2017-07-04 3 views

Je suis donc en train d'implémenter l'achat in-app dans mon application et je regarde le didacticiel de Jared Davidson sur la façon de le faire (excellent tutoriel) Cependant il y a un problème , il a 6 mois. Je ne l'ai pas encore terminé mais j'ai juste rencontré quelques erreurs lors de la configuration des alertes.Enum case 'failed' introuvable dans le type 'SKError.Code'

extension ViewController { 

     func alertWithTitle(title: String, message : String) -> UIAlertController { 

      let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert) 
      alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil)) 
      return alert 


     func showAlert(alert : UIAlertController) { 
      guard let _ = self.presentedViewController else { 
       self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) 

     func alertForProductRetrievalInfo(result : RetrieveResults) -> UIAlertController { 
      if let product = result.retrievedProducts.first { 
       let priceString = product.localizedPrice! 
       return alertWithTitle(title: product.localizedTitle, message: "\(product.localizedDescription) - \(priceString)") 
      else if let ivalidProductID = result.invalidProductIDs.first { 
       return alertWithTitle(title: "Could not retrieve product info", message: "Invalid product identifier: \(ivalidProductID)") 
      else { 
       let errorString = result.error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown Error. Please Contact Support" 
       return alertWithTitle(title: "Could not retreive product info", message: errorString) 
     func alertForPurchaseResult(result : PurchaseResult) -> UIAlertController { 
      switch result { 
      case .success(let product): 
       print("Purchase Succesful: \(product.productId)") 

       return alertWithTitle(title: "Thank you for your kind donation!", message: "Purchase completed") 
      case .error(let error): 
       print("Purchase Failed: \(error)") 
       switch error.code { 
       case .failed(let error): 
        if (error as NSError).domain == SKErrorDomain { 
         return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Check your internet connection or try again later.") 
        else { 
         return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Unkown Error. Please Contact Support") 
       case .invalidProductID(let productID): 
        return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "\(productID) is not a valid product identifier") 
       case .noProductIdentifier: 
        return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Product not found") 
       case .paymentNotAllowed: 
        return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "You are not allowed to make payments") 




Ce sont les erreurs que je reçois:

"Enum cas 'échoué' introuvable dans le type "SKError.Code"
" Enum case 'invalidProductID' introuvable dans le type « SKError .code

« Enum case « noProductIdentifier » introuvable dans le type « SKError.Code »

Je sais que je reçois ces erreurs parce qu'ils mis à jour ou quelque chose et il y a de nouveaux cas, mais je ne suis pas s comment les convertir comme qui va avec qui? Je m'excuse, je suis juste vraiment confus en ce moment! Toute aide est grandement appréciée!!



Le cadre que le tutoriel utilise (SwiftyStoreKit) récemment changed comment l'API de vérification d'erreur fonctionne. La mise à jour devrait être:

func alertForPurchaseResult(result : PurchaseResult) -> UIAlertController { 
     switch result { 
     case .success(let product): 
      return alertWithTitle(title: "Thank You", message: "Purchase completed") 
     case .error(let error): 
      switch error.code { 
      case .unknown: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "Unknown error. Please contact support") 
      case .clientInvalid: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "Not allowed to make the payment") 
      case .paymentCancelled: return alertWithTitle(title: "Payment Cancelled", message: "Payment Cancelled") 
      case .paymentInvalid: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "The purchase identifier was invalid") 
      case .paymentNotAllowed: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "The device is not allowed to make the payment") 
      case .storeProductNotAvailable: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "The product is not available in the current storefront") 
      case .cloudServicePermissionDenied: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "Access to cloud service information is not allowed") 
      case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "Could not connect to the network") 
      default: return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Error", message: "Unknown error") 