2017-08-19 5 views

Je suis récemment passé à Spacemacs, et j'essaie d'intégrer mon propre thème de couleur personnalisée. Normalement, je fais quelque chose comme ça.Spacemacs couleur personnalisée

(setq-default dotspacemacs-themes '(firebelly)) ;; additionally use with spacemacs 

(use-package firebelly-theme 
    :config (progn 
     ;; This beautiful palette is shamelessly stolen from chris 
     ;; kempson's base16: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 
     ;; I keep a local copy of the firebelly colour layout so I 
     ;; can tweak it to my taste 
      '("#ac4142" "#d28445" "#f4bf75" "#90a959" 
      "#75b5aa" "#6a9fb5" "#aa759f" "#8f5536")) 
     ;; Simple grayscale palette. 
      '("#222222" "#292929" "#444444" "#555555" 
      "#666666" "#777777" "#888888" "#999999"))) 
      ;; Tiny functions to make getting from the palettes easier. 
      ((color (n) (nth n palette)) 
      (grey (n) (nth n greys))) 
     ;; Define some faces for our theme. 
       ;;;; Styling emacs. 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 0) :foreground ,(grey 7))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 3))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(color 5) :foreground ,(grey 3))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 6))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 2) :foreground ,(color 6))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 2) :foreground ,(color 6))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 1))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 2))))) 
     ;; Fringes are ugly. 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 0))))) 
     ;; Highlight the border. 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 1))))) 
     ;; Mode lines look the same but for the text. 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 6) :box nil)))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3) :box nil)))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3) :box nil)))) 
      ((t (:bold t)))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 7))))) 
     ;; Regions are slightly lighter. 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 2))))) 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 2))))) 
    ;;;; Styling code. 
     ;; Comments are lighter than their delimiters. 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 4))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 2))))) 
     ;; Docstrings are slightly lighter. 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 4) :background ,(grey 0))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 3))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 2))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 6))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 4))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 5) :background ,(grey 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 6))))) 
    ;;;; Styling extensions. 
     ;; Erc faces. 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 2))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 3) :bold t)))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 1) :background ,(grey 0))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 6))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 0))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 3))))) 
     ;; Rainbow delimiters are mostly in order. 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 7))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 6))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 5))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(grey 3))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 4))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 3))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 2))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 0))))) 
     ;; shm faces 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 1))))) 
      ((t (:foreground ,(color 0) :background ,(grey 1))))) 
     ;; linum-relative faces 
      ((t (:background ,(grey 0) :foreground ,(color 1)))))))))) 

Spacemacs dispose d'un mécanisme pour custom themes and colors. Mais cela ne fonctionne pas, lorsqu'il est appelé directement dans ma couche personnalisée (voir here et here).



Ok, résolu celui-ci aussi. Je viens de prendre le firebelly repo, fait une couche spacemacs. Pour ce faire, tout ce que je faisais était:

  1. Clone le repo comme un enfant dir à mes .spacemacs.d/couches répertoire.
  2. Fait un lien mou de packages.el -> firebelly-theme.el (A).
  3. Ajout de la nouvelle couche firebelly dans la liste des couches de configuration en dotspacemacs-configuration-layers (en .spacemacs.d/init.el) (B).


├── firebelly-theme.el 
├── packages.el -> firebelly-theme.el 
├── readme.md 
└── screenshot.png 



Hope this helps autres.