2014-09-23 2 views

Salut, je fais la certification pour la première fois pour les avertissements générés par exe .Report.Comment résoudre l'avertissement "◦Value Install Location missing" dans le kit de logiciel Windows 7?

1. Clean, reversible, installation  

Test case: Write appropriate Add/Remove Program values: PASS WITH WARNINGS 
WARNING: Applications are expected to create these registry entries DisplayName, InstallLocation, Publisher, UninstallString, VersionMajor*, and VersionMinor*. 
This application did not create the following registry entries: 
◦Value InstallLocation missing or invalid for program My Service. 

IMPACT IF NOT FIXED: A user might remove an application not only to free up disk space, but also to return the computer to its state prior to the application being installed. Failure to restore the machine to its original state is a poor user experience. Also applications that do not create the above registry entries will not be found by enterprise inventory tools, and may experience issues in OS migrations and or upgrades scenarios. Windows telemetry tools may not accurately report information about your application. 

HOW TO FIX: You can supply all of the information needed to configure Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel by setting the values of certain installer properties in your application's Windows Installer package. Setting these properties automatically writes the corresponding values into the registry. The latest information and best practices that illustrate how to do this can be found at these links 1 and 2. 

Test case: Do not force an immediate reboot during installation: PASS 

Test case: Do not force an immediate reboot during uninstallation: PASS 

Test case: Remove all non-shared files and folders: PASS 

comment résoudre ce problème via le fichier wix?

Dans mon fichier Wix je crée l'installation du service de l'entrée pour

Créer et ajouter des entrées dans le fichier ini entrées de registre Ajouter pour tag client et id agent ..

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi ...


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