2010-02-21 8 views

j'ai un texte comme celui-cilogique d'insertion durée aide

"You are advised to grant access to these settings only if you are sure you want to allow this program to run automatically when your computer starts. Otherwise it is better to deny access." 

et j'ai 3 sélections,

1. StartIndex = 8, Length = 16 // "advised to grant" 
2. StartIndex = 16, Length = 33 //"to grant access to these settings" 
3. StartIndex = 35, Length = 26 // "these settings only if you" 

i besoin d'insérer des balises span et mettre en évidence les sélections et les intersections des mots doivent être mises en évidence en différentes couleurs,

résultat devrait être quelque chose comme ça

"You are <span style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>advised </span> <span id = 'intersection' style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>to grant </span> <span style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>advised </span> <span style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>access to </span> 
<span id = 'intersection' style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>these settings</span> 
<span style= 'background-color:#F9DA00'>only if you </span> sure you want to allow this program to run automatically when your computer starts. Otherwise it is better to deny access." 

s'il vous plaît aidez-moi à régler cette question, j'ont essayé de comprendre-une logique depuis longtemps maintenant et pas de chance jusqu'à présent


en double? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2283001/c-pattern-matching – kennytm


oui, encore je cherche une logique, – kakopappa



finalement réussi à trouver une solution sur moi-même, espérons que ce quelqu'un aide aussi à l'avenir

public enum SortDirection 
     Ascending, Descending 

    public enum SpanType 
     Intersection, InnerSpan, Undefined 

    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      string MessageText = @"You are advised to grant access to these settings only if you are sure you want to allow this program to run automatically when your computer starts. Otherwise it is better to deny access."; 

      List<Span> spanList = new List<Span>(); 
      List<Span> intersectionSpanList = new List<Span>(); 

      spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "advised to grant", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 8, Length = 16 }); 
      spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "to grant access to these settings", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 16, Length = 33 }); 
      spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span3", Text = "these settings only if you", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 35, Length = 26 }); 

      // simple interseciotn 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "advised to grant", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 8, Length = 16 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "to grant access", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 16, Length = 15 }); 

      // two different spans 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "advised to grant", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 8, Length = 16 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "only if you are ", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 50, Length = 16 }); 

      // inner span 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "to grant access to these settings", ElementType = TagType.Undefined , StartIndex = 16, Length = 33 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "access to these", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 25, Length = 15 }); 

      // one inner span, and complex 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "to grant access to these settings only ", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 16, Length = 39 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "access to these", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 25, Length = 15 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span3", Text = "only if you are sure", ElementType = TagType.Undefined, StartIndex = 50, Length = 20 }); 

      // one large span, and two intersections 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span1", Text = "grant access to these settings only if you are sure you want to allow this program to run automatically when", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 19, Length = 108 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span2", Text = "these settings only", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 35, Length = 19 }); 
      //spanList.Add(new Span() { SpanID = "span3", Text = "you want to allow this", ElementType = SpanType.Undefined, StartIndex = 71, Length = 22 }); 

      spanList.Sort("StartIndex asc"); 

      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       item.SplitSpans(ref spanList, ref intersectionSpanList, ref MessageText); 

      // join intersections with span collection 
      foreach (var item in intersectionSpanList) 

      //remove duplicates 
      spanList = RemoveDuplicateSpans(spanList); 

      // sort spans by index .. 
      spanList.Sort("StartIndex asc"); //desc 

      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       item.InsertStartSpan(ref spanList, ref MessageText); 

      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       item.InsertEndSpan(ref spanList, ref MessageText); 

      //int count = spanList.Count -1; 

      //while (count > 0) 
      // Span currentSpan = spanList[count]; 
      // currentSpan.InsertEndSpan(ref spanList, ref MessageText); 
      // count--; 


     internal static List<Span> RemoveDuplicateSpans(List<Span> list) 
      List<int> uniqueList = new List<int>(); 

      for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) 
       for (int j = 0; j < list.Count ; j++) 
        if (list[i].SpanID != list[j].SpanID) 
         if (list[i].StartIndex == list[j].StartIndex && list[i].EndPossition == list[j].EndPossition && list[i].ElementType == SpanType.Undefined) 

      foreach (var item in uniqueList) 

      return list; 



    public static class Extensions 

     public static void Sort<T>(this List<T> list, string sortExpression) 
      string[] sortExpressions = sortExpression.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

      List<GenericComparer> comparers = new List<GenericComparer>(); 

      foreach (string sortExpress in sortExpressions) 
       string sortProperty = sortExpress.Trim().Split(' ')[0].Trim(); 
       string sortDirection = sortExpress.Trim().Split(' ')[1].Trim(); 

       Type type = typeof(T); 
       PropertyInfo PropertyInfo = type.GetProperty(sortProperty); 
       if (PropertyInfo == null) 
        PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(); 
        foreach (PropertyInfo info in props) 
         if (info.Name.ToString().ToLower() == sortProperty.ToLower()) 
          PropertyInfo = info; 
        if (PropertyInfo == null) 
         throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} is not a valid property of type: \"{1}\"", sortProperty, type.Name)); 

