2011-07-05 3 views

J'essaie de compiler le code C++ du serveur MC2 sur ubuntu10.10. lors de la configuration je reçois l'erreur suivante:Les paquets ne sont pas trouvés

[email protected]:~/Downloads/wayfinder-Wayfinder-Server-fbd75c3$ ./waf configure 
Checking for program g++     : not found 
Checking for program c++     : not found 
Checking for program icpc    : not found 
Checking for program c++     : not found 
Checking for program CC     : not found 
Checking for program tex     : not found 
Checking for program latex    : not found 
Checking for program pdflatex   : not found 
Checking for program bibtex    : not found 
Checking for program dvips    : not found 
Checking for program dvipdf    : ok /usr/bin/dvipdf 
Checking for program ps2pdf    : ok /usr/bin/ps2pdf 
Checking for program makeindex   : not found 
Checking for program pdf2ps    : ok /usr/bin/pdf2ps 
Checking for openssl      : ok 
Checking for cairo      : not found 
Checking for ImageMagick     : not found 
Checking for librsvg-2.0     : not found 
Checking for program mysql_config  : not found 
sh: mysql_config: not found 
sh: mysql_config: not found 
Checking for libmemcached    : not found 
Checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.1.0   : Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. 
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc' 
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable 
No package 'gtk+-2.0' found 

error: the configuration failed (see '/home/sonal/Downloads/wayfinder-Wayfinder-Server-fbd75c3/output/config.log') 

même si la plupart de ces paquets sont déjà installés.


devrait être mis sur http: // askubuntu. com /. –



essayer d'installer l'essentiel d'abord:

sudo apt-get install build-essential 

puis d'installer d'autres choses que vous pouvez utiliser:

sudo apt-get install PackageName 


sudo apt-get install ImageMagick 
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