2011-03-30 6 views
// None yet... 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using USBkit;      //This is for the costomised dll wrapper. 
using System.IO;     //This if for binary file operations. 
using lbrStatistics;    //This is for the statistics library. 

namespace USBTL 
    public partial class Form1 : Form  
     int iUSBDevice;             //This is the USB enuminator. 
     bool bUSBDeviceStatus = false;         //Status of USB device. 
     //bool bWriteFileSet = false;         //File pathway is set or not. 
     //bool bWriteTofile = false;         //Writting to file. 
     bool bflasher = false; 
     float[,] fTemperatureData;          //Temperature Data array. 
     const int iTemperatureDataSize = 128; 
     const int iNumberOfChannels = 2; 
     float [] fMeanValue;           //This array is for the Mean Value. 
     float [] fStdDev;            //This array is for the standard Deviation. 
     float[] fVariance;            //This array is for the Variance calculations. 
     float[] fConfidence;           //This array is for the Confidence calculations. 

     float[] fMaxTemperature= new float [2] {30, 30};    //This is the Temperature conversion constand. 
     float[] fMaxInputVoltage= new float [2] {255*4/5, 255*4/5};  //This is the Input Range coverage constant. 

     enum ChanID {Chan1, Chan2};          //Just an enumeration for the Analogue Input Channels. 

//Class Form1 constructor.   
     public Form1() 

// Form1_Load opens up the USB Device and initialises the data buffer. 
     private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 

      Console.WriteLine("Application is starting!!");   //Just a message on the output window 
      fMeanValue = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      fStdDev = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      fVariance = new float[iNumberOfChannels]; 
      fConfidence = new float[iNumberOfChannels]; 
      for (int y = 0; y < iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
       fMeanValue[y] = 0;         //Initialise MeanValue 
       fStdDev[y] = 0;          //Initialise Std Deviation 
       fVariance[y] = 0;         //Initialise Variance 
       fConfidence[y] = 0;         //Initialise Confidence 

     #region USB interogation code 
      //Interogate and find the address of the USB kit. 
      for(int Device=0; Device<4; Device++) 
       iUSBDevice = USB.OpenDevice(Device); 
       if (iUSBDevice != Device) 
        bUSBDeviceStatus = false; 
        stxtUSBStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
        stxtUSBStatus.Text = "USB NOT FOUND"; 
        Console.WriteLine("USB Device " + Convert.ToString(Device)+ " not found"); 
        bUSBDeviceStatus = true; 
        Console.WriteLine("USB Device " + Convert.ToString(Device) +" Found"); 
        stxtUSBStatus.ForeColor = Color.Green; 
        stxtUSBStatus.Text = "USB "+Convert.ToString(Device)+" OPEN"; 


     #region Array initialisation Code 
      fTemperatureData = new float[iTemperatureDataSize,iNumberOfChannels]; 
      for(int y=0; y<iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++) 
        fTemperatureData[i,y] = 0; 

     #region If USB device found Enable the timer 
      if (bUSBDeviceStatus == true) 
       tmrNS.Interval = 200;       //Timer is running 5 times a second. 
       tmrNS.Enabled = true; 


     private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) 
      Console.WriteLine("Application Terminated"); 

     private void tmrNS_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      #region flasher 
      if (bflasher == false) 
       bflasher = true; 
       bflasher = false; 

      #region Reading analogue channels. 

      int [] iAnalogueInput = new int [2] {1, 2}; 

      USB.ReadAllAnalog(ref iAnalogueInput[0], ref iAnalogueInput[1]); 
      pltData1.data = (int) ((float) iAnalogueInput[(int)ChanID.Chan1] * fMaxTemperature[(int)ChanID.Chan1]/fMaxInputVoltage[(int)ChanID.Chan1]); 
      pltData2.data = (int) ((float) iAnalogueInput[(int)ChanID.Chan2] * fMaxTemperature[(int)ChanID.Chan2]/fMaxInputVoltage[(int)ChanID.Chan2]); 
      pbTemp.Value = iAnalogueInput[(int)ChanID.Chan1]; 

      #region Setup the digital LEDs 
      int Channel = (int)ChanID.Chan1; 

      int iBitShift =(int) Math.Round(Math.Log(iAnalogueInput[Channel], 2), 0)-1; 
      USB.WriteAllDigital(1 << iBitShift); 


      #region Array updates. 
      for(int y=iNumberOfChannels-1; y>0;y--) 
       for (int i = fTemperatureData.GetLength(y)-1; i > 0; i--) 
        fTemperatureData[i,y] = fTemperatureData[i - 1,y]; 
      for(int y=iNumberOfChannels-1; y>0; y--) 
       fTemperatureData[0,y] = (float) iAnalogueInput[y]*fMaxTemperature[y]/fMaxInputVoltage[y];       

