionalLogic'] = $form['fields'][$repeater_child_field_index]['conditionalLogic']; 

       $repeater_children = $repeater_children_info; 

      if (empty($value)) { 
       $value['formId'] = $form_id; 
       if (!empty($repeater_start)) { $value['start'] = $repeater_start; } 
       if (!empty($repeater_min)) { $value['min'] = $repeater_min; } 
       if (!empty($repeater_max)) { $value['max'] = $repeater_max; } 
       if (!empty($repeater_children)) { $value['children'] = $repeater_children; } 

       $value = json_encode($value); 

      return sprintf("<input name='input_%d' id='%s' type='hidden' class='gform_repeater' value='%s' %s />", $id, $field_id, $value, $tabindex); 

    public function get_value_save_entry($value, $form, $input_name, $lead_id, $lead) { 
     $dataArray = json_decode($value, true); 
     $value = Array(); 

     for ($i = 1; $i < $dataArray['repeatCount'] + 1; $i++) { 
      foreach ($dataArray['children'] as $field_id=>$field) { 
       $inputData = Array(); 

       if (array_key_exists('inputs', $field)) { 
        $inputNames = $field['inputs']; 
        $repeatSkips = $field['conditionalLogic']['skip']; 

        if (is_array($repeatSkips)) { 
         if (in_array($i, $repeatSkips) || in_array('all', $repeatSkips)) { continue; } 

        if (is_array($inputNames)) { 
         foreach ($inputNames as $inputName) { 
          if (substr($inputName, -2) == '[]') { 
           $getInputName = substr($inputName, 0, strlen($inputName) - 2).'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i; 
          } else { 
           $getInputName = $inputName.'-'.$dataArray['repeaterId'].'-'.$i; 

          $getInputData = rgpost(str_replace('.', '_', strval($getInputName))); 

          if (!empty($getInputData)) { 
           if (is_array($getInputData)) { 
            foreach ($getInputData as $theInputData) { 
             $inputData[] = $theInputData; 
           } else { 
            $inputData[] = $getInputData; 
       } else { 
        if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_type($form, $field_id) == 'section') { $inputData = '[gfRepeater-section]'; } 

       $childValue[$field_id] = $inputData; 
      $value[$i] = $childValue; 

     return maybe_serialize($value); 

    public function get_value_entry_list($value, $entry, $field_id, $columns, $form) { 
     if (empty($value)) { 
      return ''; 
     } else { 
      $dataArray = GFFormsModel::unserialize($value); 
      $arrayCount = count($dataArray); 
      if ($arrayCount > 1) { $returnText = $arrayCount.' entries'; } else { $returnText = $arrayCount.' entry'; } 
      return $returnText; 

    public function get_value_entry_detail($value, $currency = '', $use_text = false, $format = 'html', $media = 'screen') { 
     if (empty($value)) { 
      return ''; 
     } else { 
      $dataArray = GFFormsModel::unserialize($value); 
      $arrayCount = count($dataArray); 
      $output = "\n"; 
      $count = 0; 
      $repeatCount = 0; 
      $display_empty_fields = rgget('gf_display_empty_fields', $_COOKIE); 
      $form_id = $this->formId; 
      $get_form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta_by_id($form_id); 
      $form = $get_form[0]; 

      foreach ($dataArray as $key=>$value) { 
       $tableContents = ''; 

       if (!empty($value) && !is_array($value)) { 
        $save_value = $value; 
        $value[0] = $save_value; 

       foreach ($value as $childKey=>$childValue) { 
        $childValueOutput = ''; 

        if (empty($display_empty_fields) && count($childValue) == 0) { continue; } 

        if (is_numeric($childKey)) { 
         $field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $childKey); 
         if ($field_index === false) { continue; } 
         $entry_title = $form['fields'][$field_index]['label']; 
        } else { 
         $entry_title = $childKey; 

        $entry_title = str_replace('[gfRepeater-count]', $repeatCount, $entry_title); 

        if ($format == 'html') { 
         if ($childValue == '[gfRepeater-section]') { 
          if ($media == 'email') { 
           $tableStyling = ' style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;background-color:#eee;border-bottom:1px solid #dfdfdf;padding:7px 7px"'; 
          } else { 
           $tableStyling = ' class="entry-view-section-break"'; 
         } else { 
          if ($media == 'email') { 
           $tableStyling = ' style="background-color:#EAF2FA;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold"'; 
          } else { 
           $tableStyling = ' class="entry-view-field-name"'; 

