2011-09-20 3 views

J'utilise ce plugin de Get Hifi dans mon code. J'essaye de reproduire l'animation de fadeIn sur fadeOut mais je ne peux pas sembler la casser. J'ai posté le script et les paramètres pour cela ci-dessous. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir s'il y a un moyen de le faire, ou si quelqu'un a eu un problème similaire et résolu. Désolé je ne peux pas poster un lien c'est un projet interne. VivePlugin jQuery pour les cartes interactives zoomables


* Copyright (C) 2009 Joel Sutherland. 
* Liscenced under the MIT liscense 
* TODO: 
* 1. Create API 
* 2. Address accesibility automatically 
* 3. Make object oriented 
(function($) { 
$.fn.zoommap = function(settings) { 
    settings = $.extend({ 
     zoomDuration: 100, 
     zoomClass: 'zoomable', 
     popupSelector: 'div.popup', 
     popupCloseSelector: 'a.close', 
     bulletWidthOffset: '10px', 
     bulletHeightOffset: '10px', 
     showReturnLink: true, 
     returnId: 'returnlink', 
     returnText: 'Return to Previous Map' 
    }, settings); 

     var map = $(this); 
     $(this).data('currentId', ''); 

     /******* Show Map by ID ************/ 
     $(this).bind('showMap', function(e, id, value){ 
      //return this? 
     function showMapById(id){ 
      var region = findRegion(settings.map, id); 
      if(region != -1){ 

     // recursive id find 
     function findRegion(root, id){ 
      if(root.id == id){ 
       return root; 
       if(root.maps != undefined){ 
        for(var i=0; i<root.maps.length; i++){ 
         return findRegion(root.maps[i], id); 
      return -1; 

     // region is a map 
     // This gets called every time we zoom 
     function displayMap(region){ 
      //Set Current Region Id 
      $(this).data('currentId', region.id); 

      //Clear the Map and Set the Background Image 
       backgroundImage: 'url(' + region.image + ')', 
       width: settings.width, 
       height: settings.height 

      //Load RegionData 

     //Show Return Link 
     function showReturnLink(region){ 
      map.append('<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="' + settings.returnId + '">' + settings.returnText + '</a>'); 
      $('#' + settings.returnId).hide().fadeIn().click(function(){ 

     //Load the Bullets 
     function loadRegionData(region){ 
      var url = region.data; 
      map.load(url, {}, function(){ 
       //place bullets 
        var coords = $(this).attr('rel').split('-'); 
        $(this).css({left: addpx(Number(coords[0]) - rempx(settings.bulletWidthOffset)), top: addpx(Number(coords[1]) - rempx(settings.bulletHeightOffset))}) 
       //Set up each submap as an item to click 
       if(region.maps != undefined){ 
        for(var i=0; i<region.maps.length; i++){ 
       //Create Return Link 
       if(settings.showReturnLink && region.parent != undefined){ 

     function showPopup(id, leftbul, topbul){ 
      var boxid = '#' + id + '-box'; 


     //add a clickable image for a region on the current map 
     function addZoom(region){ 
      $('<img />').addClass(settings.zoomClass) 
        src: settings.blankImage, 
        id: region.id 
        position: 'absolute', 
        width: region.width, 
        height: region.height, 
        top: region.top, 
        left: region.left, 
        cursor: 'pointer' 
        //hide neighboring bullets and zoomables 
        var width = settings.width; 
        var height = settings.height; 
         width = region.scanwidth; 
         height = region.scanheight; 
              width: width, 
              height: height, 
              top: '0px', 
              left: '0px' 
             }, settings.zoomDuration, '', function(){ 
        $(this).hide().attr('src', region.image); 

     function rempx(string){ 
      return Number(string.substring(0, (string.length - 2))); 

     function addpx(string){ 
      return string + 'px'; 

     function showHash(string){ 
      string = string.replace('#', ''); 

     //initialize map 
     var hash = self.document.location.hash; 
     if(hash.length > 0) 

     return this; 

}) (jQuery);



/* Show jQuery is running */ 
$('h1').css({textDecoration: 'underline'}); 

    // Width and Height of the Map 
    width: '437px', 
    height: '611px', 

    //Misc Settings 
    blankImage: 'images/blank.gif', 
    zoomDuration: 500, 
    bulletWidthOffset: '10px', 
    bulletHeightOffset: '10px', 

    //ids and classes 
    zoomClass: 'zoomable', 
    popupSelector: 'div.popup', 
    popupCloseSelector: 'a.close', 