      #region Mean Value Calculation 
      for (int y = 0; y < iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++) 
        fMeanValue[y] += fTemperatureData[i, y]; 

       fMeanValue[y] =(float) Math.Round(fMeanValue[y]/fTemperatureData.GetLength(y),2); 


      #region Standard Deviation Calculation 
      for (int y = 0; y < iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++) 
        fStdDev[y] += (float)Math.Pow((double)(fTemperatureData[i, y] - fMeanValue[y]), 2.0); 
       fStdDev[y] = (float) Math.Round((float)Math.Sqrt(fStdDev[y]/(fTemperatureData.GetLength(y) - 1)),2); 

      #region Variance Calculation 
      //Add here code to calculate the variance 

      #region Confidence Calculation 
      //Add here code to calculate the Confidence 

      //Add here code to write the Mean value, Standard Deviation, Variance and Confidence in textboxs. Hint use labels to indicate which one is which. 
      //Also add code here to call the statistic library functions 


     private void pbTemp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //Nothing implemented for this function. 

     private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) 
      if (tmrNS.Enabled == true)        //Stop Timer. 
       tmrNS.Enabled = false; 
       USB.CloseDevice();          //Close USB. 


     private void pltData1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //Nothing implemented for this event. 

     private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //This is just an example of using the statistics library...... 
      //These are are all local variables!!! 
      float [] fAverageValue = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      float [] fStandardDeviation = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      float [] fVariance = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      float [] fConfidence = new float [iNumberOfChannels]; 
      for (int y = 0; y < iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++)     //This is an example for filling up the data Array 
       fTemperatureData[i, y] = 100 + 2/((float)i + 1);      //Generate dummy data 
       float[] fSingleDimArray= new float [iTemperatureDataSize];    //A temporary array for converting multidimentional arrays to single arrays. 
                                  // Array.Copy(fTemperatureData, (int)fTemperatureData.GetLength(128) * y, fSingleDimArray, 0, fTemperatureData.GetLength(y)); 
       for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++) 
        fSingleDimArray[i] = fTemperatureData[i, y]; 

       fAverageValue[y] = (float) Math.Round(Statistb.Average(ref fSingleDimArray),1);    //Calculating Average Value 
       fStandardDeviation[y] =(float) Math.Round(Statistb.StdDev(ref fSingleDimArray),3);   //Calculating Standard Deviation 
       fVariance[y] = (float) Math.Round(Statistb.Variance(ref fSingleDimArray),1);     //Calculating Variance 
       fConfidence[y] = (float) Math.Round(Statistb.Confidence90(ref fSingleDimArray),3);   //Calculating Confidence 
       //This is for reporting the calculations to the output window. 
       Console.WriteLine("Average"+y.ToString()+"=" + fAverageValue[y].ToString()); 
       Console.WriteLine("SD"+y.ToString()+"=" + fStandardDeviation[y].ToString()); 
       Console.WriteLine("Var"+y.ToString()+"=" + fVariance[y].ToString()); 
       Console.WriteLine("Conf"+y.ToString()+"=" + fConfidence[y].ToString()); 

     private void pltData2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //Nothing implemented for this event!! 

Veuillez mettre en forme le code avec quatre espaces ou cliquez sur le bouton '{}'. – SLaks


En outre, s'il vous plaît poser une question spécifique. Nous n'écrirons pas votre programme pour vous. – SLaks


Êtes-vous aux prises avec la théorie des statistiques ou comment l'appliquer? Et je pense que vous avez sur-utilisé les régions, au moins à mon goût - vous ne les voyez pas normalement utilisées pour réduire le code dans les fonctions. – Rup


#region Variance Calculation 
for (int y = 0; y < iNumberOfChannels; y++) 
    for (int i = 0; i < fTemperatureData.GetLength(y); i++) 
     fVariance[y] += (float)Math.Pow((double)(fTemperatureData[i, y] - fMeanValue[y]), 2.0); 
    fVariance[y] = (float)(fVariance[y]/(fTemperatureData.GetLength(y) - 1)); 

Quels intervalles de confiance vous intéressent?


Merci pour votre réponse ne sais pas ... j'ai essayé 2 obtenir à mon tuteur .... sans succès --- semble 2 parler de l'intervalle de confiance de température ...... j'ai oublié que varaince était d carré de SD ... smh ... aidez-moi avec le bit plus tard aussi ... qui avait // Ajoutez ici le code pour écrire la valeur moyenne, l'écart-type, la variance et la confiance dans les zones de texte. // Ajoutez aussi le code ici pour appeler les fonctions de la bibliothèque de statistiques Je lui demanderais l'intervalle de confiance qu'il veut demain .. – onyebuoke


Si vous devez définir la valeur d'un TextBox peut-être vous devriez juste Google le premier. Je ne peux pas vous aider avec les valeurs de confiance, sauf si je sais quelle est la question, désolé si ce n'est pas très utile. – openshac


tanx ..... intervalle de confiance à 90% – onyebuoke