2010-05-20 4 views

dans ce comment peut tourner la voiture quand il va à collé avec le côté de la piste.course de voiture de jeu condition de collision

import flash.display.MovieClip; 
import flash.events.Event; 
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; 
import flash.text.TextField; 
import flash.ui.Keyboard; 
import Math; 

    * ... 
    * @author Ashok 
public class F1race extends MovieClip 
    public var increment:Number = 0; //amount the car moves each frame 

    public var posNeg:Number = 1; 
    public var acceleration:Number = .05; //acceleration of the car, or the amount increment gets increased by. 
    public var speed:Number = 0; //the speed of the car that will be displayed on screen 
    public var maxSpeed:Number = 100; 
    public var keyLeftPressed:Boolean; 
    public var keyRightPressed:Boolean; 
    public var keyUpPressed:Boolean; 
    public var keyDownPressed:Boolean; 
    public var spedometer:TextField = new TextField(); 
    public var carRotation:Number ; 
    public var txt_hit:TextField = new TextField(); 

    public function F1race() 
    carRotation = carMC.rotation; 
    //spedometer.x = 0; 
    //spedometer.y = 0; 
    txt_hit.x = 0; 
    txt_hit.y = 100; 
    //rotation of the car 

    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameFunction); 

    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed,false); 

    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased,false); 

    carMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, carOver_road) 


    public function carOver_road(event:Event):void { 

    /* if(!texture.hitTestPoint(carMC.x,carMC.y,true)) 

     txt_hit.text = "WRONG WAY"; 
     txt_hit.text = ""; 
    if (roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x - carMC.width/2, carMC.y,true)) 
    trace("left Hit" + carMC.rotation); 
    //acceleration = .005; 
    //if(carMC.rotation>90 || carMC.rotation>90 
    //carMC.rotation += 2; 
    if ((carMC.rotation >= 90) && (carMC.rotation <= 180)) 
    carMC.rotation += 3; 
    carMC.x += 3; 
    if ((carMC.rotation <= -90) && (carMC.rotation >= -180)) 
    carMC.rotation += 3; 
    texture.y -= 3; 
    if ((carMC.rotation > -90) && (carMC.rotation <= -1)) 
    carMC.rotation += 3; 
    texture.y -= 3; 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 

     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
    if (roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x + carMC.width/2, carMC.y,true)) 
    trace("left right"); 
    //carMC.rotation -= 2; 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 
     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
    if (roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x, carMC.y- carMC.height/2,true)) 
    trace("left right"); 
    //carMC.rotation -= 2; 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 
     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
    if (roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x, carMC.y+ carMC.height/2,true)) 
    trace("left right"); 
    //carMC.rotation -= 2; 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 
     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
    if ((!roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x - carMC.width/2, carMC.y, true)) && (!roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x, carMC.y- carMC.height/2,true)) && (!roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x, carMC.y+ carMC.height/2,true)) && (!roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x, carMC.y+ carMC.height/2,true))) 
    //acceleration = .05; 


    public function onEnterFrameFunction(events:Event):void 

    speed = Math.round((increment) * 5); 

    spedometer.text = String(speed); 
    if ((carMC.rotation < 180)&&(carMC.rotation >= 0)){ 
    carRotation = carMC.rotation; 
    posNeg = 1; 
    if ((carMC.rotation < 0)&&(carMC.rotation > -180)){ 
    carRotation = -1 * carMC.rotation; 
    posNeg = -1; 
    if (keyRightPressed) { 
    carMC.rotation += .5 * increment; 
    carMC.LWheel.rotation = 8; 
    carMC.RWheel.rotation = 8; 

    if (keyLeftPressed) { 
    carMC.rotation -= .5 * increment; 
    carMC.LWheel.rotation = -8; 
    carMC.RWheel.rotation = -8; 

    if (keyDownPressed) { 
    carMC.LWheel.rotation = 0; 
    carMC.RWheel.rotation = 0; 
    increment -= 0.5 * acceleration; 

     texture.y -= ((90 - carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.y = texture.y; 

     if (((carMC.rotation > 90)&&(carMC.rotation < 180))||((carMC.rotation < -90)&&(carMC.rotation > -180))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * (((((1 - (carRotation/360)) * 360) - 180)/90) * increment); 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
     if (((carMC.rotation <= 90)&&(carMC.rotation > 0))||((carMC.rotation >= -90)&&(carMC.rotation < -1))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * ((carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
     increment -= 1 * acceleration; 
     if ((Math.abs(speed)) < (Math.abs(maxSpeed))) { 

