2017-05-12 1 views



Ce que vous cherchez est ici:

ET ici:

# Query a property from the terminal, e.g. background color. 
# XTerm Operating System Commands 
#  "ESC ] Ps;Pt ST" 

oldstty=$(stty -g) 

# What to query? 
# 11: text background 

stty raw -echo min 0 time 0 
# stty raw -echo min 0 time 1 
printf "\033]$Ps;?\033\\" 
# xterm needs the sleep (or "time 1", but that is 1/10th second). 
sleep 0.00000001 
read -r answer 
# echo $answer | cat -A 
stty $oldstty 
# Remove escape at the end. 
echo $result | sed 's/[^rgb:0-9a-f/]\+$//'


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