2017-10-11 10 views

Je tire des données d'un fichier CSV et trace les données. Je suis en train de tracer une série de signaux numériques, puis de mettre des points pour quand ils changent d'état. Maintenant, j'essaye d'ajouter quelques marqueurs de texte à quelques-uns des diagrammes. Semblable à ceci: Goal Digital PlotsAjouter une parcelle supplémentaire à la sous-parcelle intrigue python

Voici le code que j'ai en ce moment:

points = {'A':[X_SoC[8][1], Y_SoC[8][1]], 'B': [X_SoC[9][1], Y_SoC[9][1]], 'C' :[X_SoC[9][2], Y_SoC[9][2]], 
     'D' : [X_SoC[1][1], Y_SoC[1][1]], 'E': [X_SoC[10][1], Y_SoC[10][1]], 'F' :[X_SoC[10][2], Y_SoC[10][2]], 
     'G' : [X_SoC[11][1], Y_SoC[11][1]], 'H': [X_SoC[10][3], Y_SoC[10][3]], 'J' :[X_SoC[9][3], Y_SoC[9][3]], 
     'K' : [X_SoC[10][4], Y_SoC[10][4]], 'L': [X_SoC[8][2], Y_SoC[8][2]], 'M' :[X_SoC[7][4], Y_SoC[7][4]], 
     'N' : [X_SoC[9][4], Y_SoC[9][4]], 'P': [X_SoC[7][5], Y_SoC[7][5]]} 

pt_A = X_SoC[8][1] 
pt_B = X_SoC[9][1] 
pt_C = X_SoC[9][2] 
pt_D = X_SoC[1][1] 
pt_E = X_SoC[10][1] 
pt_F = X_SoC[10][2] 
pt_G = X_SoC[11][1] 
pt_H = X_SoC[10][3] 
pt_J = X_SoC[9][3] 
pt_K = X_SoC[10][4] 
pt_L = X_SoC[8][2] 
pt_M = X_SoC[7][4] 
pt_N = X_SoC[9][4] 
pt_P = X_SoC[7][5] 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 
    trace0.append(go.Scatter(x=df_lab["Time"], y = df_lab[Headers[i+1]], mode = 'lines', name = Headers[i+1])) 
    trace1.append(go.Scatter(x=X_SoC[i], y = Y_SoC[i], mode = 'markers', = 

trace1.append(go.Scatter(x = X_SoC[8][1], y = Y_SoC[8][1], mode = 
'markers+text', text = 'A', textposition = 'bottom')) 

print("The label 'A' should be at ", X_SoC[8][1], " and ", Y_SoC[8][1], " of the ninth graph down") 
fig = tools.make_subplots(rows = Num_Channels, cols = 1,shared_xaxes = True) 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 

#fig.append_trace(trace2, 9, 1) 

fig['layout'].update(height = 750, width = 950, title = 'Bit Timing!') 

J'ai essayé une variable trace2, cette dernière approche consiste à ajouter le tracé de point courant, mais il ne montre pas de toute forme ou forme. Mon but est d'essayer d'utiliser le dictionnaire pour pouvoir faire une boucle.

Comment ajouter le troisième tracé?




Eh bien, je pense, un programme, il est assez laid. Mais il fait ce que je cherche. Voici où je me suis retrouvé jusqu'à présent:

points = {'A':[X_SoC[8][1], Y_SoC[8][1]], 'B': [X_SoC[9][1], Y_SoC[9][1]], 'C' :[X_SoC[9][2], Y_SoC[9][2]], 
     'D' : [X_SoC[1][1], Y_SoC[1][1]], 'E': [X_SoC[10][1], Y_SoC[10][1]], 'F' :[X_SoC[10][2], Y_SoC[10][2]], 
     'G' : [X_SoC[11][1], Y_SoC[11][1]], 'H': [X_SoC[10][3], Y_SoC[10][3]], 'J' :[X_SoC[9][3], Y_SoC[9][3]], 
     'K' : [X_SoC[10][4], Y_SoC[10][4]], 'L': [X_SoC[8][2], Y_SoC[8][2]], 'M' :[X_SoC[7][4], Y_SoC[7][4]], 
     'N' : [X_SoC[9][4], Y_SoC[9][4]], 'P': [X_SoC[7][5], Y_SoC[7][5]]} 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 
    trace0.append(go.Scatter(x=df_lab["Time"], y = df_lab[Headers[i+1]], mode = 'lines', name = Headers[i+1])) 
    trace1.append(go.Scatter(x=X_SoC[i], y = Y_SoC[i], mode = 'markers', showlegend = False)) 

traceA = go.Scatter(x = [points['A'][0]], y = [points['A'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['A'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceB = go.Scatter(x = [points['B'][0]], y = [points['B'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['B'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceC = go.Scatter(x = [points['C'][0]], y = [points['C'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['C'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceD = go.Scatter(x = [points['D'][0]], y = [points['D'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['D'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceE = go.Scatter(x = [points['E'][0]], y = [points['E'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['E'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceF = go.Scatter(x = [points['F'][0]], y = [points['F'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['F'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceG = go.Scatter(x = [points['G'][0]], y = [points['G'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['G'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceH = go.Scatter(x = [points['H'][0]], y = [points['H'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['H'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceJ = go.Scatter(x = [points['J'][0]], y = [points['J'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['J'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceK = go.Scatter(x = [points['K'][0]], y = [points['K'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['K'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceL = go.Scatter(x = [points['L'][0]], y = [points['L'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['L'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceM = go.Scatter(x = [points['M'][0]], y = [points['M'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['M'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceN = go.Scatter(x = [points['N'][0]], y = [points['N'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['N'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 
traceP = go.Scatter(x = [points['P'][0]], y = [points['P'][1]], mode = 'markers+text', text = ['P'], textposition = 'left', showlegend = False) 

print("The label 'A' should be at ", points['A'][0] , " and ", points['A'][1] , " of the ninth graph down") 

fig = tools.make_subplots(rows = Num_Channels, cols = 1,shared_xaxes = True) 

for i in range(Num_Channels): 

fig.append_trace(traceA, 9, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceB, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceC, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceD, 2, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceE, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceF, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceG, 12, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceH, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceJ, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceK, 11, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceL, 9, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceM, 8, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceN, 10, 1) 
fig.append_trace(traceP, 8, 1) 

fig['layout'].update(height = 750, width = 950, title = 'Bit Timing!') 

Je suis définitivement ouvert aux idées pour l'améliorer.
