2017-03-26 1 views

Je peux utiliser ce code pour vérifier si une ligne dans une matrice = x:Vérifiez si la colonne ou diagonale dans la matrice = x (sans Numpy)

q = [[1,2,1],[1,2,1],[2,1,2]] 
answer = [sum(row) for row in q] 
for i in range(0, len(q)): 
    if answer[i] == 6: 
     print "Player 2 won!" 
    if answer[i] == 3: 
     print "Player 1 won!" 
if answer[i] != 6 and 3: 
    print "It's a tie!" 

Comment puis-je vérifier si ma matrice a une diagonale ou colonne = x, sans utiliser Numpy (? Est-il un moyen mathématique de le faire, comme indiqué ci-dessus)

Exemple: (X = quelque chose qui n'a pas d'importance)

q = [[1,X,X],[1,X,X],[1,X,X]] doit imprimer les True

q = [[1,X,X],[X,1,X],[X,X,1]] doit imprimer les True (diagonale)

q = [[X,X,1],[X,1,X],[1,X,X]] doit imprimer les True (diagonale {Other One})

q = [[1,X,X],[X,1,X],[X,1,X]] doit imprimer les False

q = [[X,1,X],[X,1,X],[X,1,X]] doit imprimer les True (horizontal)

How the matrix should have its "winning conditions"


Parce qu'il est dimanche dans mon fuseau horaire et je comprends que vous voulez apprendre à coder en Python, j'ai fourni une réponse à peut-être vous aider sur votre chemin ;-) – Dilettant



Eh bien, vous pourriez traduire votre énumération des conditions gagnantes en un tuple, en tuple de paires ... pas trop de travail dans un monde de 3x3 board.

Quelque chose comme ci-dessous (en prenant votre carte d'échantillon) et entraînant un lien devrait vous aider à démarrer plus en apprendre Python:

#! /usr/bin/env python 
"""Check in snaive 3x3 game board world for diagonal, 
column, or row all ocupied by one player.""" 
from __future__ import print_function 

players = (1, 2) # Code for the players 
board = [[1, 2, 1], # Board interpreted as 3 lists rows 
     [1, 2, 1], 
     [2, 1, 2]] 
winning_configs = ( # outer-inner-index pairs that win: 
    ((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)), # TL to BR diagonal 
    ((0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0)), # TR to BL diagonal 
    ((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)), # L column 
    ((0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)), # M column 
    ((0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)), # R column 
    ((0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)), # L row 
    ((1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)), # M row 
    ((2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)), # R row 

def and_the_winner_is(players, board, winning_configs): 
    """First one matching rules is returned as winner, 
    otherwise None to indicate a tie.""" 
    for player in players: 
     for cfg in winning_configs: 
      if all([board[i][j] == player for i, j in cfg]): 
       return player 
     return None 

def main(): 
    """Determine the result from board.""" 
    winner = and_the_winner_is(players, board, winning_configs) 

    if winner in players: 
     print('Winner is Player({})'.format(winner)) 
     print('A tie') 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

Comment cela? Travaille pour une forme quelconque de q

def check_col_diag (q, x): 
    0 if there was a column, 
    1 if there was a row, 
    2 if there was a diagonal on 1st direction 
    3 if there was a diagonal on 2nd direction 

    # Get a mask to store the positions 
    # on each row of q where q == x 
    mask = q 
    for row_ix in range(len(q[0])): 
     for elem_ix in range(len(q[1])): 
      if q[row_ix][elem_ix] == x: 
       mask[row_ix][elem_ix] = 1 
       mask[row_ix][elem_ix] = 0 

    # Check rows 
    c = [1]*len(q[0]) 
    for row in mask: 
     # element-wise list multiplication 
     c = [a*b for a,b in zip(c,row)] 
    # Return 0 if there was a column 
    if any(c): 
     return 0 

    # Check columns 
    c = [1]*len(q[1]) 
    # Iterate through rows of transposed list 
    _q = list(map(list, zip(*mask))) 
    for row in _q: 
     c = [a*b for a,b in zip(c,row)] 
    # Return 1 if there was a row 
    if any(c): 
     return 1 

    # Check diagonal 1 
    c = 1 
    for row_ix in range(len(q[0])): 
     c *= mask[row_ix][row_ix] 
    # Return 2 if there was a 1st diagonal 
    if c == 1: 
     return 2 

    # Check diagonal 2 
    c = 1 
    for row_ix in range(len(_q[0])): 
     c *= mask[row_ix][row_ix] 
    # Return 3 if there was a 2nd diagonal 
    if c == 1: 
     return 3 

q = [[1,2,1],[1,2,1],[2,1,2]] 
v = check_col_diag (q, 1)