2015-11-25 2 views

Je travaille sur un petit projet et je reçois toujours un problème avec l'une des "lettres" où il est dit Arguement pas optionnel.Excel VBA: Ajout de la collection à la propriété de la classe

Je clsXML qui est ici

La ligne que je reçois l'erreur est ici CurrentProduct.Prompts = PromptsCollection

Private Function GetProductsCollection() As Collection 
Dim AWP As New clsAWP 
Dim PurchaseOrderProductCollection As New Collection 
Dim ProductsTopRange As Range 
Dim ProductsBottomRange As Range 
Dim Row As Range 
Dim Product As New clsProduct 
Dim PurchaseOrderRange As Range 

Set ProductsTopRange = Sheets("Purchase Order").Range("ProductTableTop") 
Set ProductsBottomRange = Sheets("Purchase Order").Range("ProductTableBottom") 

'Add all Top Range Products 
For Each Row In ProductsTopRange.Rows 
    If Not IsEmpty(Row.Cells(1, 1).Value) Then 
     Dim CurrentSKU As New clsSKU 
     Set CurrentSKU = Product.GetSKU(Row.Cells(1, 1).Value) 
     If Not IsEmpty(CurrentSKU) And CurrentSKU.Category = "Product" Then 
      Dim CurrentProduct As New clsProduct 
      CurrentProduct.SKU = Row.Cells(1, 1).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Width = Row.Cells(1, 2).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Height = Row.Cells(1, 3).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Depth = Row.Cells(1, 4).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Skins = Row.Cells(1, 10).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Swing = Row.Cells(1, 13).Value 
      CurrentProduct.Qty = Row.Cells(1, 14).Value 

      Dim PromptsCollection As New Collection 
      'add all prompts to collection 
      Dim ToeKickHeight As New clsPrompt 
      ToeKickHeight.Name = "Toe_Kick_Height" 
      ToeKickHeight.Value = Row.Cells(1, 18).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ToeKickHeight 

      Dim AdjShelfQty As New clsPrompt 
      AdjShelfQty.Name = "Adj_Shelf_Qty" 
      AdjShelfQty.Value = Row.Cells(1, 19).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add AdjShelfQty 

      Dim LSW As New clsPrompt 
      LSW.Name = "Left_Stile_Width" 
      LSW.Value = Row.Cells(1, 20).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add LSW 

      Dim RSW As New clsPrompt 
      RSW.Name = "Right_Stile_Width" 
      RSW.Value = Row.Cells(1, 21).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add RSW 

      Dim TRW As New clsPrompt 
      TRW.Name = "Top_Rail_Width" 
      TRW.Value = Row.Cells(1, 22).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add TRW 

      Dim BRW As New clsPrompt 
      BRW.Name = "Bottom_Rail_Width" 
      BRW.Value = Row.Cells(1, 23).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add BRW 

      Dim ELSFFD As New clsPrompt 
      ELSFFD.Name = "Extend_Left_Side_FF_Down" 
      ELSFFD.Value = Row.Cells(1, 24).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ELSFFD 

      Dim ELSFFU As New clsPrompt 
      ELSFFU.Name = "Extend_Left_Side_FF_Up" 
      ELSFFU.Value = Row.Cells(1, 25).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ELSFFU 

      Dim ERSFFD As New clsPrompt 
      ERSFFD.Name = "Extend_Right_Side_FF_Down" 
      ERSFFD.Value = Row.Cells(1, 26).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ERSFFD 

      Dim ERSFFU As New clsPrompt 
      ERSFFU.Name = "Extend_Right_Side_FF_Up" 
      ERSFFU.Value = Row.Cells(1, 27).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ERSFFU 

      Dim ETR As New clsPrompt 
      ETR.Name = "Extend_Top_Rail" 
      ETR.Value = Row.Cells(1, 28).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add ETR 

      Dim EBR As New clsPrompt 
      EBR.Name = "Extend_Bottom_Rail" 
      EBR.Value = Row.Cells(1, 29).Value 
      PromptsCollection.Add EBR 

MsgBox (PromptsCollection.Count) 
      CurrentProduct.Prompts = PromptsCollection 
      CurrentProduct.MVProductName = CurrentSKU.MVProductName 

      PurchaseOrderProductCollection.Add CurrentProduct 
     End If 
     'skip the row 
    End If 

et ici prend un coup d'oeil à l'intérieur de la classe de produit, je l'ai enlevé tous les autres getters et lettres pour plus de clarté.

Option Explicit 

Private pSKU As String 
Private pWidth As String 
Private pHeight As String 
Private pDepth As String 
Private pSkins As String 
Private pSwing As String 
Private pQty As String 
Private pToeKickHeight As String 
Private pAdjShelfQty As String 
Private pLeftStileWidth As String 
Private pRightStileWidth As String 
Private pTopRailWidth As String 
Private pBottomRailWidth As String 
Private pExtLSFFD As String 
Private pExtLSFFU As String 
Private pExtRSFFD As String 
Private pExtRSFFU As String 
Private pExtTopRail As String 
Private pExtBottomRail As String 
Private pMVProductName As String 
Private pPrompts As Collection 

Public Property Get Prompts() As Collection 
Prompts = pPrompts 
End Property 

Public Property Let Prompts(Val As Collection) 
pPrompts = Val 
End Property 

Public Function GetSKU(ByVal SKU As String) As Object 

Dim DataTable As Range 
Dim ProductSKURange As Range 
Dim Product As New clsSKU 
Dim SheetName As String 

SheetName = "Purchase Order" 
Set DataTable = Range("DataTable") 
Set ProductSKURange = DataTable.Find(SKU, LookIn:=xlValues) 
If Not ProductSKURange Is Nothing Then 
    Product.SKU = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AE" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.A = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AF" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.B = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AG" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.C = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AH" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.D = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AI" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.E = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AJ" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.F = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AK" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.G = CDbl(Sheets(SheetName).Range("AL" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value) 
    Product.Description = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AM" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.MVProductName = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AN" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.Width = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AO" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.Height = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AP" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.Depth = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AQ" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
    Product.Category = Sheets(SheetName).Range("AR" & ProductSKURange.Row).Value 
End If 

Set GetSKU = Product 
End Function 

Veuillez me faire savoir où je me trompe. Merci d'avance.



Comme Collection est un objet, vous devez utiliser Set propriété au lieu de Let,
(notez le Set pour affecter la valeur):

Public Property Set Prompts(Val As Collection) 
    Set pPrompts = Val 
End Property 

J'ai essayé mais je reçois toujours le même résultat. Désolé – joeb


J'ai raté l'addition du mot avant le mot 'pPrompts' maintenant ça marche. Merci – joeb