2010-04-03 1 views

J'ai fait un tuyau de yahoo qui tire les atomes au format json; Cependant, je peux récupérer et afficher tous les éléments de ma page html à l'exception de l'attribut de l'élément.Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire comment récupérer l'attribut media: thumb d'un flux json?

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire comment récupérer l'attribut media: thumb d'un flux json?

Je colle le code de la page html avec javascript. Si vous enregistrez la page html puis l'affichez dans le navigateur, vous verrez que tous les éléments nécessaires sont affichés sur la page html à l'exception du media: thumb car je ne peux pas afficher l'attribut media: thumb lorsque le flux est formaté json. Je colle également la partie du flux JSON pour que vous puissiez avoir une idée de ce dont je parle. Dites-moi comment extraire l'attribut de média: élément pouce d'un flux json en utilisant le javascript simple, mais pas de code côté serveur ni de bibliothèque javascript.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    function getFeed(feed){ 
    var newScript = document.createElement('script'); 
    newScript.type = 'text/javascript'; 
    newScript.src = 'http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=40616620df99780bceb3fe923cecd216&_render=json&_callback=piper'; 
    function piper(feed){ 
var tmp=''; 
      for (var i=0; i<feed.value.items.length; i++) { 
      tmp+='<a href="'+feed.value.items[i].link+'">'; 
      if (feed.value.items[i].description) { 


<body onload="getFeed('http://del.icio.us/rss/popular/javascript')"> 
    <div id='rssLayer'>bchnbc</div> 

Une partie du flux JSON qui obtient généré par le tuyau de yahoo:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> 
piper({"count":2,"value":{"title":"myPipe","description":"Pipes Output","link":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/pipe.info?_id=f7f4175d493cf1171aecbd3268fea5ee","pubDate":"Fri, 02 Apr 2010 17:59:22 -0700","generator":"http:\/\/pipes.yahoo.com\/pipes\/","callback":"piper", 



"rights":"Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works", 
"content":{"content":"We're proud to be releasing this first VODO MIXTAPE. Actual tape might be a thing of the past, but before P2P, mixtapes were the most popular way of sharing popular culture the world had known -- and once called the 'most widely practiced American art form'. We want to resuscitate the spirit of the mixtape for this VODO MIXTAPE series: compilations of our favourite shorts, the weird, the wild and the wonky, all brought together in a temporary and uncomfortable company.","type":"text"}, 

"description":"We're proud to be releasing this first VODO MIXTAPE. Actual tape might be a thing of the past, but before P2P, mixtapes were the 
most popular way of sharing popular culture the world had known -- and once called the 'most widely practiced American art form'. We want to resuscitate the spirit 
of the mixtape for this VODO MIXTAPE series: compilations of our favourite shorts, the weird, the wild and the wonky, all brought together in a temporary and 
uncomfortable company.", 
"published":"2010-03-08-09:20:20 PM", 
"y:title":"Mixtape #1: VODO's favourite short films", 
"title":"Mixtape #1: VODO's favourite short films", 
"pubDate":"2010-03-08-09:20:20 PM", 

{"rights":"Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works","link":"http:\/\/vodo.net\/gilbert","y:id":{"value":"cd6584e06ea4ce7fcd34172f4bbd919e295f8680","permalink":"true"},"content":{"content":"A documentary short about Gilbert, the Beacon Hill \"town crier.\" For the last 9 years, since losing his job and becoming homeless, Gilbert has delivered the weather, sports, and breaking headlines from his spot on the Boston Common. Music (used with permission) in this piece is called \"Blue Bicycle\" by Dusseldorf-based pianist \/ composer Volker Bertelmann also known as Hauschka. Artistic Statement: This is the first in a series of profiles of people who I think are interesting, and who I see on almost a daily basis. I don't want to limit the series to people who live \"on the fringe,\" but it would be appropriate to say that most of the people I interview are eclectic, eccentric, and just a little bit unique. The art is in the viewing - but I hope to turn my lens on individuals that don't always color in the lines, whether they can help it or not.","type":"text"},"author":{"name":"Nathaniel Hansen"},"description":"A documentary short about Gilbert, the Beacon Hill \"town crier.\" For the last 9 years, since losing his job and becoming homeless, Gilbert has delivered the weather, sports, and breaking headlines from his spot on the Boston Common. Music (used with permission) in this piece is called \"Blue Bicycle\" by Dusseldorf-based pianist \/ composer Volker Bertelmann also known as Hauschka. Artistic Statement: This is the first in a series of profiles of people who I think are interesting, and who I see on almost a daily basis. I don't want to limit the series to people who live \"on the fringe,\" but it would be appropriate to say that most of the people I interview are eclectic, eccentric, and just a little bit unique. The art is in the viewing - but I hope to turn my lens on individuals that don't always color in the lines, whether they can help it or not.","media:thumbnail":{"url":"http:\/\/vodo.net\/\/thumbnails\/gilbert.jpeg"},"published":"2010-03-03-10:37:05 AM","format":{"audio_bitrate":null,"width":"624","xmlns":"http:\/\/xmlns.transmission.cc\/FileFormat","channels":"2","samplerate":null,"duration":"373.673","height":"352","size":"123321266.0","framerate":null,"audio_codec":"mp3","video_bitrate":null,"video_codec":"XVID","pixel_aspect_ratio":"16:9"},"y:title":"Gilbert","title":"Gilbert","id":"cd6584e06ea4ce7fcd34172f4bbd919e295f8680","pubDate":"2010-03-03-10:37:05 AM","y:published":{"hour":"3","timezone":"UTC","second":"0","month":"4","minute":"10","utime":"1270264200","day":"3","day_of_week":"6","year":"2010" 




Si vous avez créé le JSON, ne pouvez-vous modifier l'alimentation de façon à afficher les éléments vous pouvez manipuler en utilisant javascript?


Il est beaucoup plus facile de parcourir des documents XML que de parcourir des objets JSON pour trouver un type de nœud particulier. En XML, il sera aussi simple que xmlDom.getElementsByTagName ("media: thumb").

Cependant, en Javascript, je suis allé pour ce qui suit:

function recurseAndFind(obj, key) { 
    var x, 
     ret = []; 

    for (x in obj) { 
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(x)) { 
     current = obj[x]; 

     if (x == key) { 
     } else if (typeof current === "object") { 
     temp = recurseAndFind(current, key); 

     if (temp.length) { 
      ret = ret.concat(temp); 
     } else if (typeof current === "array") { 
     for (var i=0;i<current.length;i++) { 
      temp = recurseAndFind(current[i], key); 

      if (temp.length) { 
      ret = ret.concat(temp); 

    return ret; 

qui est utilisé comme suit:

var allOccurancesOfMediaThumb = recurseAndFind(items, 'media:thumb'); 

allOccurancesOfMediaThumb sera un tableau des occurences (ou un tableau vide si aucun ont été trouvés).

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