2010-09-16 9 views

L'envoi du mot de passe a échoué. Mail server localhost a répondu: Impossible d'obtenir le dossier de courrier à /exchange/[email protected]/, Webdav pas disponible sur Exchange serveurConnexion de Thunderbird à Exchange via DavMail

Tel est le message du Thunderbird (et DavMail) montrez-moi quand j'essaie de me connecter. J'ai défini thunderbird comme le suggère le guide DavMail.

Dans le champ DavMail OWA, définissez l'URL https correcte (je veux dire "https://mail.domain.it/owa"), mais un problème survient.

Les informations d'identification spécifiées dans thunderbird semblent correctes. En utilisant la même chose sur le Web, l'accès fonctionne parfaitement.

Voici un extrait des journaux de DavMail:

2010-09-16 10:21:34,585 INFO [main] davmail - DavMail Gateway 3.8.4-1432 listening on SMTP port 1025 POP port 1110 IMAP port 1143 CALDAV port 1080 LDAP port 1389 
2010-09-16 10:21:35,084 DEBUG [CheckRelease] davmail.DavGateway - DavMail released version: 3.8.4-1432 
2010-09-16 10:21:47,711 DEBUG [davmail.pop.PopServer] davmail - Connection from / on port 1110 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,471 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - Found permanently accepted certificate, hash F6:FF:75:7E:55:61:52:9C:77:6D:B1:21:C3:38:E8:2C:13:C1:A4:C8 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,534 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - Test configuration status: 301 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,547 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > +OK DavMail POP ready at Thu Sep 16 10:21:48 CEST 2010 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,551 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - < CAPA 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,554 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > +OK Capability list follows 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,554 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > TOP 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,555 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > USER 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,555 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > UIDL 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,556 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > . 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,558 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - < USER USERNAME 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,559 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > +OK USER : USERNAME 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,561 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - < PASS ******** 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,755 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects(https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa) 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,788 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects: /owa/ redirectCount:1 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,836 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects: https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/auth/logon.aspx?url=https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/&reason=0 redirectCount:2 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,893 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - Form based authentication detected 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,916 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - Detected script based logon, redirect to form at https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/auth/logon.aspx?replaceCurrent=1&url=https%3a%2f%2fmail.DOMAIN.it%2fowa%2f 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,917 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects(https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/auth/logon.aspx?replaceCurrent=1&url=https%3a%2f%2fmail.DOMAIN.it%2fowa%2f) 
2010-09-16 10:21:48,980 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects(https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/auth/owaauth.dll) 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,003 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - executeFollowRedirects: https://mail.DOMAIN.it/owa/ redirectCount:1 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,134 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - Current user email is [email protected], alias is NAME.SURNAME, mailPath is /exchange/[email protected]/ 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,402 ERROR [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - 401 Unauthorized at /exchange/[email protected]/ 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,403 ERROR [PopConnection-53324] davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession - Unable to get mail folder at /exchange/[email protected]/, Webdav not available on Exchange server 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,403 ERROR [PopConnection-53324] davmail - Unable to get mail folder at /exchange/[email protected]/, Webdav not available on Exchange server 
davmail.exception.DavMailAuthenticationException: Unable to get mail folder at /exchange/[email protected]/, Webdav not available on Exchange server 
at davmail.exchange.dav.DavExchangeSession.getWellKnownFolders(DavExchangeSession.java:716) 
at davmail.exchange.dav.DavExchangeSession.buildSessionInfo(DavExchangeSession.java:429) 
at davmail.exchange.ExchangeSession.<init>(ExchangeSession.java:181) 
at davmail.exchange.dav.DavExchangeSession.<init>(DavExchangeSession.java:421) 
at davmail.exchange.ExchangeSessionFactory.getInstance(ExchangeSessionFactory.java:117) 
at davmail.pop.PopConnection.run(PopConnection.java:137) 
2010-09-16 10:21:49,405 DEBUG [PopConnection-53324] davmail - > -ERR Unable to get mail folder at /exchange/[email protected]/, Webdav not available on Exchange server 

J'ai trouvé quelque chose sur l'ajout d'une option pour info.plist mais je ne sais pas assez java pour comprendre ce qu'il faut faire et où faire Si quelqu'un peut aider, ce sera vraiment apprécié.



@thecrius, étant donné que Webdav n'est pas disponible sur votre serveur Exchange, vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser EWS (Exchange Web Services) à la place. Voici un thread sur les forums DavMail qui pourraient aider.

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