2012-11-02 2 views

Je voudrais ignorer l'utilisation d'un besoin plugin js lorsque j'utilise l'optimiseuroptimiseur RequireJs IGNORE le plugin


Cela me donne toujours cette erreur Cannot read property 'normalize' of undefined.

J'ai mis cette option à l'optimiseur besoin

{ paths : { 'css' : 'empty:' } }

Mais il ne cesse de me donner l'erreur.



Je ne sais pas si c'est ce que vous voulez, mais vous pouvez remplacer le plugin css.

//Specify modules to stub out in the optimized file. The optimizer will 
//use the source version of these modules for dependency tracing and for 
//plugin use, but when writing the text into an optimized bundle, these 
//modules will get the following text instead: 
//If the module is used as a plugin: 
// define({load: function(id){throw new Error("Dynamic load not allowed: " + id);}}); 
//If just a plain module: 
// define({}); 
//This is useful particularly for plugins that inline all their resources 
//and use the default module resolution behavior (do *not* implement the 
//normalize() method). In those cases, an AMD loader just needs to know 
//that the module has a definition. These small stubs can be used instead of 
//including the full source for a plugin. 
stubModules: ['text', 'bar'], 

Donc dans votre cas:

stubModules: ['css'] 

Plus de détails, voir Requirejs Optimizer Config options

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