         $tableContents .= "<tr>\n<td colspan=\"2\"".$tableStyling.">".$entry_title."</td>\n</tr>\n"; 
        } else { 
         $tableContents .= $entry_title.": "; 

        if (is_array($childValue)) { 
         if (count($childValue) == 1) { 
          $childValueOutput = $childValue[0]; 
         } elseif (count($childValue) > 1) { 
          if ($format == 'html') { 
           if ($media == 'email') { 
            $childValueOutput = "<ul style=\"list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;\">\n"; 
           } else { 
            $childValueOutput = "<ul>\n"; 

          foreach ($childValue as $childValueData) { 
           if ($format == 'html') { 
            $childValueOutput .= "<li>".$childValueData."</li>"; 
           } else { 
            $childValueOutput .= $childValueData."\n"; 

          if ($format == 'html') { $childValueOutput .= "</ul>\n"; } 

         if ($media == 'email') { $tableStyling = ''; } else { $tableStyling = ' class=\"entry-view-field-value\"'; } 

         if ($format == 'html') { 
          $tableContents .= "<tr>\n<td colspan=\"2\"".$tableStyling.">".$childValueOutput."</td>\n</tr>\n"; 
         } else { 
          $tableContents .= $childValueOutput."\n"; 

       if (!empty($tableContents)) { 
        if ($format == 'html') { 
         if ($media == 'email') { $tableStyling = ' width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"'; } else { $tableStyling = ' class="widefat fixed entry-detail-view"'; } 
         $output .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\"".$tableStyling.">\n"; 
         $output .= $tableContents; 
         $output .= "</table>\n"; 
        } else { 
         $output .= $tableContents."\n"; 

     if ($count !== 0) { 
      if ($format == 'text') { $output = rtrim($output); } 
      return $output; 
     } else { return ''; } 

    public function get_value_merge_tag($value, $input_id, $entry, $form, $modifier, $raw_value, $url_encode, $esc_html, $format, $nl2br) { 
     $output = GF_Field_Repeater::get_value_entry_detail($raw_value, '', false, $format, 'email'); 
     $output = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $output); 
     return trim($output); 

    public function get_value_export($entry, $input_id = '', $use_text = false, $is_csv = false) { 
     if (empty($input_id)) { $input_id = $this->id; } 
     $output = rgar($entry, $input_id); 
     $output = GF_Field_Repeater::get_value_entry_detail($output, '', false, 'text', 'email'); 
     $output = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", ", ", trim($output)); 
     return $output; 

    public static function gform_hide_children($form) { 
     $form_id = $form['id']; 
     $repeaterChildren = Array(); 
     $grid_modified = false; 
     $grid_meta = GFFormsModel::get_grid_column_meta($form_id); 

     foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) { 
      if ($field->type == 'repeater') { 
       if (is_array($field->repeaterChildren)) { $repeaterChildren = array_merge($repeaterChildren, $field->repeaterChildren); } 
      } elseif ($field->type == 'repeater-end') { array_push($repeaterChildren, $field->id); } 

      if (!empty($repeaterChildren)) { 
       if (in_array($field->id, $repeaterChildren)) { 

        if (is_array($grid_meta)) { 
         $grid_pos = array_search($field->id, $grid_meta); 
         if ($grid_pos) { 
          $grid_modified = true; 

     if ($grid_modified) { GFFormsModel::update_grid_column_meta($form_id, $grid_meta); } 

     $form['fields'] = array_values($form['fields']); 

     return $form; 

    public static function gform_disable_ajax($args) { 
     $get_form = GFFormsModel::get_form_meta_by_id($args['form_id']); 
     $form = reset($get_form); 

     if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) !== false) { 
      $args['ajax'] = false; 

     return $args; 

    public static function gform_bypass_children_validation($form) { 
     if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) === false) { return $form; } 

