2010-12-08 5 views

Je travaille avec un objet qui retourne des informations dans un format comme le suivant ... J'ai supprimé certains détails où l'information devient un peu répétitive pour économiser de l'espace.Comment extraire les détails d'un objet PHP?

    [type:protected] => 1 
    [id:protected] => 4cff5974138c9 
    [hash:protected] => cd2a8393493a286cf1fe97d92a947719 
    [productData:protected] => 
    [productId:protected] => 28 
    [variationId:protected] => 0 
    [variationOptions:protected] => Array () 
    [quantity:protected] => 1 
    [originalOrderQuantity:protected] => 0 
    [name:protected] => Mac Pro 
    [basePrice:protected] => 2799.0000 
    [sku:protected] => 
    [wrapping:protected] => Array () 
    [configuration:protected] => Array () 
    [eventDate:protected] => Array () 
    [eventName:protected] => 
    [parentId:protected] => 
    [quote:protected] => ISC_QUOTE Object (
     [customerId:protected] => 
     [customerGroupId:protected] => 
     [discounts:protected] => Array () 
     [addresses:protected] => Array ( 
      [4cff2f55b0fcd] => ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS_SHIPPING Object (
       [shippingMethod:protected] => 
       [shippingCache:protected] => 
       [handlingCost:protected] => 0 
       [quote:protected] => ISC_QUOTE Object *RECURSION* 
       [type:protected] => shipping 
       [id:protected] => 4cff2f55b0fcd 
       [firstName:protected] => asd 
       [lastName:protected] => asd 
       [company:protected] => asd 
       [phone:protected] => asd 
       [email:protected] => [email protected] 
       [address1:protected] => asd 
       [address2:protected] => 
       [zip:protected] => 62990 
       [city:protected] => asd 
       [state:protected] => Array (
        [id] => 0 
        [iso2] => 
        [name] => asd 
       [country:protected] => Array (
        [id] => 99 
        [name] => India 
        [iso2] => IN 
       [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
       [customFields:protected] => Array () 
       [saveAddress:protected] => 
       [customerAddressId:protected] => 0 
      [4cff2f55cc2b6] => ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS Object (
       [handlingCost:protected] => 
       [quote:protected] => ISC_QUOTE Object *RECURSION* 
       [type:protected] => billing 
       [id:protected] => 4cff2f55cc2b6 
       [firstName:protected] => asd 
       [lastName:protected] => asd 
       [company:protected] => asd 
       [phone:protected] => asd 
       [email:protected] => [email protected] 
       [address1:protected] => asd 
       [address2:protected] => 
       [zip:protected] => 62990 
       [city:protected] => asd 
       [state:protected] => Array (
        [id] => 0 
        [iso2] => 
        [name] => asd 
       [country:protected] => Array (
        [id] => 99 
        [name] => India 
        [iso2] => IN 
       [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
       [customFields:protected] => Array () 
       [saveAddress:protected] => 
       [customerAddressId:protected] => 0 
     [coupons:protected] => Array () 
     [giftCertificates:protected] => Array () 
     [items:protected] => Array (
      [0] => ISC_QUOTE_ITEM Object (
       [type:protected] => 1 
       [id:protected] => 4cff2f55b11d2 
       [hash:protected] => 587e0ee453488554f782b20f3c928916 
       [productData:protected] => 
       [productId:protected] => 24 
       [variationId:protected] => 0 
       [variationOptions:protected] => Array () 
       [quantity:protected] => 3 
       [originalOrderQuantity:protected] => 0 
       [name:protected] => Apple iPod Socks 
       [basePrice:protected] => 29.0000 
       [sku:protected] => 
       [wrapping:protected] => Array () 
       [configuration:protected] => Array () 
       [eventDate:protected] => Array () 
       [eventName:protected] => 
       [parentId:protected] => 
       [quote:protected] => ISC_QUOTE Object *RECURSION* 
       [discounts:protected] => Array () 
       [isCustomPrice:protected] => 
       [addressId:protected] => 4cff2f55b0fcd 
       [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
       [inQuote:protected] => 1 
       [inventoryChecking:protected] => 1 
       [weight:protected] => 1.0000 
       [fixedShippingCost:protected] => 0.0000 
      [1] => ISC_QUOTE_ITEM Object (
       [type:protected] => 1 
       [id:protected] => 4cff58167d29f 
       [hash:protected] => 1da6aa898763172b8f7b9d8097d37f42 
       [productData:protected] => 
       [productId:protected] => 23 
       [variationId:protected] => 0 
       [variationOptions:protected] => Array () 
       [quantity:protected] => 1 
       [originalOrderQuantity:protected] => 0 
       [name:protected] => Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic 
       [basePrice:protected] => 79.0000 
       [sku:protected] => 
       [wrapping:protected] => Array () 
       [configuration:protected] => Array () 
       [eventDate:protected] => Array () 
       [eventName:protected] => 
       [parentId:protected] => 
       [quote:protected] => ISC_QUOTE Object *RECURSION* 
       [discounts:protected] => Array () 
       [isCustomPrice:protected] => 
       [addressId:protected] => 4cff2f55b0fcd 
       [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
       [inQuote:protected] => 1 
       [inventoryChecking:protected] => 1 
       [weight:protected] => 2.0000 
       [fixedShippingCost:protected] => 0.0000 
      [2] => ISC_QUOTE_ITEM Object *RECURSION* 
     [isSplitShipping:protected] => 
     [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
     [hasFreeShipping:protected] => 
     [appliedStoreCredit:protected] => 0 
     [appliedDiscountRules:protected] => Array () 
     [customerMessage:protected] => 
     [staffNotes:protected] => 
     [orderStatus:protected] => 0 
     [orderId:protected] => 
     [discountsEnabled:protected] => 1 
    [discounts:protected] => Array () 
    [isCustomPrice:protected] => 
    [addressId:protected] => 4cff2f55b0fcd 
    [cachedTotals:protected] => Array () 
    [inQuote:protected] => 1 
    [inventoryChecking:protected] => 1 
    [weight:protected] => 3.0000 
    [fixedShippingCost:protected] => 0.0000 

je besoin d'extraire des détails tels que ID, nom, etc. afin qu'il lit 4cff5974138c9, Mac Pro, etc., respectivement. Comment puis je faire ça?


tableau si illisible ... – pltvs



Vous devez appeler une fonction de cette classe (dont ISC_QUOTE_ITEM est un objet - dire MyClass) qui retourne la variable protégée

Il est accessible. J'avais raison

Vous aimez cette -

Ajoutez une fonction dans votre classe MyClass si vous ne possédez pas déjà un.

public function getName() 
    return $this->name; 

Et puis dans votre code, vous pouvez le faire: -

echo $obj->getName(); 

Lire http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php pour plus de détails sur la visibilité des types de variables


vous avez raison merci .. – sangeetha


vous êtes les bienvenus –


Vous pouvez le faire en utilisant la construction du réflecteur:

Exemple tiré de http://www.php.net/manual/en/reflectionclass.getproperties.php:

class Foo { 
    public $foo = 1; 
    protected $bar = 2; 
    private $baz = 3; 

$foo = new Foo(); 

$reflect = new ReflectionClass($foo); 
$props = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED); 

foreach ($props as $prop) { 
    print $prop->getName() . "\n"; 



Comme vous pouvez le voir également le $bar protégé est retourné :) Et jetez un oeil à http://www.php.net/manual/en/reflectionproperty.getvalue.php#98643 là il est montré comment retourner la valeur d'un attribut protégé.

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