2017-04-06 4 views

En plus des tables currentTasks et workflowHistory, je souhaite ajouter deux autres tables. J'ai ajouté deux blocs avec les en-têtes dans workflow-form.get.html.ftl et deux widgets dans workflow-form.js. J'ai également ajouté des étiquettes de cartographie dans le fichier .properties.Tables personnalisées dans la page des détails du workflow

Le problème est que mes tableaux sont toujours affichés en bas de la page et ils ont sans en-tête:

enter image description here

J'ai aussi remarqué que le bloc de la table d'historique (et la table en cours, aussi) a un ID, quelque chose comme:


Mes tables n'ont pas cet ID. Ils sont simplement placés dans des conteneurs comme ceci:

<div class="form-element-background-color yui-dt"> 

Une partie de mon workflow-form.get.html.ftl:


<#-- I added this div for additional table --> 
<div id="${el}-finishedBpAttachmentsDetails-form-section" class="workflow-attachments-details"> 
    <div class="form-element-background-color"></div> 

<#-- And also this div --> 
<div id="${el}-finishedBpDetails-form-section" class="workflow-details"> 
    <div class="form-element-background-color"></div> 

<#-- Will be inserted below "Items" in the form after its been loaded through ajax --> 
<div id="${el}-currentTasks-form-section" class="current-tasks"> 
    <a name="current-tasks"></a> 
    <div class="form-element-background-color"></div> 

<#-- Will be inserted in the bottom of the form after its been loaded through ajax --> 
<div id="${el}-workflowHistory-form-section" class="workflow-history"> 
    <div class="form-element-background-color"></div> 


Une partie de mon workflow-form.js:


var finishedBpDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(dsRes, 
    responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY 

var finishedBpDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get(this.id + "-finishedBpDetails-form-section"), 
finishedBpDetailsTasksEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpDetailsContainerEl, true); 

var finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions = [ 

this.widgets.finishedBpDetailsTasksDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpDetailsTasksEl, 
     finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpDetailsDS, 
    MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks") 

var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions = [ 

var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(this.dsAttachmentRes, 
    responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY 

var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get(this.id + "-finishedBpAttachmentsDetails-form-section"), 
finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl, true); 

this.widgets.finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl, 
     finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS, 
    MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks") 

Selector.query(".form-fields", this.id, true).appendChild(finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsTasksEl); 
Selector.query(".form-fields", this.id, true).appendChild(finishedBpDetailsTasksEl); 


Comment puis-je régler la position et les en-têtes pour mon tables? .. Par exemple, je voudrais afficher mes tables après le bloc avec des informations générales.

Est-il possible? ..

Je serais très reconnaissant pour l'information. Merci à tous.



Vous devez insérer la table dans la div pour afficher la table dans la section supérieure.

enter image description here

<div id="${el}-summary-form-section"> 



<div class="yui-gf"> 
        <div class="yui-u first avatar"> 
         <img id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersAvatar" src="" alt="${msg("label.avatar")}"> 
        <div class="yui-u"> 
         <div id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersCommentLink"></div> 
         <div id="${el}-recentTaskOwnersComment" class="task-comment form-element-border"></div> 
       <div class="clear"></div> 

<!-- this is my custom table and display in the screen at the top. --> 
      <div id="${el}-addl-summary-form-section" style="display:block" > 

espère que cela vous aide.


Excellent! Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse! .. –


Cela fonctionne également - 'Selector.query (". Yui-us ", this.id, true) .appendChild (...);' –


Une autre façon - est d'utiliser les techniques de script YUI:


* Called when a workflow form has been loaded. 
* Will insert the form in the Dom. 
* @method onWorkflowFormLoaded 
* @param response {Object} 
onWorkflowFormLoaded: function WorkflowForm_onWorkflowFormLoaded(response) 
    var finishedBpDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get(this.id + "-finishedBpDetails-form-section"), 
     finishedBpDetailsEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpDetailsContainerEl, true);   

    var finishedBpDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(this.finishedBpDetailsData, 
     responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY 

    var showUserThumbnail = function (elLiner, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { 
     elLiner.innerHTML = '<img src="/share/res/components/images/filetypes/generic-user-32.png" title="' 
      + oRecord.getData('resolutionFio') + '" />'; 

    YAHOO.widget.DataTable.Formatter.showUserThumbnail = showUserThumbnail; 

    var finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions = [ 
     {key: "userImg", label: "", formatter: showUserThumbnail},             
     { key: "resolutionPosition", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionFio", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionAddress", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionPhone", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionEmail", label: "...", formatter: 'email', sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolution", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionDate", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     { key: "resolutionComment", label: "...", sortable: true} 

    this.widgets.finishedBpDetailsDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpDetailsEl, 
      finishedBpDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpDetailsDS, 
     MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks") 


    var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl = Dom.get(workflowFormReference.id + "-finishedBpAttachmentsDetails-form-section"), 
     finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsEl = Selector.query("div", finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsContainerEl, true); 

    var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(this.finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsData, 
     responseType: YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY 

    var showDocumentThumbnail = function (elLiner, oRecord, oColumn, oData) { 
     elLiner.innerHTML = '<img src="/share/res/components/images/filetypes/generic-file-32.png" title="' + 
      oRecord.getData('contractFileName') + '" />'; 

    YAHOO.widget.DataTable.Formatter.showDocumentThumbnail = showDocumentThumbnail; 

    var finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions = [ 
     {key: "contractImg", label: "", formatter: showDocumentThumbnail},                
     {key: "contractFileName", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractNumber", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractTitle", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractPrescription", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractDate", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractContractor", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractPurpose", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractCoast", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractPeriodValidity", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractAdditionalAgreements", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractDataStart", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractDataEnd", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractIssuanceMark", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractExecution", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractComment", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractAdditionalNumber", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractService", label: "...", sortable: true}, 
     {key: "contractView", label: "...", sortable: true} 

    this.widgets.finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable(finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsEl, 
     finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsColumnDefinitions, finishedBpAttachmentsDetailsDS, 
     MSG_EMPTY: this.msg("label.noTasks") 


    YAHOO.Bubbling.fire("workflowFormReady", this); 
