2017-10-19 42 views

J'essaye d'obtenir ces diagrammes de beignets avec l'anneau multiple fonctionnant. Ceci utilise d3js v4. Ceci est une continuation d'un autre post où cela fonctionnait dans v3(). Le chemin créé apparaît toujours M0,0Z. Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire où est-ce que cela se passe mal? Je reçois également Expected lenght NaN dans la console.Diagramme de donut en anneau multiple utilisant D3js v4

var dataset = [{ 
    "name": "Population Quater", 
    "code": "POP_QUATER", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "POP_CYQ1", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6772", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ2", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6716", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ3", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6714", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ4", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6703", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ1", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6721", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ2", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6671", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ3", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6708", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ4", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6734", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
}, { 
    "name": "Transient Pop", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "label": "Transient Pop", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ1", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "54", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ2", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "86", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ3", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "219", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ4", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "191", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ1", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "52", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ2", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "91", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ3", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "222", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ4", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "186", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
}, { 
    "name": "Seasonal Pop", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "label": "Seasonal Pop", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ1", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "2", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ2", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "24", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ3", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "152", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ4", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "55", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ1", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "2", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ2", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "22", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ3", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "161", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ4", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "55", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 

var width = 460, 
    height = 300, 
    cwidth = 25; 


var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20); 

var pie = d3.pie() 
    .sort(null).value(function(d) { 
    return d.value; //since score is the parameter for the pie 

var arc = d3.arc(); 

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") 
    .attr("width", width) 
    .attr("height", height) 
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + width/2 + "," + height/2 + ")"); 

var gs = svg.selectAll("g") 
var path = gs.selectAll("path") 
    .data(function(d) { 
    return pie(d.children); 
    .attr("fill", function(d, i) { 
    return color(i); 
    .attr("d", function(d, i, j) { 
    return arc.innerRadius(10 + cwidth * j).outerRadius(cwidth * (j + 1))(d); 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.11.0/d3.min.js"></script>



Je réécrit un peu de votre code. Vérifiez, maintenant cela fonctionne. Faites attention à étendre l'objet de données avec la propriété parentIndex lorsque je stocke l'index de l'élément de données en cours. Dans la version 3 de d3, vous pouvez obtenir l'index de l'élément de donnée parent en tant que troisième argument function(d,i,j) (j dans cet exemple), mais dans la version 4 de d3, le troisième argument n'est pas l'index.

var path = gs.selectAll("path") 
    .data(function(d, i) { 
    return pie(d.children).map(function(payload) { // <-- !!! 
     return { 
     payload: payload, 
     parentIndex: i 
    .attr("fill", function(d, i) { 
    return color(i); 
    .attr("d", function(d, i) { 
    return arc 
      .innerRadius(10 + cwidth * d.parentIndex) //<-- !!! 
      .outerRadius(cwidth * (d.parentIndex + 1))(d.payload); //<-- !!! 

var dataset = [{ 
    "name": "Population Quater", 
    "code": "POP_QUATER", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "POP_CYQ1", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6772", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ2", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6716", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ3", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6714", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_CYQ4", 
    "code": "POP_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6703", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ1", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6721", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ2", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6671", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ3", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6708", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "POP_LYQ4", 
    "code": "POP_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "POP_QUATER", 
    "value": "6734", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
}, { 
    "name": "Transient Pop", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "label": "Transient Pop", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ1", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "54", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ2", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "86", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ3", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "219", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_LYQ4", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "191", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ1", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "52", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ2", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "91", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ3", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "222", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "TRANSIENT_CYQ4", 
    "code": "TRANSIENT_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "TRANSIENT_POP", 
    "value": "186", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
}, { 
    "name": "Seasonal Pop", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "parent": "POP_BY_QUAT", 
    "label": "Seasonal Pop", 
    "children": [{ 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ1", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ1", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "2", 
    "label": "LYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ2", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ2", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "24", 
    "label": "LYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ3", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ3", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "152", 
    "label": "LYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_LYQ4", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_LYQ4", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "55", 
    "label": "LYQ4", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ1", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ1", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "2", 
    "label": "CYQ1", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ2", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ2", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "22", 
    "label": "CYQ2", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ3", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ3", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "161", 
    "label": "CYQ3", 
    "children": [] 
    }, { 
    "name": "SEASONAL_CYQ4", 
    "code": "SEASONAL_CYQ4", 
    "parent": "SEASONAL_POP", 
    "value": "55", 
    "label": "CYQ4", 
    "children": [] 

var width = 460, 
    height = 300, 
    cwidth = 25; 


var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20); 

var pie = d3.pie() 
    .sort(null).value(function(d) { 
    return d.value; //since score is the parameter for the pie 

var arc = d3.arc(); 

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") 
    .attr("width", width) 
    .attr("height", height) 
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + width/2 + "," + height/2 + ")"); 

var gs = svg.selectAll("g") 
var path = gs.selectAll("path") 
    .data(function(d, i) { 
    \t return pie(d.children).map(function(payload) { 
\t \t \t return { 
     \t payload: payload, 
     parentIndex: i 
    .attr("fill", function(d, i) { 
    return color(i); 
    .attr("d", function(d, i, j) { 
    return arc.innerRadius(10 + cwidth * d.parentIndex).outerRadius(cwidth * (d.parentIndex + 1))(d.payload); 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.11.0/d3.min.js"></script>


Merci Mikhail – SNT