    //Return to Parent Map Link 
    showReturnLink: true, 
    returnId: 'returnlink', 
    returnText: 'return to main map', 

    //Initial Region to be shown 
    map: { 
     id: 'north_island', 
     image: 'images/nz-map.jpg', 
     data: 'map_data/north_island.html', 
     maps: [ 
      id: 'south_island', 
      parent: 'north_island', 
      image: 'images/nz-map-auckland.jpg', 
      data: 'map_data/south_island.html', 
      width: '200px', 
      height: '232px', 
      top: '18px', 
      left: '176px' 
      /* More maps can be nested 
      maps : [ ] 




Je fini par utiliser un script d'un autre site qui a utilisé le même plug-in.

* Copyright (C) 2009 Joel Sutherland 
* Licenced under the MIT license 
(function($) { 
$.fn.zoommap = function(settings) { 
    settings = $.extend({ 
     // Width and Height of the Map Area 
     width: '437px', 
     height: '611px', 

     //Misc Settings 
     blankImage: 'images/blank.gif', 
     loadingImage: 'images/blank.gif', 
     fadeDuration: 500, 
     zoomDuration: 1000, 

     //ids and classes 
     bulletClass: 'zoomable', 
     popupSelector: 'div.popup', 
     popupCloseSelector: 'a.close', 

     //Return to Initial Region Link 
     homeId: 'homelink', 
     homeText: 'Return to Full Map', 

     //Initial Region to be shown 
     initialRegion: {}, 

     //Zoomable Regions 
     zoomableRegions: [] 
    }, settings); 

    var map = $(this); 

    //Set up initial Map Area and the initial region that is shown 
    function initializeMap(){ 
     map.fadeOut(settings.fadeDuration, function(){ 
       width: settings.width, 
       height: settings.height, 
       backgroundImage: 'url(' + settings.initialRegion.image + ')', 
       position: 'relative' 
      loadBullets(settings.initialRegion, false); 

    //Load the Bullets 
    function loadBullets(region, showHomeLink){ 
     map.load(region.data, {}, function(){ 
      //add back button 
       $('<a id="' + settings.homeId + '" href="javascript:void(0)"><span>' + settings.homeText + '</span></a>') 
       for(var i=0; i<settings.zoomableRegions.length; i++){ 
      //place bullets 
       var coords = $(this).attr('rel').split('-'); 
       $(this).css({left: coords[0] + 'px', top: coords[1] + 'px'}) 

    function addZoomable(subregion){ 
     $('<img class="' + settings.bulletClass + '" src="' + settings.blankImage + '" id="' + subregion.id + '" />').css({ 
      border: 'none', 
      position: 'absolute', 
      width: subregion.width, 
      height: subregion.height, 
      top: subregion.top, 
      left: subregion.left, 
      cursor: 'pointer' 
     }).appendTo(map).click(function() { 
        .attr('src', subregion.image) 
         width: settings.width, 
         height: settings.height, 
         top: '0px', 
         left: '0px' 
        }, settings.zoomDuration, '', function(){ 
         map.css({backgroundImage: 'url(' + subregion.image + ')'}).empty(); 
         loadBullets(subregion, true); 

    function showPopup(id){ 
     var boxid = '#' + id + '-box'; 

    //initialize map 


    width: '437px', 
    height: '611px', 
    initialRegion: { 
     id: 'new_zealand', 
     image: 'images/nz-map.jpg', 
     data: 'map_data/blank.html'}, 
    zoomableRegions: [ 
      id: 'northland', 
      parent: 'new_zealand', 
      image: 'images/nzmap-northland.jpg', 
      data: 'map_data/south_island.html', 
      width: '90px', 
      height: '60px', 
      top: '0px', 
      left: '218px'}, 
      id: 'auckland', 
      parent: 'new_zealand', 
      image: 'images/nzmap-auckland.jpg', 
      data: 'map_data/south_island.html', 
      width: '220px', 
      height: '125px', 
      top: '71px', 
      left: '218px'}, 
      id: 'wellington', 
      parent: 'new_zealand', 
      image: 'images/nzmap-wellington.jpg', 
      data: 'map_data/south_island.html', 
      width: '180px', 
      height: '120px', 
      top: '207px', 
      left: '219px'}, 
      id: 'southland', 
      parent: 'new_zealand', 
      image: 'images/nzmap-southland.jpg', 
      data: 'map_data/south_island.html', 
      width: '210px', 
      height: '240px', 
      top: '338px', 
      left: '50px'} 
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