2017-07-28 1 views

Je suis en travail d'allumage exemple via Mesos-Cluster (1 maître, 2 Salves) fonctionne sur Ubuntu 16.10Impossible de trouver des agents dans Mesos-Master

Mesos-Master UI l'onglet agents je ne peux pas voir une allocation des ressources pour un agent particulier. Je ne vois aucune confirmation dans les logs de Masters lorsqu'un nouvel agent est ajouté.

journaux Master

[15:58:25 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O786 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:27 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._8 from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:28 master.cpp:7305] Sending 1 offers to framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:28 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O787 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:29 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._a from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:30 master.cpp:7305] Sending 1 offers to framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:30 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O788 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:33 master.cpp:7305] Sending 1 offers to framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:33 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O789 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:34 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._c from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:35 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._6 from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:35 master.cpp:7305] Sending 1 offers to framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:35 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O790 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:37 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._a from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:38 master.cpp:7305] Sending 1 offers to framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:38 master.cpp:4836] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-O791 ] for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 (wordCount) at [email protected]:42131 
[15:58:39 http.cpp:1115 ] HTTP GET for /master/state?jsonp=angular.callbacks._c from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0' 
[15:58:40 master.cpp:6990] Performing explicit task state reconciliation for 1 tasks of framework 417e3708-25d8-46fd-9896-51bcdb750f03-0 

journaux esclaves

Failed to fetch '/usr/local/spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7': Failed to copy '/usr/local/spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7': exited with status 1 
End fetcher log for container 11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[fetcher.cpp:558] Failed to run mesos-fetcher: Failed to fetch all URIs for container '11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e' with exit status: 256 
[slave.cpp:5048] Container '11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e' for executor '1' of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 failed to start: Failed to fetch all URIs for container '11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e' with exit status: 256 
[containerizer.cpp:2102] Destroying container 11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e in FETCHING state 
[linux_launcher.cpp:505] Asked to destroy container 11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[linux_launcher.cpp:548] Using freezer to destroy cgroup mesos/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[cgroups.cpp:2692] Freezing cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/mesos/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[cgroups.cpp:1405] Successfully froze cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/mesos/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e after 2.626816ms 
[cgroups.cpp:2710] Thawing cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/mesos/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[cgroups.cpp:1434] Successfully thawed cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/mesos/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e after 2.189056ms 
[containerizer.cpp:2508] Container 11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e has exited 
[slave.cpp:5168] Executor '1' of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 exited with status 1 
[slave.cpp:4215] Handling status update TASK_FAILED (UUID: adad1443-e464-462f-b199-7f5545c30ba9) for task 1 of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 from @ 
[containerizer.cpp:1917] Ignoring update for unknown container 11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e 
[status_update_manager.cpp:323] Received status update TASK_FAILED (UUID: adad1443-e464-462f-b199-7f5545c30ba9) for task 1 of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 
[slave.cpp:4655] Forwarding the update TASK_FAILED (UUID: adad1443-e464-462f-b199-7f5545c30ba9) for task 1 of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 to [email protected]:5050 
[status_update_manager.cpp:395] Received status update acknowledgement (UUID: adad1443-e464-462f-b199-7f5545c30ba9) for task 1 of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 
[slave.cpp:5268] Cleaning up executor '1' of framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 
[gc.cpp:55] Scheduling '/var/lib/mesos/slaves/4e98bf77-8b4a-43ab-a79b-12b63c1b18df-S3/frameworks/e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000/executors/1/runs/11ab854c-590e-49da-937b-e5dd5084f36e' for gc 6.99998930747556days in the future 
[slave.cpp:5356] Cleaning up framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 
[gc.cpp:55] Scheduling '/var/lib/mesos/slaves/4e98bf77-8b4a-43ab-a79b-12b63c1b18df-S3/frameworks/e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000/executors/1' for gc 6.99998930613333days in the future 
[gc.cpp:55] Scheduling '/var/lib/mesos/slaves/4e98bf77-8b4a-43ab-a79b-12b63c1b18df-S3/frameworks/e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000' for gc 6.99998930488593days in the future 
[status_update_manager.cpp:285] Closing status update streams for framework e9377bc9-92a2-47bd-b12b-1525c1233371-0000 

quelles sont les modifications à apporter dans l'installation .. ??


Quel est exacly votre problème? Pouvez-vous montrer des écrans pour présenter ce qui n'est pas correct? Il n'y a probablement pas d'allocation sur l'agent car aucune tâche n'est en cours d'exécution. – janisz


Deux choses ici .. 1. Lorsqu'un agent est ajouté au cluster, je ne vois aucune confirmation dans Master-logs (comme un nouvel agent a été détecté ou ajouté avec l'adresse IP 192.xxx.x.xxx) 2. Impossible de récupérer et de copier Executor.Uri lors de l'exécution du travail d'étincelle. Pouvez-vous me suggérer les modifications requises pour exécuter le travail avec succès. – Abhishek



Essayez de comparer vos paramètres de démarrage avec les paramètres de travail pour moi:

  • Zookeeper est en cours d'exécution sur la machine avec 3 instances
  • mesos maître autonome est en cours d'exécution sur la machine
  • Mesos-agent est en cours d'exécution sur la machine

mesos-maître en route avec les paramètres suivants:

./bin/mesos-master.sh --ip= --zk=zk://,, --work_dir=/tmp/mesos-master-35 --quorum=1 

Commencé mesos-agent avec les paramètres suivants:

./bin/mesos-agent.sh --ip= --master= --work_dir=/tmp/mesos-agent --no-systemd_enable_support