2017-06-26 3 views

Voici un exemple 2D de ce que je veux réaliser en 3D:base Changement de tableau numpy 3D (fraction en coordonnées cartésiennes)

J'ai un tableau de valeurs, A, S.T. A.shape = (n, m), par ex. Dont les indices sont proportionnels à des pas équidistants le long de vecteurs de base (arbitraires), par ex.

>>> v1 = [1,0] 
>>> v2 = [cos(pi/4),sin(pi/4)] # [0,1] rotated 45 degrees 

Je veux une fonction qui applique cette base pour obtenir, pour cet exemple

>>> apply_basis2D(A,v1,v2) 
[[np.nan,1, 2], 
[3,  4, np.nan]] 

(donc pour la version 3D puis, je veux apply_basis3D (A, v1, v2, v3)), où A.shape = (n, m, l))

J'ai une notion que cela peut être fait par des transformations affines, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment. Ceci est une implémentation aussi proche que je pourrais trouver (2D seulement), en utilisant scikit-image;

Merci d'avance!



Fait! Semble fonctionner assez bien, mais je critique la bienvenue:

import numpy as np 
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay 
from scipy.interpolate import interpn 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
%matplotlib notebook 

def cartesian_basis2d(A,v1,v2,longest_side=None): 
    """convert 2d array in basis v1,v2 to cartesian basis 

    A : array((N,M)) 
     values in original basis 
    v1 : array((2,)) 
    v2 : array((2,)) 
    longest_side : int 
     longest side (in terms of indexes) of new array 

    B : array((P,Q)) 
     where P,Q >= longest_side 

    longest_side = max(A.shape) if longest_side is None else longest_side 

    # assumed 
    origin = [0,0] 

    # convert to numpy arrays 
    origin = np.asarray(origin) 
    v1 = np.asarray(v1) 
    v2 = np.asarray(v2) 

    # pre-compute basis transformation matrix 
    M_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose([v1,v2])) 

    # only works rigth if transposed before and after? 
    A = np.array(A).T 
    # add bounding rows/columns for interpolation 
    A = np.concatenate((np.array(A[:,0],ndmin=2).T,A,np.array(A[:,-1],ndmin=2).T),axis=1) 
    A = np.concatenate((np.array(A[0],ndmin=2),A,np.array(A[-1],ndmin=2)),axis=0) 
    # create axes 
    for i,v in enumerate([v1,v2]): 
     step = 1./(A.shape[i]-2) 
     ax = np.linspace(0,1+step,A.shape[i]) - step/2. 

    # get bounding box and compute it volume and extents 
    hull = Delaunay(bbox_pts) 

    bbox_x, bbox_y = bbox_pts.T 
    new_bounds = bbox_x.min(),bbox_x.max(),bbox_y.min(),bbox_y.max() #l,r,bottom,top 
    min_bound, max_bound = min(bbox_x.min(),bbox_y.min()), max(bbox_x.max(),bbox_y.max()) 

    # compute new array size 
    x_length = abs(new_bounds[0]-new_bounds[1]) 
    y_length = abs(new_bounds[2]-new_bounds[3]) 
    if x_length>y_length: 
     xlen = longest_side 
     ylen = int(longest_side*y_length/float(x_length)) 
     ylen = longest_side 
     xlen = int(longest_side*x_length/float(y_length)) 

    # compute new array values 
    new_array = np.full((xlen,ylen),np.nan) 
    xidx, yidx = np.meshgrid(range(new_array.shape[0]),range(new_array.shape[1])) 
    xyidx = np.concatenate((np.array(xidx,ndmin=2).T,np.array(yidx,ndmin=2).T),axis=1) 
    xy = min_bound+(xyidx.astype(float)*abs(min_bound-max_bound)/longest_side) 
    # find point is inside bounding box 
    inside_mask = hull.find_simplex(xy)>=0 
    uv = np.einsum('...jk,...k->...j',M_inv,xy[inside_mask]) 
    new_array[xyidx[inside_mask][:,0],xyidx[inside_mask][:,1]] = interpn(axes,A,uv,bounds_error=True,method='nearest') 
    new_array = new_array.T 
    return new_array 

A = np.array(
v1 = [2,0] 
v2 = [np.cos(np.pi/4),np.sin(np.pi/4)] 

new_array = cartesian_basis2d(A,v1,v2,100) 



def cartesian_basis3d(A,v1,v2,v3,longest_side=None): 
    """convert 3d array in basis v1,v2,v3 to cartesian basis 

