2017-04-10 3 views

J'ai un React.Component qui utilise un redux actions this.props.setFacebookToken(accessToken) pour définir une variable. Comment testeriez-vous ce genre de comportement?Comment faire pour simuler des actions redux avec Jest

Voici mon composant:

export default class FacebookButtonConnect extends Component { 
    constructor(props) { 

    async _onFacebookButtonPress() { 
    try { 
     ... // fetching credentials from Facebook 
    } catch (err) { 
     throw err; 

J'utilise Jest pour les tests unitaires.



Tenir compte de l'essai plaisanterie suivante de Cory House, compris dans react-slingshot, qui teste ce redux action:

import * as ActionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes'; 
import * as ActionCreators from './fuelSavingsActions'; 

import MockDate from 'mockdate'; 

import {getFormattedDateTime} from '../utils/dateHelper'; 

describe('Actions',() => { 
    let dateModified; 
    beforeAll(() => { 
    MockDate.set(new Date()); 
    dateModified = getFormattedDateTime(); 
    afterAll(() => MockDate.reset()); 

    const appState = { 
    newMpg: 20, 
    tradeMpg: 10, 
    newPpg: 1.50, 
    tradePpg: 1.50, 
    milesDriven: 100, 
    milesDrivenTimeframe: 'week', 
    displayResults: false, 
    dateModified: null, 
    necessaryDataIsProvidedToCalculateSavings: false, 
    savings: { 
     monthly: 0, 
     annual: 0, 
     threeYear: 0 

    it('should create an action to save fuel savings',() => { 
    const dispatch = jest.fn(); 
    const expected = { 
     type: ActionTypes.SAVE_FUEL_SAVINGS, 
     settings: appState 

    // we expect this to return a function since it is a thunk 
    expect(typeof (ActionCreators.saveFuelSavings(appState))).toEqual('function'); 
    // then we simulate calling it with dispatch as the store would do 
    // finally assert that the dispatch was called with our expected action 

    it('should create an action to calculate fuel savings',() => { 
    const fieldName = 'newMpg'; 
    const value = 100; 
    const actual = ActionCreators.calculateFuelSavings(appState, fieldName, value); 
    const expected = { 
     type: ActionTypes.CALCULATE_FUEL_SAVINGS, 
     settings: appState, 

    expect(actual).toEqual(expected); // Notice use of deep because it's a nested object 
    // expect(actual).to.equal(expected); // Fails. Not deeply equal 

Une différence de votre code est que vous testez une méthode async, donc également envisager this jest async test example.


merci John, je vais tester votre réponse :) – TimothePearce