2017-07-25 1 views

Trouvé this tutorial (lié à la dernière page) sur Codecademy, a décidé d'essayer ce sens moderne du déploiement et la configuration des applications js (décidé d'essayer ReactJS)Webpack module d'entrée non trouvé (par tutoriel)

étape par étape mise en oeuvre juste comme il a été dit, mais j'edened avec cette erreur (lorsque je tente de construire tout)

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html' in 'C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaround' resolve 'C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html' in 'C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaround' using description file: C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaround\package.json (relative path: .) Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration after using description file: C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaround\package.json (relative path: .) No description file found no extension Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html doesn't exist .js Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html.js doesn't exist .json Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html.json doesn't exist as directory C:\Users\temp1\Documents\Learn\ReactJS\playaroundapp\index.html doesn't exist

mine webpack.config.js:

/** webpack required stuff */ 
var HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); 

var HTMLWebpackPluginConfig = new HTMLWebpackPlugin({ 
     template: __dirname + 'app/index.html', 
     filename: 'index.html', 
     inject: 'body', 
     minify: { 
      removeComments: true, 
      collapseWhitespace: true, 
      removeAttributeQuotes: true 
     chunksSortMode: 'dependency' 

/** thing which traces stuff and transforms in teh better way with babel(?) */ 
module.exports = { 
    entry: __dirname + '/app/index.js', 
       test: /\.js$/, 
       exclude: /node_modules/, 
       loader: 'babel-loader' 
     filename: 'transformed.js', 
     path: __dirname + '/build' 
    stats: { 
      colors: true, 
      modules: true, 
      reasons: true, 
      errorDetails: true 
    plugins: [HTMLWebpackPluginConfig]  

En plus package.json:

    "name": "playaround", 
    "version": "1.0.0", 
    "description": "just test prj", 
    "main": "index.js", 
    "scripts": { 
    "build": "webpack", 
    "start": "webpack-dev-server" 
    "author": "", 
    "license": "ISC", 
    "dependencies": { 
    "react": "^15.6.1", 
    "react-dom": "^15.6.1" 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "babel-core": "^6.25.0", 
    "babel-loader": "^7.1.1", 
    "babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1", 
    "html-webpack-plugin": "^2.29.0", 
    "webpack": "^3.3.0", 
    "webpack-dev-server": "^2.6.1" 

J'ai pas la moindre idée ce qui est erroné ici. Comment venir?



On dirait la concaténation de chemin rate une barre oblique, essayez

var HTMLWebpackPluginConfig = new HTMLWebpackPlugin({ 
     template: __dirname + '/app/index.html', 

La façon sans doute mieux serait cependant d'utiliser le module utilitaire path (https://nodejs.org/api/path.html) comme ceci:

const path = require('path') 
template: path.join(__dirname, 'app', 'index.html') 

Cette rend concaténation de chemin moins et est indépendant de l'OS sujettes à erreur (barre oblique inverse vs slash sur windows vs * os à base nix)


oh, n'a pas pris celui-là, moi ^^bêtemerci beaucoup Matt! un slash était le cas! – DanilGholtsman