2012-01-19 4 views

Je dispose d'un ExpandableListView qui étend BaseExpandableListAdapter.Android: Comment faire un clic enfant dans ExpandableListView

Je souhaite ajouter une vue à un enfant lorsqu'un utilisateur clique dessus.

Comment puis-je obtenir la bonne position d'un enfant lorsqu'il est cliqué? (ou comment puis-je ajouter un enfant de plus).


Il est aussi évident que 'onChildClick (parent ExpandableListView, Vue v, int groupPosition, int childPosition long id) ' – st0le


un groupe ont "IsExpanded" variable booléenne dans \t "@Override \t publique Voir getChildView (int groupPosition, int childPosition, \t \t \t isLastChild booléen, Voir convertView, parent ViewGroup) {}" méthode .. y at-il une variable dans la vue enfant aussi –


ExapandableListview est seulement 1 niveau extensible, vous devrez implémenter votre propre NestedExpandableListview ... – st0le


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

     SimpleExpandableListAdapter expListAdapter = 
      new SimpleExpandableListAdapter(
        createGroupList(),    // Creating group List. 
        R.layout.group_row,    // Group item layout XML.   
        new String[] { "Group Item" }, // the key of group item. 
        new int[] { R.id.row_name }, // ID of each group item.-Data under the key goes into this TextView.     
        createChildList(),    // childData describes second-level entries. 
        R.layout.child_row,    // Layout for sub-level entries(second level). 
        new String[] {"Sub Item"},  // Keys in childData maps to display. 
        new int[] { R.id.grp_child}  // Data under the keys above go into these TextViews. 
      setListAdapter(expListAdapter);  // setting the adapter in the list. 

     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println("Errrr +++ " + e.getMessage()); 

    /* Creating the Hashmap for the row */ 
    private List createGroupList() { 
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); 
      for(int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; ++i) { // 15 groups........ 
      HashMap m = new HashMap(); 
      m.put("Group Item","Group Item " + i); // the key and it's value. 
      return (List)result; 

    /* creatin the HashMap for the children */ 
    private List createChildList() { 

     ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); 
     for(int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; ++i) { // this -15 is the number of groups(Here it's fifteen) 
      /* each group need each HashMap-Here for each group we have 3 subgroups */ 
      ArrayList secList = new ArrayList(); 
      for(int n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++) { 
      HashMap child = new HashMap(); 
      child.put("Sub Item", "Sub Item " + n);   
     return result; 
    public void onContentChanged () { 
    /* This function is called on each child click */ 
    public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition,int childPosition,long id) { 
     System.out.println("Inside onChildClick at groupPosition = " + groupPosition +" Child clicked at position " + childPosition); 
     return true; 

    /* This function is called on expansion of the group */ 
    public void onGroupExpand (int groupPosition) { 
      System.out.println("Group exapanding Listener => groupPosition = " + groupPosition); 
     }catch(Exception e){ 
      System.out.println(" groupPosition Errrr +++ " + e.getMessage()); 

Pour les personnes qui trouvent encore cette question, je trouve que la réponse soit:

listView.setOnChildClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener() { 

     public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) { 

      ExpandableListAdapter eListAdapter = (ExpandableListAdapter)parent.getExpandableListAdapter(); 
      ListItem item = (ListItem)eListAdapter.getChild(groupPosition, childPosition); 
      return true; 
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