2009-06-22 11 views

J'ai un SessionBean et je veux charger des données à partir d'une classe InfoHolder appelée Benutzer. Mais ça ne marche pas.Session Bean ne fonctionne pas

* SessionBean1.java 
* Created on 21.06.2009, 16:03:41 

package egispartnerprofile; 

import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractSessionBean; 
import group52.infoholders.Benutzer; 
import javax.faces.FacesException; 

* <p>Session scope data bean for your application. Create properties 
* here to represent cached data that should be made available across 
* multiple HTTP requests for an individual user.</p> 
* <p>An instance of this class will be created for you automatically, 
* the first time your application evaluates a value binding expression 
* or method binding expression that references a managed bean using 
* this class.</p> 
* @author reBourne 
public class SessionBean1 extends AbstractSessionBean { 

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Definition"> 

    * <p>Automatically managed component initialization. <strong>WARNING:</strong> 
    * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted 
    * here is subject to being replaced.</p> 
    private void _init() throws Exception { 
    // </editor-fold> 
private String user; 
private Benutzer bntzr ; 
    * <p>Construct a new session data bean instance.</p> 
    public SessionBean1() { 

    * <p>This method is called when this bean is initially added to 
    * session scope. Typically, this occurs as a result of evaluating 
    * a value binding or method binding expression, which utilizes the 
    * managed bean facility to instantiate this bean and store it into 
    * session scope.</p> 
    * <p>You may customize this method to initialize and cache data values 
    * or resources that are required for the lifetime of a particular 
    * user session.</p> 

    public SessionBean1(Benutzer benutzer) { 
     this.bntzr = benutzer; 

    public void init() { 
     // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass 
     // Perform application initialization that must complete 
     // *before* managed components are initialized 
     // TODO - add your own initialiation code here 

     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Managed Component Initialization"> 
     // Initialize automatically managed components 
     // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified 
     try { 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      log("SessionBean1 Initialization Failure", e); 
      throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e); 

     // </editor-fold> 
     // Perform application initialization that must complete 
     // *after* managed components are initialized 
     // TODO - add your own initialization code here 

    * <p>This method is called when the session containing it is about to be 
    * passivated. Typically, this occurs in a distributed servlet container 
    * when the session is about to be transferred to a different 
    * container instance, after which the <code>activate()</code> method 
    * will be called to indicate that the transfer is complete.</p> 
    * <p>You may customize this method to release references to session data 
    * or resources that can not be serialized with the session itself.</p> 
    public void passivate() { 

    * <p>This method is called when the session containing it was 
    * reactivated.</p> 
    * <p>You may customize this method to reacquire references to session 
    * data or resources that could not be serialized with the 
    * session itself.</p> 
    public void activate() { 

    * <p>This method is called when this bean is removed from 
    * session scope. Typically, this occurs as a result of 
    * the session timing out or being terminated by the application.</p> 
    * <p>You may customize this method to clean up resources allocated 
    * during the execution of the <code>init()</code> method, or 
    * at any later time during the lifetime of the application.</p> 
    public void destroy() { 

    * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p> 
    * @return reference to the scoped data bean 
    protected ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() { 
     return (ApplicationBean1) getBean("ApplicationBean1"); 

    public // </editor-fold> 
    String getUser() { 
     return user; 

    public void setUser(String user) { 
     this.user = user; 


Cela ne fonctionne pas. Mais quand j'utilise bntzr ... alors rien ne marche plus:/ Y a-t-il un exemple non trivial?


Un excellent exemple de la façon dont le mélange des langages dans le code perturbe les lecteurs. Oh, et Achtung est un peu inapproprié de poser une question, en allemand et encore plus en anglais. – OregonGhost


Que voulez-vous dire en mélangeant des langues? sry .. pour l'Achtung:/ – darkrain


Benutzer sans aucun doute. Même si je sais ce que vous voulez dire, être flamand, il est difficile de tout mettre en contexte pour les lecteurs anglais. Imaginez lire un code source où les classes ont toutes, disons, des noms italiens. –



Utilisez ceci: group52.infoholders.Benutzer.

Y at-il des fonctions getter et setter, comme: public Benutzer getBenutzer() {return bntzr; } public void setBenutzer (Benutzer bntzr) {this.bntzr = bntzr; }