2017-06-05 5 views

J'ai presque terminé mon jeu Tic-Tac-Toe. Toutefois, lorsque l'utilisateur entre un nombre supérieur à 33, je reçois l'erreur suivante:Tic-Tac-Toe Erreur lors de la gestion de Python

 while board[choice] != " ": 
"IndexError: list index out of range" 

Ma liste va seulement 0-33. Je ne sais pas comment éviter cette erreur si disons 50 est entré par erreur.


#Defining the board (The board is initally an empty list, which evenutally holds the user's data/input. 
#The desired user input of a x(column) and y(row) coordinate "1,2,3 by 1,2,3" is held by the associated list value point. 
#For example, "board[31] will hold either "X" or "O" when the user enters "31" (column 3, row 1) 
board = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", " ", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", " ", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", " ", " ", " "] 

#Defining the print_board function. This produces/prints the actual board in real-time for the console when needed. (When a user chooses an available block) 
def print_board(): 
    print (' 1  2 3 ') 
    print ('  | | ') 
    print ('1 '+board[11]+" | "+board[21]+" | "+board[31]+"") 
    print (' ----+----+----') 
    print ('  | | ') 
    print ('2 '+board[12]+" | "+board[22]+" | "+board[32]+"") 
    print ('  | | ') 
    print (' ----+----+----') 
    print ('  | | ') 
    print ('3 '+board[13]+" | "+board[23]+" | "+board[33]+"") 
    print ('  | | ') 

#Welcome message and instructions. 
print("Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe\n-----------------------\n")  
print("Please enter a column followed by a row, e.g, 22 equates to the middle box.") 
print(" 1 2 3 ") 
print("1 |  | ") 
print("2 | x | ") 
print("3 |  | ") 

#while True statement to start the game. 
while True: 
    #Firstly print the board 

    #Player "X" 
    #Player "X" input 
    while True: 
      choice = int(input("Please choose an empty space for X. (column,row) ")) 
     except ValueError: 
      print ("Error, Please enter a coordinate.") 


    #While loop, in case location is already taken. 
    while board[choice] != " ": 
      choice = int(input("Please choose an empty space for X. (column,row) ")) 
    if board[choice] == " ": 
     board[choice] = "X" 

    #Possible combinations for "X" to win.  
    if board[11] == "X" and board[21] =="X" and board[31] == "X" or \ 
     board[12] == "X" and board[22] =="X" and board[32] == "X" or \ 
     board[13] == "X" and board[23] =="X" and board[33] == "X" or \ 
     board[11] == "X" and board[12] =="X" and board[13] == "X" or \ 
     board[21] == "X" and board[22] =="X" and board[23] == "X" or \ 
     board[31] == "X" and board[32] =="X" and board[33] == "X" or \ 
     board[11] == "X" and board[22] =="X" and board[33] == "X" or \ 
     board[31] == "X" and board[22] =="X" and board[13] == "X": 
     print ("X wins! Congratulations") 
    #Displays the last move. 

    # True statement to identify a tie. If all locations are occupied then the game will result in a tie. 
    # isFull = True, is assuming the board is already full and a empty space " " will DISPROVE the True statement. 
    isFull = True 
    if " " in board: 
     isFull = False 

    if isFull == True: 
     print ("Tie") 

    #Player "O" 
    #Player "O" input 
    while True: 
      choice = int(input("Please choose an empty space for O. (column,row) ")) 
     except ValueError: 
      print ("Error") 


    #While loop, in case location is already taken. 
    while board[choice] != " ": 
      choice = int(input("Please choose an empty space for O. (column,row) ")) 
    if board[choice] == " ": 
     board[choice] = "O" 

    #Possible combinations for "O" to win. 
    if board[11] == "O" and board[21] =="O" and board[31] == "O" or \ 
     board[12] == "O" and board[22] =="O" and board[32] == "O" or \ 
     board[13] == "O" and board[23] =="O" and board[33] == "O" or \ 
     board[11] == "O" and board[12] =="O" and board[13] == "O" or \ 
     board[21] == "O" and board[22] =="O" and board[23] == "O" or \ 
     board[31] == "O" and board[32] =="O" and board[33] == "O" or \ 
     board[11] == "O" and board[22] =="O" and board[33] == "O" or \ 
     board[31] == "O" and board[22] =="O" and board[13] == "O": 
     print ("O wins! Congratulations") 

    # True statement to identify a tie. If all locations are occupied then the game will result in a tie. 
    # isFull = True, is assuming the board is already full and a empty space " " will DISPROVE the True statement. 
    isFull = True 
    if " " in board: 
     isFull = False 

    if isFull == True: 
     print ("Tie") 



Essayez d'ajouter ceci après la ligne 41 où vous demandez à l'utilisateur d'entrer:

while choice > 33 or choice < 0: 
    print('Invalid input. Try again.') 
    choice = int(input()) 

Il vérifie si l'entrée est en dehors de la plage de 0 à 33 et, le cas échéant , demande à l'utilisateur d'entrer à nouveau.