2010-12-07 5 views

Nous avons créé un composant WebPart personnalisé pour afficher les annonces de toutes les listes auxquelles un utilisateur a accès, en supprimant certaines. L'erreur que nous avons est que le webpart fonctionne bien sur la page pour les administrateurs, mais lors des tests avec des comptes d'utilisateurs réguliers, ils ne peuvent pas voir la page et reçoivent une erreur Accès refusé provenant de la partie Web elle-même. Uniquement lorsqu'un utilisateur est ajouté en tant qu'administrateur de la collection de sites, il peut voir la page et accéder à la partie Web. Ce que je voudrais un conseil sur est de savoir comment être en mesure d'appliquer des autorisations de lecture complètes à un groupe sélectionné dans le code lui-même.Sharepoint 2010 Custom Webpart - Accès refusé Erreur

est sous le code back-end

using System; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint; 

namespace Test.TestWebPart 

    public partial class TestWebPartUserControl : UserControl 
     //Global variable call 
     private SPSite thisSite = SPContext.Current.Site; 
     private SPWebCollection thisWeb; 
     private DataTable dt; 
     private SPListCollection siteLists; 
     private DataTableWrapper myDataTable; 

     //Occurs when the page loads 
     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //Pulls all the websites in the site into a webcollection 
      thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs; 

      //If the page is not postback call BindToGrid() 
      if (!Page.IsPostBack) 

     private void BindToGrid() 
      //Create a new DataTable along with the columns and headers 
      dt = new DataTable(); 

      //Call to populate the DataTable 
      dt = SelectData(); 

      //Populate DataTableWrapper class and get the type 
      myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt); 
      Type t = myDataTable.GetType(); 

      //Create a ObjectDataSource to hold data and bind to spgridview 
      ObjectDataSource ds = new ObjectDataSource(); 
      ds.ID = "myDataSource"; 
      ds.TypeName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName; 
      ds.SelectMethod = "GetTable"; 
      ds.ObjectCreating += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler(ds_ObjectCreating); 

      grid.ID = "gridID"; 

      BoundField column = new BoundField(); 
      column.DataField = "Title"; 
      column.HtmlEncode = false; 
      //column.SortExpression = "Title"; 
      column.HeaderText = "Title"; 

      BoundField column1 = new BoundField(); 
      column1.DataField = "Created"; 
      column1.HtmlEncode = true; 
      //column1.SortExpression = "Created"; 
      column1.HeaderText = "Created"; 

      BoundField column2 = new BoundField(); 
      column2.DataField = "List"; 
      column2.HtmlEncode = false; 
      //column2.SortExpression = "List"; 
      column2.HeaderText = "List"; 

      //Provide the SPGridview with the DataSource 
      grid.DataSourceID = "myDataSource"; 

      //grid.PageSize =10; 
      //grid.AllowPaging = true; 

      //Default Pagination - commented out due to not working 
      //grid.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(grid_PageIndexChanging); 
      //grid.PagerTemplate = null; 

      //Bind the data to the grid 


     //private void GenerateColumns() 


     //Used to deal with the PageIndexChange event 
     void grid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) 
      grid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; 

     //Used to deal with the ObjectCreated event 
     void ds_ObjectCreating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) 
      myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt); 
      e.ObjectInstance = myDataTable; 

     //Pulls the data from lists which will be displayed 
     public DataTable SelectData() 
       //Create a new instance of type DataRow 
       DataRow row; 

       //Loop through each website in the webcollection 
       foreach (SPWeb web in thisWeb) 
        //Pull the lists from the site into a list collection 
        siteLists = web.Lists; 
        //Display only lists the current user has access to 
        siteLists.ListsForCurrentUser = true; 

        //Loop through each list within the list collection 
        foreach (SPList list in siteLists) 

          //If the list is an announcement list continue otherwise skip 
          if (list.BaseTemplate.ToString() == "Announcements") 
           //Exclude the lists stated from those whose data will be collected 
           if (list.Title.ToString() == "Bulletins" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Curriculum" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Personal" || list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz - Support" || list.Title.ToString() == "Critical Annoucements") 
            //Create a item collection for each item within the current list 
            SPListItemCollection listItem = list.Items; 

            //Loop through each item within the item collection 
            foreach (SPListItem item in listItem) 
             //Get the url of the current website 
             string weburl = web.Url; 
             //Gets the URL of the current item 
             string dispurl = item.ContentType.DisplayFormUrl; 
             dispurl = list.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url; 

             //Joins together the full URL for the current item into a single variable 
             dispurl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?ID={2}", weburl, dispurl, item.ID); 
             //Create a new in the datatable as an instance of row 
             row = dt.Rows.Add(); 

             //Put the correct information and links into the correct column 
             row["Title"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + dispurl + "\">" + item["Title"].ToString() + "</a>"; 
             row["Created"] = item["Created"].ToString(); 
             row["List"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + list.DefaultViewUrl + "\">" + list.Title + "</a>"; 
       //Return the completed DataTable 
       return dt; 

      //Exception to catch any errors 
      catch (Exception s) 
       return dt; 



thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs; 

Ce code nécessite previliges d'administrateur. Exécuter sous Elevated previleges: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spsecurity.runwithelevatedprivileges.aspx


Merci pour la réponse, j'ai vu cela dans mes recherches. Le code ci-dessus est conçu pour vérifier les autorisations des utilisateurs par rapport aux différentes listes d'annonces. Je craignais donc que si nous utilisions des privilèges élevés, cela ne modifierait pas la façon dont cette partie du code vérifie les autorisations des utilisateurs par rapport aux listes d'annonces. puisque cela donnerait maintenant à l'utilisateur les permissions supplémentaires? – CoderMb