     $repeaterChildren = Array(); 

     foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) { 
      if ($field->type == 'repeater') { 
       if (is_array($field->repeaterChildren)) { $repeaterChildren = array_merge($repeaterChildren, $field->repeaterChildren); } 

      if (!empty($repeaterChildren)) { 
       if (in_array($field->id, $repeaterChildren) && !$field->adminOnly) { 
        $form['fields'][$key]['adminOnly'] = true; 
        $form['fields'][$key]['repeaterChildValidationHidden'] = true; 

     return $form; 

    public static function gform_unhide_children_validation($form) { 
     if (GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form) === false) { return $form; } 

     foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$field) { 
      if ($field->repeaterChildValidationHidden) { 
       $form['fields'][$key]['adminOnly'] = false; 
       $form['fields'][$key]['repeaterChildValidationHidden'] = false; 

     return $form; 

    public static function get_field_index($form, $key = 'type', $value = 'repeater') { 
     if (is_array($form)) { 
      if (!array_key_exists('fields', $form)) { return false; } 
     } else { return false; } 

     foreach ($form['fields'] as $field_key=>$field_value) { 
      if (is_object($field_value)) { 
       if (property_exists($field_value, $key)) { 
        if ($field_value[$key] == $value) { return $field_key; } 

     return false; 

    public static function get_field_type($form, $id) { 
     $field_index = GF_Field_Repeater::get_field_index($form, 'id', $id); 
     if ($field_index !== false) { return $form['fields'][$field_index]['type']; } 
     return false; 

    public static function get_children_parems($form, $children_ids) { 
     foreach($form['fields'] as $key=>$value) { 
      if (in_array($value['id'], $children_ids)) { 
       if ($value['inputName']) { 
        $parems[$value['id']] = $value['inputName']; 
       } elseif ($value['inputs']) { 
        foreach($value['inputs'] as $key=>$value) { 
         if ($value['name']) { $parems[$value['id']] = $value['name']; } 
     if (!empty($parems)) { return $parems; } else { return false; } 

    public static function get_children_parem_values($form, $children_ids) { 
     global $wp_filter; 
     $children_parems = GF_Field_Repeater::get_children_parems($form, $children_ids); 

     if (empty($children_parems)) { return false; } 

     // Check the URL first 
     foreach($_GET as $url_key=>$url_value) { 
      $key = array_search($url_key, $children_parems); 
      if ($key !== false) { 
       $parems[$key][0] = $url_value; 
      } else { 
       $split_key = preg_split('/\D+\K/', $url_key); 
       $key = array_search($split_key[0], $children_parems); 
       if ($key !== false) { $parems[$key][$split_key[1]] = $url_value; } 

     // Then check the filters 
     foreach($wp_filter as $key=>$value) { 
      $split_key = preg_split('/^gform_field_value_+\K/', $key); 
      if (!empty($split_key[1])) { 
       $key1 = array_search($split_key[1], $children_parems); 
       if ($key1 !== false) { 
        $parems[$key1][0] = apply_filters($key, ''); 
       } else { 
        $split_key2 = preg_split('/\D+\K/', $split_key[1]); 
        $key2 = array_search($split_key2[0], $children_parems); 
        if ($key2 !== false) { $parems[$key2][$split_key2[1]] = apply_filters($key, ''); } 
     if (!empty($parems)) { return $parems; } else { return false; } 
GF_Fields::register(new GF_Field_Repeater()); 

Voici mon code complet – veronika


Modifier la ligne ...

public function get_field_input($form, $value = '', $entry = null) { 


public function get_field_input($form, $value = [], $entry = null) { 

Cela fera en sorte que si rien n'est transmis, que la valeur de $ sera créé comme un tableau.

Si le [] vous donne une erreur, alors changez-le en array() car cela dépend de la version de PHP que vous avez.


Salut, je résolus d'ajouter $value = array() dans la ligne 287.

if (empty($value)) { 
    $value = array(); 
    $value['formId'] = $form_id; 
    if (!empty($repeater_start)) { $value['start'] = $repeater_start; } 
    if (!empty($repeater_min)) { $value['min'] = $repeater_min; } 
    if (!empty($repeater_max)) { $value['max'] = $repeater_max; } 
    if (!empty($repeater_children)) { $value['children'] = $repeater_children; } 
    $value = json_encode($value); 

Ce travail est pour moi, je l'espère pourrait vous aider.