Je me demande comment/s'il est possible d'utiliser les liaisons follstream gstreamer en utilisant gstreamer-sharp/C# pour Windows?comment utiliser la liaison application/x-rtp avec gstreamer-sharp?

udpsrc port = 1234! application/x-rtp, charge utile = 127! rtph264depay! avdec_h264! vidéoconvert! autovideosink

Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir comment faire la partie "application/x-rtp, payload = 127" et je pense que c'est tout ce qui me manque, mais je ne suis pas sûr à 100% à ce sujet. Le videoink que j'essaie d'utiliser est dshowvideosink.

Voici les parties relavent de mon code jusqu'ici. La variable videoDisplay est juste un contrôle WinForms Panel sur mon formulaire.

internal enum videosinktype { glimagesink, d3dvideosink, dshowvideosink, directdrawsink} 

static Element mVideoConv, mUdpcSrc, mDemux, mAvDecH264, mAVSink; 
static Gst.App.AppSink mAppSink; 
static System.Threading.Thread mMainGlibThread; 
static GLib.MainLoop mMainLoop; // GLib's Main Loop 

private const videosinktype mCfgVideosinkType = videosinktype.dshowvideosink; 
private ulong mHandle; 
private Gst.Video.VideoSink mGlImageSink; 
private Gst.Pipeline mCurrentPipeline = null; 

private void InitGStreamerPipeline() 
    //Assign Handle to prevent Cross-Threading Access 
    mHandle = (ulong)videoDisplay.Handle; 

    //Init Gstreamer 

    mMainLoop = new GLib.MainLoop(); 
    mMainGlibThread = new System.Threading.Thread(mMainLoop.Run); 

    #region BuildPipeline 
    switch (mCfgVideosinkType) 
     case videosinktype.glimagesink: 
      mGlImageSink = (Gst.Video.VideoSink)Gst.ElementFactory.Make("glimagesink", "glimagesink"); 
     case videosinktype.d3dvideosink: 
      mGlImageSink = (Gst.Video.VideoSink)Gst.ElementFactory.Make("d3dvideosink", "d3dvideosink"); 
      //mGlImageSink = (Gst.Video.VideoSink)Gst.ElementFactory.Make("dshowvideosink", "dshowvideosink"); 
     case videosinktype.dshowvideosink: 
      mGlImageSink = (Gst.Video.VideoSink)Gst.ElementFactory.Make("dshowvideosink", "dshowvideosink"); 
     case videosinktype.directdrawsink: 
      mGlImageSink = (Gst.Video.VideoSink)Gst.ElementFactory.Make("directdrawsink", "directdrawsink"); 

    //what's the gstreamer-sharp equivalent of: 
    //application/x-rtp, payload=127 

    mUdpcSrc = ElementFactory.Make("udpsrc", "sink0"); 
    mUdpcSrc["port"] = 1234; 

    mDemux = ElementFactory.Make("rtph264depay", "depay0"); 
    mAvDecH264 = ElementFactory.Make("avdec_h264", "avdech2640"); 
    mVideoConv = ElementFactory.Make("videoconvert", "vidconvert0"); 
    mAVSink = ElementFactory.Make("autovideosink", "video_sink"); 

    mCurrentPipeline = new Gst.Pipeline("pipeline");  
    mCurrentPipeline.Add(mUdpcSrc, mDemux, mAvDecH264, mVideoConv, mAVSink); 

    if (!mVideoTestSource.Link(mVideoSink)) 
    if (mUdpcSrc.Link(mVideoSink))    
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Elements could not be linked"); 

    //subscribe to bus & bussync msgs 
    Bus bus = mCurrentPipeline.Bus; 
    bus.Message += HandleMessage; 

    Bus bus = mCurrentPipeline.Bus; 
    bus.SyncMessage += new SyncMessageHandler(bus_SyncMessage); 

    //play the stream 
    var setStateRet = mCurrentPipeline.SetState(State.Null); 
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SetStateNULL returned: " + setStateRet.ToString()); 
    setStateRet = mCurrentPipeline.SetState(State.Ready); 
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SetStateReady returned: " + setStateRet.ToString()); 
    setStateRet = mCurrentPipeline.SetState(Gst.State.Playing); 

