2012-08-05 2 views


osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to set lyrics of current track to "hoho"' 

Merci à regulus6633

Et comme un script cli

#!/usr/bin/env osascript 
-- update_lyrics <track persisten ID> <lyric file> 

on run argv 
     set trackPersistentID to item 1 of argv 
     set lyricsFile to item 2 of argv 

     -- use awk to strip leading empty lines 
     set cmdString to "cat " & lyricsFile & " | awk 'p;/^#+$/{p=1}'" 
     set newLyrics to do shell script cmdString 
    on error 
     return "update_lyrics <trackID> <lyricsFile>" 
    end try 

    tell application "iTunes" 
     set mainLibrary to library playlist 1 
      set foundTrack to (first file track of mainLibrary whose persistent ID = trackPersistentID) 

      set lyrics of foundTrack to newLyrics 

     on error err_mess 
      log err_mess 
     end try 
    end tell 
end run 

Je suis content que vous l'ayez réussi! – regulus6633

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