2010-09-25 2 views

Je suis nouveau sur Ubuntu (et les scripts Python qui vont avec) et j'ai frappé cette erreur avec le script iTunesToRhythm. Je comprends le concept derrière la résolution du problème, mais je ne sais pas comment s'y prendre. J'ai regardé des réponses à des problèmes similaires mais aucun ne m'a vraiment aidé, d'autant plus que je n'ai aucune idée de ce que je fais. J'ai inclus le script complet ci-dessous. Merci d'avance, mecs qui en savent beaucoup plus sur ce truc que moi.AttributeError: l'objet 'NoneType' n'a pas d'attribut 'findSongBySize'

---- ---- iTunesToRhythm.py

import sys 
import platform 

if platform.system() == "Darwin": 
    from dumpitunesmac import iTunesMacParser, iTunesMacSong 

import libxml2 
import linecache 
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup 
from dumprhythm import RhythmLibraryParser, RhythmSong 
from dumpitunes import iTunesLibraryParser, iTunesSong 

def main(argv): 
    # process command line 
    options, args = processCommandLine(argv) 
    print "Reading input from " + args[0] 
    inputParser = getParser(args[0], options ) 
    print "Writing to output " + args[1] 
    destinationParser = getParser(args[1], options ) 

    #retrieve destination songs 
    allDestinationSongs = destinationParser.getSongs() 

    # go through each song in destination library 
    correlator = SongCorrelator(inputParser) 
    for song in allDestinationSongs: 
     print song.artist + " - " + song.album + " - " + song.title + " - " + str(song.size) 
     if song.size != None and song.size != "Unknown": 
      # find equivalent itunes song 
      match = correlator.correlateSong(song, options.confirm, options.fastAndLoose, options.promptForDisambiguate) 
      # update database, if match 
      if match != None and options.writeChanges == True: 
       if options.noratings == False: 
        song.setRating(match.rating ) 
        print "\t\t\tRating changed to " + str(match.rating) 
       if options.noplaycounts == False: 
        print "\t\t\tPlay count changed to " + str(match.playcount) 

    # dump summary results 
    print "\nSummary\n------------------------------------" 
    print "manually resolved matches = " + str(correlator.manuallyResolvedMatches) 
    print "full matches = " + str(correlator.fullMatches) 
    print "partial matches = " + str(correlator.partialMatches) 
    print "no matches = " + str(correlator.zeroMatches) 
    print "unresolved ambiguous matches = " + str(correlator.ambiguousMatches) 

    # save 
    if options.writeChanges == True: 
     print "Changes were written to destination" 
     print "Changes were not written to destination \n\tuse -w to actually write changes to disk" 

def getParser( file, options): 
    if file == "mysql": 
     print "\tassuming amarok database" 
     return AmarokLibraryParser(options.servername, options.database, options.username, options.password ) 
    if file == "itunes": 
     print "\tassuming itunes on the mac" 
     return iTunesMacParser() 

    desc = linecache.getline(file, 2) 
    if desc.find("Apple Computer") != -1: 
     #open itunes linbrary 
     print "\tdetected Itunes library" 
     return iTunesLibraryParser(file); 
    if desc.find("rhythmdb") != -1: 
     print "\tdetected Rhythm box library" 
     return RhythmLibraryParser(file) 

def processCommandLine(argv): 
    parser = OptionParser("iTunesToRhythm [options] <inputfile>|itunes|mysql <outputfile>|mysql|itunes") 
    parser.add_option("-c", "--confirm", action="store_true", dest="confirm", default = False, help="confirm every match") 
    parser.add_option("-w", "--writechanges", action="store_true", dest="writeChanges", default = False, help="write changes to destination file") 
    parser.add_option("-a", "--disambiguate", action="store_true", dest="promptForDisambiguate", default = False, help="prompt user to resolve ambiguities") 
    parser.add_option("-l", "--fastandloose", action="store_true", dest= "fastAndLoose", default = False, help = "ignore differences in files name when a file size match is made against a single song. Will not resolve multiple matches") 
    parser.add_option("--noplaycounts", action="store_true", dest= "noplaycounts", default = False, help = "do not update play counts") 
    parser.add_option("--noratings", action="store_true", dest= "noratings", default = False, help = "do not update ratings") 

    amarokGroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Amarok options", "Options for connecting to an Amarok MySQL remote database") 
    amarokGroup.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="servername", help = "host name of the MySQL database server") 
    amarokGroup.add_option("-d", "--database", dest="database", help = "database name of the amarok database") 
    amarokGroup.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", help = "login name of the amarok database") 
    amarokGroup.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help = "password of the user") 

    # parse options 
    options, args = parser.parse_args() 

    # check that files are specified 
    if len(args) != 2: 
      parser.error("you must supply 2 file names or 1 file name and the word mysql followed by database information. Specyfing itunes will use a running instance of iTunes on the Mac") 