/// <summary> 
/// </summary> 
/// <remarks> 
/// Indeed the application needs to set its Window identifier at the right time to avoid internal Window creation 
/// from the video sink element. To solve this issue a GstMessage is posted on the bus to inform the application 
/// that it should set the Window identifier immediately. 
/// API: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/gst-plugins-base-libs-gstvideooverlay.html 
/// </remarks> 
/// <param name="o"></param> 
/// <param name="args"></param> 
private void bus_SyncMessage(object o, SyncMessageArgs args) 
    //Convenience function to check if the given message is a "prepare-window-handle" message from a GstVideoOverlay. 

    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("bus_SyncMessage: " + args.Message.Type.ToString()); 
    if (Gst.Video.Global.IsVideoOverlayPrepareWindowHandleMessage(args.Message)) 
     Element src = (Gst.Element)args.Message.Src; 

#if DEBUG 
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Message'prepare-window-handle' received by: " + src.Name + " " + src.ToString()); 

     if (src != null && (src is Gst.Video.VideoSink | src is Gst.Bin)) 
      // Try to set Aspect Ratio 
       src["force-aspect-ratio"] = true; 
      catch (PropertyNotFoundException) { } 

      // Try to set Overlay 
       Gst.Video.VideoOverlayAdapter overlay_ = new Gst.Video.VideoOverlayAdapter(src.Handle); 
       overlay_.WindowHandle = mHandle;       
      catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception thrown: " + ex.Message); } 

private void HandleMessage (object o, MessageArgs args) 
    var msg = args.Message; 
    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("HandleMessage received msg of type: {0}", msg.Type); 
    switch (msg.Type) 
     case MessageType.Error: 
      GLib.GException err; 
      string debug; 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error received: " + msg.ToString()); 
      //msg.ParseError (out err, out debug); 
      //if(debug == null) { debug = "none"; } 
      //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Error received from element {0}: {1}", msg.Src, err.Message); 
      //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Debugging information: "+ debug); 
     case MessageType.StreamStatus: 
      Gst.StreamStatusType status; 
      Element theOwner; 
      msg.ParseStreamStatus(out status, out theOwner); 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Case SteamingStatus: status is: " + status + " ; Ownder is: " + theOwner.Name); 
     case MessageType.StateChanged: 
      //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Case StateChanged: " + args.Message.ToString()); 
      State oldState, newState, pendingState; 
      msg.ParseStateChanged(out oldState, out newState, out pendingState); 
      if (newState == State.Paused) 
       args.RetVal = false; 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Pipeline state changed from {0} to {1}: ; Pending: {2}", Element.StateGetName(oldState), Element.StateGetName(newState), Element.StateGetName(pendingState)); 
     case MessageType.Element: 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Element message: {0}", args.Message.ToString()); 
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("HandleMessage received msg of type: {0}", msg.Type); 
    args.RetVal = true; 



application/x-rtp, la charge utile = 127 se trouve à la GSTCaps pour l'élément de udpsrc. Vous pouvez écouter sur le signal pad-added et ajouter les bouchons une fois qu'un pad est créé.

new Caps("application/x-rtp, payload=(int)127"); 

alors j'ai besoin de faire quelque chose comme ça? var capsRTP = new Caps ("application/x-rtp, charge utile = (int) 127"); // Configurer appsink mAppSink = new Gst.App.AppSink ("app_sink"); mAppSink ["emit-signals"] = true; mAppSink ["majuscules"] = majusculesRTP; mAppSink.NewSample + = Nouvel échantillon; mCurrentPipeline = new Gst.Pipeline ("pipeline"); mCurrentPipeline.Add (mUdpcSrc, mDemux, mAvDecH264, mVideoConv, mAVSink, mAppSink); – user3583535


si vous essayez d'initialiser une instance de majuscules avec: new Caps ("application/x-rtp, payload = (int) 127"); L'obj de Caps obtenu est VIDE. doit le faire comme: <- langue: lang-cs -> Gst.Global.CapsFromString ("application/x-PRT, charge utile = (int) 127"); – user3583535