2017-10-14 3 views

Ceci est le code d'un blog jekyll mais j'utilise CSS à partir d'un fichier CSS externe pour déterminer son style. Comment faire pour que l'image suivante devienne une image d'arrière-plan complète comme celles des messages de taille moyenne?Comment créer une image d'arrière-plan en plein écran comme sur un support?

Le code est pour cette [page] [1] et les images dans la publication.


img { 
    max-width: 100%; 
    font-style: italic; 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    border: 0; 
<p><img src="http://tanaka.co.zw/images/posts/fowlplague.gif" alt="Fowl plague"></p> 

<p>This article has left me most thoughtful about my present and future. It and other readings I will cite at the bottom will examine an issue of interest to me, and perhaps to all of us in many ways. Share your thoughts with me. 
Outbreak: Our Next Global Pandemic 
In May of 1997, a boy in Hong Kong is diagnosed with a new form of influenza- H5- he was dead within days. Within months, the Chinese government had ordered the slaughter of 1.2 million birds to curb the spread of the outbreak. 
Epidemics and pandemics have historically been the greatest existential dangers our species has faced. We spend trillions on defense but [war and violence](https://ourworldindata.org/slides/war-and-violence/#/title-slide) has really killed just 167 million to 188 million in the last century.</p> 

<img src="http://tanaka.co.zw/images/posts/democracy.png" alt="The History of Conflict">


voulez-vous dire, comme le remplissage plein écran toute la fenêtre du navigateur? – TheRuler


Oui. Comme ceci: https://howwegettonext.com/inception-the-avian-flu-outbreak-in-hong-kong-1997-5c0de48f6781 –


vous pouvez essayer le corps css {height: 100%; background-image: url ("img .jpg "); taille de fond: couverture; } – TheRuler



Essayez d'utiliser

    width: 100%; 

    // or min-width 

    // or viewwidth 
    width: 100vw; 