    # make surce source & destination are not the same 
    if args[0] == args[1]: 
     parser.error("source and destination cannot be the same") 

    # we're ok 
    return options, args 

class SongCorrelator: 
    def __init__(self, parser): 
     self.parser = parser 
     self.zeroMatches = 0 
     self.fullMatches = 0 
     self.ambiguousMatches = 0; 
     self.partialMatches = 0; 
     self.manuallyResolvedMatches = 0; 

    # attempt to find matching song in database 
    def correlateSong(self, song, confirm, fastAndLoose, promptForDisambiguate): 
     match = None 
     matches = self.parser.findSongBySize(song.size); 
     matchcount = len(matches) 

     # no results 
     if matchcount == 0: 
      print "\t no matches found" 
      self.zeroMatches = self.zeroMatches + 1 
     # full match 
     elif matchcount == 1: 
      match = matches[0] 
      if match.title == song.title: 
       print "\t 100% match on " + self.dumpMatch(match) 
       self.fullMatches = self.fullMatches + 1 
       if fastAndLoose == False: 
        match = self.disambiguate(song, matches, promptForDisambiguate) 
        print "\t 50% match on " + self.dumpMatch(match) 
        self.partialMatches = self.partialMatches + 1 
     # multiple matches 
      print "\t multiple matches" 
      for match in matches: 
       print "\t\t " + self.dumpMatch(match) 
      # attempt a resolution 
      match = self.disambiguate(song, matches, promptForDisambiguate) 

     if confirm == True: 
      foo = raw_input('press <enter> to continue, Ctrl-C to cancel') 

     return match 

    def dumpMatch( self, match): 
     return match.title + ", playcount = " + str(match.playcount) + ", rating = " + str(match.rating) 

    def disambiguate(self,song,matches,prompt): 
     # attempt to disambiguate by title 
     print "\t looking for secondary match on title" 
     titlematchcount = 0 
     for match in matches: 
      if match.title == song.title: 
       titlematchcount = titlematchcount + 1 
       latstitlematch = match 

     if titlematchcount == 1: 
      # we successfully disambiguated using the title 
      print "\t\t disambiguated using title" 
      self.fullMatches = self.fullMatches + 1 
      return latstitlematch 

     if prompt == True: 
      print "\t\t cannot disambiguate. Trying to match " + song.filePath 
      print "Please select file or press <Enter> for no match:" 
      numMatch = 0 
      for match in matches: 
       numMatch = numMatch + 1 
       print "\t\t\t\t[" + str(numMatch) + "] " + self.dumpMatch(match) + ", " + match.filePath 

      selection = self.inputNumber("\t\t\t\t? ", 1, len(matches)) 
      if selection > 0: 
       self.manuallyResolvedMatches = self.manuallyResolvedMatches + 1 
       return matches[selection - 1] 

     # user did not select, record ambiguity 
     self.ambiguousMatches = self.ambiguousMatches + 1 
     return None 

    def inputNumber(self, msg, min, max): 
     result = raw_input(msg) 
     if len(result) == 0: 
      return 0 
      resultNum = int(result) 

      if resultNum < min or resultNum > max: 
       print "out of range" 
       return self.inputNumber(msg, min, max) 

      return resultNum 
      print "invalid input" 
      return self.inputNumber(msg, min, max) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 

Êtes-vous un programmeur ou un utilisateur de ce script? Ce site est pour la programmation des questions, pas "Comment utiliser l'application X?". Pour cela, essayez superuser.com par exemple. –


'si match! = None' est mauvais. Vous devriez utiliser 'if match is not None' à la place. Utilisez toujours 'is' (comparaison d'identité) pour None. Comparer un bool à True est également inutile, juste faire '... et options.writeChanges',' sinon options.noratings', etc. – Daenyth


Juste un utilisateur pour l'instant mais je me suis dit que je devrais apprendre à réparer ces erreurs et après Regarder autour de lui semblait être le meilleur endroit pour répondre à ma question. Je vais certainement essayer superuser.com dans le futur. Merci! – Amy



Votre problème semble être que getParser est de retour None, probablement parce que toutes les conditions ont si échoué.

Vérifiez que args[0] et options sont les valeurs attendues.

Je suggérerais de lever une exception à la fin de la méthode getParser si les arguments ne sont pas valides de sorte que l'erreur soit levée plus près de la cause du problème plutôt dans un code non apparent beaucoup plus tard.


Je suis le développeur d'origine. J'ai mis à jour le script pour lancer une exception si le format de fichier n'est pas reconnu (je pense que c'est ce que vous utilisez). J'ai également incorporé quelques patches utiles d'un autre utilisateur.

Veuillez télécharger les fichiers à nouveau et envoyez-moi un courriel si vous avez encore des problèmes.


Merci pour la mise à jour si rapidement :) – Daenyth


Rockin, merci Doug! Et merci d'avoir écrit ce script !! – Amy

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