     increment += acceleration; 
     if ((Math.abs(speed)) == (Math.abs(maxSpeed))) 


    if (keyUpPressed) 
    carMC.LWheel.rotation = 0; 
    carMC.RWheel.rotation = 0; 
    texture.y -= ((90 - carRotation)/90) * increment; 
    roadless.y = texture.y; 

    if (((carMC.rotation > 90)&&(carMC.rotation < 180))||((carMC.rotation < -90)&&(carMC.rotation > -180))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * (((((1 - (carRotation/360)) * 360) - 180)/90) * increment); 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
    if (((carMC.rotation <= 90)&&(carMC.rotation > 0))||((carMC.rotation >= -90)&&(carMC.rotation < -1))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * ((carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
    increment += 1 * acceleration; 

    if ((Math.abs(speed)) < (Math.abs(maxSpeed))) { 
    increment += acceleration; 
    if ((!keyUpPressed) && (!keyDownPressed)){ 

    /*if (increment > 0 && (!keyUpPressed)&& (!keyDownPressed)) { 
     //texture.y -= ((90-carRotation)/90)*increment; 
     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
    if((increment==0)&&(!keyUpPressed)&& (!keyDownPressed)) 
     increment = 0; 
    if((increment<0)&&(!keyUpPressed)&& (!keyDownPressed)) 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 

    if (increment > 0) 
     increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 
     texture.y -= ((90 - carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.y = texture.y; 

    if (((carMC.rotation > 90)&&(carMC.rotation < 180))||((carMC.rotation < -90)&&(carMC.rotation > -180))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * (((((1 - (carRotation/360)) * 360) - 180)/90) * increment); 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
    if (((carMC.rotation <= 90)&&(carMC.rotation > 0))||((carMC.rotation >= -90)&&(carMC.rotation < -1))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * ((carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
    if (increment == 0) 
     increment = 0; 
    if (increment < 0) 
     increment += 1.5 * acceleration; 
     texture.y -= ((90 - carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.y = texture.y; 

    if (((carMC.rotation > 90)&&(carMC.rotation < 180))||((carMC.rotation < -90)&&(carMC.rotation > -180))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * (((((1 - (carRotation/360)) * 360) - 180)/90) * increment); 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 
    if (((carMC.rotation <= 90)&&(carMC.rotation > 0))||((carMC.rotation >= -90)&&(carMC.rotation < -1))) { 
     texture.x += posNeg * ((carRotation)/90) * increment; 
     roadless.x = texture.x; 

    public function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void 
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT) 

    keyLeftPressed = true; 
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT) 


    keyRightPressed = true; 
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP) 

    keyUpPressed = true; 
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN) 

    keyDownPressed = true; 

    public function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent):void 
    //increment -= 1.5 * acceleration; 

    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT) 

    keyLeftPressed = false; 

    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT) 
    keyRightPressed = false; 
    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP) 

    keyUpPressed = false; 

    if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN) 
    keyDownPressed = false; 



Bienvenue chez SO. Si vous indentez le code dans l'éditeur, il l'établit proprement. J'ai réparé ça pour toi. –



Je suppose ici que vous vérifiez la collision dans votre fonction carOver_road. Notez que je n'ai pas testé votre code, ni testé ma solution.

Maintenant vous vérifiez votre collision en utilisant les instructions conditionnelles suivantes:

if (roadless.hitTestPoint(carMC.x - carMC.width/2, carMC.y,true)) 

Selon combien vous voulez faire tourner votre voiture lorsque cette déclaration est vrai, vous faites simplement

carMC.rotation += num; //where num is a defined number. 

Bien sûr, tout dépend de l'endroit où votre voiture pointe. Mais vous avez déjà tout ce qui est défini dans votre fonction.

Mise à jour: basé sur une de vos questions précédentes, je me rends compte que ce dont vous avez besoin est essentiellement trouvé sur ce website. Quand la voiture heurte l'herbe, elle tourne pour ramener le joueur sur la route.


Soit num un nombre aléatoire dans l'intervalle [0, 360) ;-) –


tu as raison, il tourne pour ramener le joueur sur la route. –

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