2010-07-22 4 views

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Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on AndroidConfiguration d'un serveur bluetooth pc pour Android

D'accord, j'ai lu beaucoup de sujets les deux ou trois derniers jours et rien ne semble l'ai demandé.

Je suis en train d'écrire un serveur côté PC pour mon périphérique andriod, ceci pour échanger des informations et un débogage général. Finalement, je vais me connecter à un périphérique SPP pour contrôler un microcontrôleur.

J'ai réussi, en utilisant ce qui suit (Android au PC) pour se connecter au canal rfcomm 11 et échanger des données entre mon appareil Android et mon PC.

Méthode m = device.getClass(). GetMethod ("createRfcommSocket", nouvelle classe [] {int.class}); tmp = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke (périphérique, Integer.valueOf (11));

J'ai essayé la méthode createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord (UUID), sans aucune chance.

Pour le côté PC, j'ai utilisé la pile C Bluez pour linux. Je le code suivant qui enregistre le service et ouvre un socket serveur:

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    struct sockaddr_rc loc_addr = { 0 }, rem_addr = { 0 }; 
    char buf[1024] = { 0 }; 
    char str[1024] = { 0 }; 
    int s, client, bytes_read; 
    sdp_session_t *session; 
    socklen_t opt = sizeof(rem_addr); 

    session = register_service(); 
    loc_addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; 
    loc_addr.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY; 
    loc_addr.rc_channel = (uint8_t) 11; 
    bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&loc_addr, sizeof(loc_addr)); 
    listen(s, 1); 
    client = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&rem_addr, &opt); 
    ba2str(&rem_addr.rc_bdaddr, buf); 
    fprintf(stderr, "accepted connection from %s\n", buf); 
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); 
    bytes_read = read(client, buf, sizeof(buf)); 
    if(bytes_read > 0) { 
    printf("received [%s]\n", buf); 
    sprintf(str,"to Android."); 
    printf("sent [%s]\n",str); 
    write(client, str, sizeof(str)); 

    return 0; 

    sdp_session_t *register_service() 

    uint32_t svc_uuid_int[] = { 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 }; 
    uint8_t rfcomm_channel = 11; 
    const char *service_name = "Remote Host"; 
    const char *service_dsc = "What the remote should be connecting to."; 
    const char *service_prov = "Your mother"; 

    uuid_t root_uuid, l2cap_uuid, rfcomm_uuid, svc_uuid; 
    sdp_list_t *l2cap_list = 0, 
       *rfcomm_list = 0, 
       *root_list = 0, 
       *proto_list = 0, 
       *access_proto_list = 0; 
    sdp_data_t *channel = 0, *psm = 0; 

    sdp_record_t *record = sdp_record_alloc(); 

    // set the general service ID 
    sdp_uuid128_create(&svc_uuid, &svc_uuid_int); 
    sdp_set_service_id(record, svc_uuid); 

    // make the service record publicly browsable 
    sdp_uuid16_create(&root_uuid, PUBLIC_BROWSE_GROUP); 
    root_list = sdp_list_append(0, &root_uuid); 
    sdp_set_browse_groups(record, root_list); 

    // set l2cap information 
    sdp_uuid16_create(&l2cap_uuid, L2CAP_UUID); 
    l2cap_list = sdp_list_append(0, &l2cap_uuid); 
    proto_list = sdp_list_append(0, l2cap_list); 

    // set rfcomm information 
    sdp_uuid16_create(&rfcomm_uuid, RFCOMM_UUID); 
    channel = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &rfcomm_channel); 
    rfcomm_list = sdp_list_append(0, &rfcomm_uuid); 
    sdp_list_append(rfcomm_list, channel); 
    sdp_list_append(proto_list, rfcomm_list); 

    // attach protocol information to service record 
    access_proto_list = sdp_list_append(0, proto_list); 
    sdp_set_access_protos(record, access_proto_list); 

    // set the name, provider, and description 
    sdp_set_info_attr(record, service_name, service_prov, service_dsc); 

    int err = 0; 
    sdp_session_t *session = 0; 

    // connect to the local SDP server, register the service record, and 
    // disconnect 
    session = sdp_connect(BDADDR_ANY, BDADDR_LOCAL, SDP_RETRY_IF_BUSY); 
    err = sdp_record_register(session, record, 0); 

