2008-08-29 4 views

Je dois imprimer les numéros naturels. 1,2, ... n tel que le processus parent imprime tous les nombres impairs et que le processus enfant imprime tous les nombres pairs, et tout cela doit être fait en utilisant des signaux POSIX. Comment pourrais-je y arriver?Impression de nombres impairs à l'aide de signaux

La sortie doit être:

Parent: 1
enfant: 2
Parent: 3



Je pense que ce devoir à la maison vous a été donné pour vous faire essayer beaucoup de la solution et de conclure par vous-même que signaux ne sont pas une bonne technique de synchronisation.

Ceci est une leçon inestimable, souvenez-vous-en bien et utilisez les sémaphores à partir de maintenant! :)


Il serait probablement plus avantageux pour vous fournir ce que vous avez à ce jour et expliquer ce qui ne fonctionne pas comme prévu, mais voici ce que je suis venu avec:

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <sys/types.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <signal.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 


/* The ready flag is set when READY_SIGNAL is received. 
* It is needed so that when we wake up from sigsuspend 
* we know whether or not the signal received was READY_SIGNAL. */ 
volatile sig_atomic_t ready; 
void make_ready(int i) { ready = 1; } 

main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
    pid_t cpid, ppid; /* pids of the child and parent */ 
    /* Signal masks for sigprocmask and sigsuspend */ 
    sigset_t block_mask, wait_mask; 
    unsigned long c = 1; /* The counter */ 
    unsigned long n = 100; /* The default max count value */ 
    struct sigaction act; 

    /* Override the default max count if provided */ 
    if (argv[1]) 
    n = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); 

    /* Prepare signal masks */ 
    sigaddset(&block_mask, READY_SIGNAL); 

    /* Set the signal mask for the parent to ignore READY_SIGNAL until 
    * we are ready to receive it, the mask will be inherited by the child, 
    * needed to avoid race conditions */ 
    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block_mask, NULL); 

    /* Register the signal handler, will be inherited by the child */ 
    act.sa_flags = 0; 
    act.sa_handler = make_ready; 
    sigaction(READY_SIGNAL, &act, NULL); 

    /* Get the parent's process id, needed for the child to send signals 
    * to the parent process, could alternatively use getppid in the child */ 
    ppid = getpid(); 

    /* Call fork, storing the child's process id needed for the parent to 
    * send signals to the child */ 
    cpid = fork(); 

    if (cpid < 0) { 
    perror("Fork failed"); 

    if (cpid == 0) { 
    /* Child */ 
    c = 2; /* Child's first number will always be 2 */ 
    if (c > n) exit(0); /* If c > n we have nothing to do */ 

    do { 
     /* Suspend until we receive READY_SIGNAL */ 
     while (!ready) sigsuspend(&wait_mask); 

     /* Print out number, flush for proper output sequencing when output 
     is not a terminal. */ 
     printf("Child: %lu\n", c); 

     ready = 0; /* Reset ready flag */ 
     c += 2; /* Increment counter */ 

     /* Wake up parent process */ 
     kill(ppid, READY_SIGNAL); 
    } while (c <= n); 
    } else { 
    /* Parent */ 
    for (;;) { 
     /* Print out number, flush for proper output sequencing when output 
     is not a terminal. */ 
     printf("Parent: %lu\n", c); 

     c += 2; /* Increment counter */ 

     kill(cpid, READY_SIGNAL); /* Wake up child process */ 

     if (c > n) break; /* Don't go back to sleep if we are done */ 

     ready = 0; /* Reset ready flag */ 

     /* Suspend until we receive READY_SIGNAL */ 
     while (!ready) sigsuspend(&wait_mask); 

    wait4(cpid, NULL, 0); /* Don't exist before child finishes */ 

    return 0; 

Ceci passe ces tests de base :

./print_with_signals 100000|sort -n -k 2 -c && echo "Success"
./print_with_signals 100001|sort -n -k 2 -c && echo "Success"