    A : array((N,M)) 
     values in original basis 
    v1 : array((2,)) 
    v2 : array((2,)) 
    v3 : array((2,)) 
    longest_side : int 
     longest side (in terms of indexes) of new array 

    B : array((P,Q)) 
     where P,Q >= longest_side 

    longest_side = max(A.shape) if longest_side is None else longest_side 

    # assumed 
    origin = [0,0,0] 

    # convert to numpy arrays 
    origin = np.asarray(origin) 
    v1 = np.asarray(v1) 
    v2 = np.asarray(v2) 
    v3 = np.asarray(v3) 

    # pre-compute basis transformation matrix 
    M_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose([v1,v2,v3])) 

    # only works rigth if transposed before and after? 
    A = np.array(A).T 
    # add bounding layers for interpolation 
    A = np.concatenate((np.array(A[0],ndmin=3),A,np.array(A[-1],ndmin=3)),axis=0) 
    start = np.transpose(np.array(A[:,:,0],ndmin=3),axes=[1,2,0]) 
    end = np.transpose(np.array(A[:,:,-1],ndmin=3),axes=[1,2,0]) 
    A = np.concatenate((start,A,end),axis=2) 
    start = np.transpose(np.array(A[:,0,:],ndmin=3),axes=[1,0,2]) 
    end = np.transpose(np.array(A[:,-1,:],ndmin=3),axes=[1,0,2]) 
    A = np.concatenate((start,A,end),axis=1) 

    # create axes 
    for i,v in enumerate([v1,v2,v3]): 
     step = 1./(A.shape[i]-2) 
     ax = np.linspace(0,1+step,A.shape[i]) - step/2. 

    # get bounding box and compute it volume and extents 
    hull = Delaunay(bbox_pts) 

    bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_z = bbox_pts.T 
    new_bounds = bbox_x.min(),bbox_x.max(),bbox_y.min(),bbox_y.max(),bbox_z.min(),bbox_z.max() #l,r,bottom,top 
    min_bound, max_bound = min(bbox_x.min(),bbox_y.min(),bbox_z.min()), max(bbox_x.max(),bbox_y.max(),bbox_z.min()) 

    # compute new array size 
    x_length = abs(new_bounds[0]-new_bounds[1]) 
    y_length = abs(new_bounds[2]-new_bounds[3]) 
    z_length = abs(new_bounds[4]-new_bounds[5]) 
    if x_length == max([x_length,y_length,z_length]): 
     xlen = longest_side 
     ylen = int(longest_side*y_length/float(x_length)) 
     zlen = int(longest_side*z_length/float(x_length)) 
    elif y_length == max([x_length,y_length,z_length]): 
     ylen = longest_side 
     xlen = int(longest_side*x_length/float(y_length)) 
     zlen = int(longest_side*z_length/float(y_length)) 
     zlen = longest_side 
     xlen = int(longest_side*x_length/float(z_length)) 
     ylen = int(longest_side*y_length/float(z_length)) 

    # compute new array values 
    new_array = np.full((xlen,ylen,zlen),np.nan) 
    xidx, yidx, zidx = np.meshgrid(range(new_array.shape[0]),range(new_array.shape[1]),range(new_array.shape[2])) 
    xyzidx = np.concatenate((np.array(xidx,ndmin=2).T,np.array(yidx,ndmin=2).T,np.array(zidx,ndmin=2).T),axis=1) 
    xyz = min_bound+(xyzidx.astype(float)*abs(min_bound-max_bound)/longest_side) 
    # find point is inside bounding box 
    inside_mask = hull.find_simplex(xyz)>=0 
    uvw = np.einsum('...jk,...k->...j',M_inv,xyz[inside_mask]) 
    new_array[xyzidx[inside_mask][:,0],xyzidx[inside_mask][:,1],xyzidx[inside_mask][:,2]] = interpn(axes,A,uvw,bounds_error=True,method='nearest') 
    new_array = new_array.T 
    return new_array 

A = np.array(

v1 = [2,0,0] 
v2 = [np.cos(np.pi/4),np.sin(np.pi/4),0] 
v3 = [0,np.cos(np.pi/4),np.sin(np.pi/4)] 

new_array = cartesian_basis3d(A,v1,v2,v3,100) 

xs,ys,zs = new_array.nonzero() 
fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') 
pcm = ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=new_array[xs,ys,zs],cmap='jet') 