Juste pour ajouter au-dessus de cela, si le .AllWebs a été changé en seulement 1 site particulier, cela permettrait-il de fonctionner sans avoir besoin de donner des droits d'administrateur? – CoderMb


Oui, il n'aura pas besoin de droits d'administrateur alors. –


Sur la base des commentaires ci-dessus et vos changements, voici le code de travail complet, EnCase quelqu'un se demandait: -

using System; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint; 

namespace Test.TestWebPart 
    public partial class TestWebPartUserControl : UserControl 
     //Global variable call 
     private SPSite thisSite = SPContext.Current.Site; 
     //private SPWebCollection thisWeb;// 
     private SPWeb thisWeb = SPContext.Current.Web; 
     private DataTable dt; 
     private SPListCollection siteLists; 
     private DataTableWrapper myDataTable; 

     //Occurs when the page loads 
     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //Pulls all the websites in the site into a webcollection 
      //thisWeb = thisSite.AllWebs.;// 

      //If the page is not postback call BindToGrid() 
      if (!Page.IsPostBack) 

     private void BindToGrid() 
      //Create a new DataTable along with the columns and headers 
      dt = new DataTable(); 

      //Call to populate the DataTable 
      dt = SelectData(); 

      //Populate DataTableWrapper class and get the type 
      myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt); 
      Type t = myDataTable.GetType(); 

      //Create a ObjectDataSource to hold data and bind to spgridview 
      ObjectDataSource ds = new ObjectDataSource(); 
      ds.ID = "myDataSource"; 
      ds.TypeName = t.AssemblyQualifiedName; 
      ds.SelectMethod = "GetTable"; 
      ds.ObjectCreating += new ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler(ds_ObjectCreating); 

      grid.ID = "gridID"; 

      //Sorting, Filtering & paging does not work so has been commented out for now 
      //this.grid.AllowSorting = true; 

      //Bind the three columns to the SPGridView 
      //HtmlEncode must be false for the links to appear as true html 
      BoundField column = new BoundField(); 
      column.DataField = "Title"; 
      column.HtmlEncode = false; 
      //column.SortExpression = "Title"; 
      column.HeaderText = "Title"; 

      BoundField column1 = new BoundField(); 
      column1.DataField = "Created"; 
      column1.HtmlEncode = true; 
      //column1.SortExpression = "Created"; 
      column1.HeaderText = "Created"; 

      BoundField column2 = new BoundField(); 
      column2.DataField = "List"; 
      column2.HtmlEncode = false; 
      //column2.SortExpression = "List"; 
      column2.HeaderText = "List"; 

      //Has been commented out due to these sections not working 
      //grid.AllowFiltering = true; 

      //grid.FilterDataFields = "Title"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'"; 

      //grid.FilterDataFields = "Created"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'"; 

      //grid.FilterDataFields = "ListName"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression"; 
      //grid.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} like '{0}'"; 

      //Provide the SPGridview with the DataSource 
      grid.DataSourceID = "myDataSource"; 

      //grid.PageSize =10; 
      //grid.AllowPaging = true; 

      //Default Pagination - commented out due to not working 
      //grid.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler(grid_PageIndexChanging); 
      //grid.PagerTemplate = null; 

      //Bind the data to the grid 


     //private void GenerateColumns() 


     //Used to deal with the PageIndexChange event 
     void grid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) 
      grid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; 

     //Used to deal with the ObjectCreated event 
     void ds_ObjectCreating(object sender, ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) 
      myDataTable = new DataTableWrapper(dt); 
      e.ObjectInstance = myDataTable; 

     //Pulls the data from lists which will be displayed 
     public DataTable SelectData() 
       //Create a new instance of type DataRow 
       DataRow row; 

       //Loop through each website in the webcollection 

        //Pull the lists from the site into a list collection 
        siteLists = thisWeb.Lists; 
        //Display only lists the current user has access to 
        siteLists.ListsForCurrentUser = true; 

        SPBasePermissions perms = SPBasePermissions.ViewListItems; 

        //Loop through each list within the list collection 
        foreach (SPList list in siteLists) 
         if (list.DoesUserHavePermissions(perms)) 
          //If the list is an announcement list continue otherwise skip 
          if (list.BaseTemplate.ToString() == "Announcements") 
           //Exclude the lists stated from those whose data will be collected 
           if (list.Title.ToString() == "The Buzz" || list.Title.ToString() == "Test 2 list") 
            //Create a item collection for each item within the current list 
            SPListItemCollection listItem = list.Items; 

            //Loop through each item within the item collection 
            foreach (SPListItem item in listItem) 
             //Get the url of the current website 
             string weburl = thisWeb.Url; 
             //Gets the URL of the current item 
             string dispurl = item.ContentType.DisplayFormUrl; 
             dispurl = list.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url; 

             //Joins together the full URL for the current item into a single variable 
             dispurl = string.Format("{0}/{1}?ID={2}", weburl, dispurl, item.ID); 
             //Create a new in the datatable as an instance of row 
             row = dt.Rows.Add(); 

             //Put the correct information and links into the correct column 
             row["Title"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + dispurl + "\">" + item["Title"].ToString() + "</a>"; 
             row["Created"] = item["Created"].ToString(); 
             row["List"] = "<a target=_blank href=\"" + list.DefaultViewUrl + "\">" + list.Title + "</a>"; 
       //Return the completed DataTable 
       return dt; 

      //Exception to catch any errors 
      catch (Exception s) 
       return dt; 

SPWeb.GetSubwebsForCurrentUser() doit être utilisé. Il obtient SubWebs à laquelle l'utilisateur actuel a accès. Évitez d'utiliser ElevatedPriveleges jusqu'à ce que vous en ayez absolument besoin.

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