J'écris un programme d'analyse de port en python tout fonctionne bien mais je voulais implémenter la fonction d'interruption crtl + c pour terminer le programme il arrête le programme principal mais il y a encore des threads en cours d'exécution. Comment terminer complètement le programme en utilisant les touches ctrl + c?Comment implémenter l'interruption de clavier en Python

class StatusChecker(threading.Thread): 
    The thread that will check HTTP statuses. 

    #: The queue of urls 
    url_queue = None 

    #: The queue our results will go into 
    result_queue = None 

    #: An event that tells the thread to stop 
    stopper = None 

    def __init__(self, url_queue, result_queue, stopper): 
     self.url_queue = url_queue 
     self.result_queue = result_queue 
     self.stopper = stopper 

    def run(self): 
     print_lock = threading.Lock() 
     while not self.stopper.is_set(): 
       # this will throw queue.Empty immediately if there's 
       # no tasks left 
       to_check = self.url_queue.get_nowait() 
      except queue.Empty: 
       break # empty queue, we're done! 
       with print_lock: 
        print(to_check,' ') 
       self.url_queue.task_done() # the the queue we're done 

class SignalHandler: 
    The object that will handle signals and stop the worker threads. 

    #: The stop event that's shared by this handler and threads. 
    stopper = None 

    #: The pool of worker threads 
    workers = None 

    def __init__(self, stopper, workers): 
     self.stopper = stopper 
     self.workers = workers 

    def __call__(self, signum, frame): 
     This will be called by the python signal module 


     for worker in self.workers: 


if __name__ == '__main__': 
    # all the variables we'll need 
    num_workers = 2 
    stopper = threading.Event() 
    result_queue = queue.Queue() 
    url_queue = queue.Queue() 

    # populate our work queue 
    for i in range(65535): 

    # we need to keep track of the workers but not start them yet 
    workers = [StatusChecker(url_queue, result_queue, stopper) for i in range(num_workers)] 

    # create our signal handler and connect it 
    #handler = SignalHandler(stopper, workers) 
    #signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) 

    # start the threads! 
    for i, worker in enumerate(workers): 
     print('Starting worker {}'.format(i)) 
     worker.daemon = True 

    # wait for the queue to empty 
     while threading.active_count() > 0: 
    while not result_queue.empty(): 
     url, status = result_queue.get_nowait() 
     print('{} - {}'.format(url, status)) 



Les threads partagent le même espace mémoire que le processus principal. Donc, techniquement, faire ctrl-c sur le processus principal devrait libérer la mémoire du thread. Si les threads sont en cours d'écriture, cela pourrait être dangereux, mais sinon ça devrait aller. Sinon, vous pouvez utiliser la bibliothèque signal de python et créer un gestionnaire de signal pour intercepter un SIGINT.