    // cleanup 
    sdp_list_free(l2cap_list, 0); 
    sdp_list_free(rfcomm_list, 0); 
    sdp_list_free(root_list, 0); 
    sdp_list_free(access_proto_list, 0); 

    return session; 

Et un autre morceau de code, en plus de « sdptool parcourir local » qui peut verifty que le dossier de service est en cours d'exécution sur le PC:

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    uuid_t svc_uuid; 
    uint32_t svc_uuid_int[] = { 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000 }; 
    int err; 
    bdaddr_t target; 
    sdp_list_t *response_list = NULL, *search_list, *attrid_list; 
    sdp_session_t *session = 0; 

    str2ba("01:23:45:67:89:AB", &target); 

    // connect to the SDP server running on the remote machine 
    session = sdp_connect(BDADDR_ANY, BDADDR_LOCAL, SDP_RETRY_IF_BUSY); 

    // specify the UUID of the application we're searching for 
    sdp_uuid128_create(&svc_uuid, &svc_uuid_int); 
    search_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &svc_uuid); 

    // specify that we want a list of all the matching applications' attributes 
    uint32_t range = 0x0000ffff; 
    attrid_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &range); 

    // get a list of service records that have UUID 0xabcd 
    err = sdp_service_search_attr_req(session, search_list, \ 
      SDP_ATTR_REQ_RANGE, attrid_list, &response_list); 

    sdp_list_t *r = response_list; 

    // go through each of the service records 
    for (; r; r = r->next) { 
     sdp_record_t *rec = (sdp_record_t*) r->data; 
     sdp_list_t *proto_list; 

     // get a list of the protocol sequences 
     if(sdp_get_access_protos(rec, &proto_list) == 0) { 
     sdp_list_t *p = proto_list; 

     // go through each protocol sequence 
     for(; p ; p = p->next) { 
      sdp_list_t *pds = (sdp_list_t*)p->data; 

      // go through each protocol list of the protocol sequence 
      for(; pds ; pds = pds->next) { 

       // check the protocol attributes 
       sdp_data_t *d = (sdp_data_t*)pds->data; 
       int proto = 0; 
       for(; d; d = d->next) { 
        switch(d->dtd) { 
         case SDP_UUID16: 
         case SDP_UUID32: 
         case SDP_UUID128: 
          proto = sdp_uuid_to_proto(&d->val.uuid); 
         case SDP_UINT8: 
          if(proto == RFCOMM_UUID) { 
           printf("rfcomm channel: %d\n",d->val.int8); 
      sdp_list_free((sdp_list_t*)p->data, 0); 
     sdp_list_free(proto_list, 0); 


     printf("found service record 0x%x\n", rec->handle); 


$ ./search 
rfcomm channel: 11 
found service record 0x10008 

Service Name: Remote Host 
Service Description: What the remote should be connecting to. 
Service Provider: Your mother 
Service RecHandle: 0x10008 
Protocol Descriptor List: 
    "L2CAP" (0x0100) 
    "RFCOMM" (0x0003) 
    Channel: 11 

Et pour logcat Je reçois ceci:

07-22 15:57:06.087: ERROR/BTLD(215): ****************search UUID = 0000*********** 
07-22 15:57:06.087: INFO//system/bin/btld(209):   btapp_dm_GetRemoteServiceChannel() 
07-22 15:57:06.087: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 #### 
07-22 15:57:06.097: INFO/ActivityManager(88): Displayed activity com.example.socktest/.socktest: 79 ms (total 79 ms) 
07-22 15:57:06.697: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 #### 
07-22 15:57:07.517: WARN/BTLD(215): ccb timer ticks: 2147483648 
07-22 15:57:07.517: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 #### 
07-22 15:57:07.547: WARN/BTLD(215): info:x10 
07-22 15:57:07.547: INFO/BTL-IFS(215): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 10 pbytes (hdl 14) 
07-22 15:57:07.547: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253):   dtun_dm_sig_link_up() 
07-22 15:57:07.547: INFO/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253): dtun_dm_sig_link_up: dummy_handle = 342 
07-22 15:57:07.547: DEBUG/ADAPTER(253): adapter_get_device(00:02:72:AB:7C:EE) 
07-22 15:57:07.547: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(88): pollData[0] is revented, check next one 
07-22 15:57:07.547: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(88): event_filter: Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/253/hci0/dev_00_02_72_AB_7C_EE 
07-22 15:57:07.777: WARN/BTLD(215): process_service_search_attr_rsp 
07-22 15:57:07.787: INFO/BTL-IFS(215): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 13 pbytes (hdl 14) 
07-22 15:57:07.787: INFO/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253): dtun_dm_sig_rmt_service_channel: success=0, service=00000000 
07-22 15:57:07.787: ERROR/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253): discovery unsuccessful! 
07-22 15:57:08.497: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 #### 
07-22 15:57:09.507: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 #### 
07-22 15:57:09.597: INFO/BTL-IFS(215): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 11 pbytes (hdl 14) 
07-22 15:57:09.597: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253):   dtun_dm_sig_link_down() 
07-22 15:57:09.597: INFO/DTUN_HCID_BZ4(253): dtun_dm_sig_link_down device = 0xf7a0 handle = 342 reason = 22 
07-22 15:57:09.597: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(88): pollData[0] is revented, check next one 
07-22 15:57:09.597: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(88): event_filter: Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/253/hci0/dev_00_02_72_AB_7C_EE 
07-22 15:57:09.597: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(88): Received intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED (has extras) } 
07-22 15:57:10.107: INFO//system/bin/btld(209): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 #### 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BluetoothService(88): Cleaning up failed UUID channel lookup: 00:02:72:AB:7C:EE 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 
07-22 15:57:12.107: ERROR/Socket Test(5234): connect() failed 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(5234): asocket_abort [31,32,33] 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 31, how 2 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_shutdown: fd (-1:31), bta -1, rc 0, wflags 0x0 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): __close_prot_rfcomm: fd 31 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): __close_prot_rfcomm: bind not completed on this socket 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): btlif_signal_event: fd (-1:31), bta -1, rc 0, wflags 0x0 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): btlif_signal_event: event BTLIF_BTS_EVT_ABORT matched 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(5234): wrp_close_s_only: wrp_close_s_only [31] (31:-1) [] 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(5234): wrp_close_s_only: data socket closed 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(5234): wsactive_del: delete wsock 31 from active list [ad3e1494] 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BTL_IFC_WRP(5234): wrp_close_s_only: wsock fully closed, return to pool 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): btsk_free: success 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 33 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(5234): asocket_destroy 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/ASOCKWRP(5234): asocket_abort [31,32,33] 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_shutdown: s 31, how 2 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_shutdown: btsk not found, normal close (31) 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_write: wrote 1 bytes out of 1 on fd 33 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: s 33 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: btsk not found, normal close (33) 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: s 32 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: btsk not found, normal close (32) 
07-22 15:57:12.107: INFO/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: s 31 
07-22 15:57:12.107: DEBUG/BLZ20_WRAPPER(5234): blz20_wrp_close: btsk not found, normal close (31) 
07-22 15:57:12.157: DEBUG/Sensors(88): close_akm, fd=151 
07-22 15:57:12.167: ERROR/CachedBluetoothDevice(477): onUuidChanged: Time since last connect14970690 
07-22 15:57:12.237: DEBUG/Socket Test(5234): -On Stop- 

Désolé pour Vous bombarder les gars avec ce qui semble être une question difficile et beaucoup à lire, mais j'ai travaillé sur ce problème pendant un certain temps et j'ai essayé beaucoup de choses différentes pour que cela fonctionne. Permettez-moi de réitérer, je peux le faire fonctionner, mais pas en utilisant le protocole de découverte de service. J'ai essayé plusieurs UUID différents et sur deux ordinateurs différents, bien que je n'ai que mon HTC Incredible à tester.

J'ai aussi entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles la pile BT ne fonctionnait pas sur le HTC Droid, mais ce n'est pas le cas, au moins, pour l'interaction avec un PC.


Salut Del Avez-vous résolu le problème, je suis également confronté au même problème – Haris



Le code d'enregistrement SDP est manquant. Et à cause de cela Android ne trouve pas le service offert.

Si vous ajoutez dans la fonction register_service() Code followin:

// set the Service class ID 
sdp_list_t service_class = {NULL, &svc_uuid}; 
sdp_set_service_classes(record, &service_class); 

Après ensemble des lignes de services généraux d'identification. L'appareil Android devrait trouver votre service.

Cela a fonctionné avec le Samsung Galaxy S avec le micrologiciel 2.2. Mais ne fonctionne pas avec Motorola Milestone avec 2.1-update1