       SortDirection SortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending; 
       if (sortDirection.ToLower() == "asc" || sortDirection.ToLower() == "ascending") 
        SortDirection = SortDirection.Ascending; 
       else if (sortDirection.ToLower() == "desc" || sortDirection.ToLower() == "descending") 
        SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending; 
        throw new Exception("Valid SortDirections are: asc, ascending, desc and descending"); 

       comparers.Add(new GenericComparer { SortDirection = SortDirection, PropertyInfo = PropertyInfo, comparers = comparers }); 

    public class GenericComparer 
     public List<GenericComparer> comparers { get; set; } 
     int level = 0; 

     public SortDirection SortDirection { get; set; } 
     public PropertyInfo PropertyInfo { get; set; } 

     public int Compare<T>(T t1, T t2) 
      int ret = 0; 

      if (level >= comparers.Count) 
       return 0; 

      object t1Value = comparers[level].PropertyInfo.GetValue(t1, null); 
      object t2Value = comparers[level].PropertyInfo.GetValue(t2, null); 

      if (t1 == null || t1Value == null) 
       if (t2 == null || t2Value == null) 
        ret = 0; 
        ret = -1; 
       if (t2 == null || t2Value == null) 
        ret = 1; 
        ret = ((IComparable)t1Value).CompareTo(((IComparable)t2Value)); 
      if (ret == 0) 
       level += 1; 
       ret = Compare(t1, t2); 
       level -= 1; 
       if (comparers[level].SortDirection == SortDirection.Descending) 
        ret *= -1; 
      return ret; 

    public class Span 
     string _Color = "#F9DA00"; 

     public const int SPAN_START_LENGTH = 40; 
     public const int SPAN_END_LENGTH = 7; 
     public const int SPAN_TOTAL_LENGTH = 47; 

     public string Color 
       return _Color; 
       _Color = value; 

     public string SpanID { get; set; } 

     public int StartIndex { get; set; } 

     public int HTMLTagEndPossition { get; set; } 

     public Span ParentSpan { get; set; } 

     public int Length { get; set; } 

     public SpanType ElementType { get; set; } 

     public string Text { get; set; } 

     public int EndPossition 
       return StartIndex + Length; 

     public string GetStartSpanHtml() 
      return "<span style= 'background-color:" + Color + "'>" + this.Text; 

     public string GetEndSpanHtml() 
      return "</span>"; 

     public bool IsProcessed { get; set; } 

     internal void PostProcess(Span span, ref List<Span> spanList, ref string MessageText) 
      MessageText = MessageText.Remove(span.StartIndex, span.Length); 
      MessageText = MessageText.Insert(span.StartIndex, span.GetStartSpanHtml()); 

      int offset = Span.SPAN_TOTAL_LENGTH; 

      AdjustStartOffsetOfSpans(spanList, span, offset); 


     internal void SplitSpans(ref List<Span> spanList, ref List<Span> intersectionSpanList, ref string MessageText) 
      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       if (this.SpanID == item.SpanID) 

       if (this.StartIndex < item.StartIndex && this.EndPossition > item.EndPossition) 
        // inner 

        int innerSpanLength = this.EndPossition - item.StartIndex; 
        int innerSpanStartPos = this.StartIndex; 
        string innerSpanText = MessageText.Substring(item.StartIndex, item.Length); 

        Span innerSpan = new Span(); 
        innerSpan.SpanID = "innerSpan" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); 
        innerSpan.ElementType = SpanType.InnerSpan; 
        innerSpan.Text = innerSpanText; 
        innerSpan.Length = item.Length; 
        innerSpan.StartIndex = item.StartIndex; 
        innerSpan.ParentSpan = this; 

       if (this.StartIndex < item.StartIndex && item.EndPossition > this.EndPossition && this.EndPossition > item.StartIndex) 
        // end is overlapping 

        int intersectionLength = this.EndPossition - item.StartIndex; 
        int intersectionStartPos = item.StartIndex; 
        string intersectionText = MessageText.Substring(item.StartIndex, intersectionLength); 

        // Build intersection span 
        Span intersectonSpan = new Span(); 
        intersectonSpan.SpanID = "intersectonSpan" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); 
        intersectonSpan.Text = intersectionText; 
        intersectonSpan.Length = intersectionLength; 
        intersectonSpan.StartIndex = intersectionStartPos; 
        intersectonSpan.ElementType = SpanType.Intersection; 

        // adjust my end pos. 
        this.Length = this.Length - intersectionLength; 
        this.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, this.Length); 

        item.StartIndex += intersectionLength; 
        item.Length -= intersectionLength; 
        item.Text = item.Text.Substring(intersectionLength, item.Length); 

       else if (this.StartIndex < item.StartIndex && item.EndPossition > this.EndPossition && this.EndPossition < item.StartIndex) 
        // two spans are not over lapping, 

       //if (this.EndPossition > item.StartIndex && this.EndPossition < item.EndPossition) 

       // if (item.StartIndex < this.StartIndex && item.EndPossition > this.EndPossition) 
       // { 
       //  int innerSpanLength = this.EndPossition - this.StartIndex; 
       //  int innerSpanStartPos = this.StartIndex; 
       //  string innerSpanText = MessageText.Substring(this.StartIndex, this.Length); 

       //  // we are dealing with a inner span.. 
       //  Span innerSpan = new Span(); 
       //  innerSpan.SpanID = "innerSpan"; 
       //  innerSpan.Text = innerSpanText; 
       //  innerSpan.Length = innerSpanLength; 
       //  innerSpan.StartIndex = innerSpanStartPos; 
       //  innerSpan.IsIntersection = true; 
       //  intersectionSpanList.Add(innerSpan); 

       //  MessageText = MessageText.Remove(innerSpanStartPos, innerSpanLength); 
       //  MessageText = MessageText.Insert(innerSpanStartPos, innerSpan.GetStartSpanHtml()); 
       //  break; 
       // } 

       // int intersectionLength = this.EndPossition - item.StartIndex; 
       // int intersectionStartPos = item.StartIndex; 
       // string intersectionText = MessageText.Substring(item.StartIndex, intersectionLength); 

       // // adjust the string. 
       // if (!this.IsProcessed) 
       // { 
       //  this.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, this.Length - intersectionLength); 
       //  this.Length = this.Length - intersectionLength; 
       //  MessageText = MessageText.Remove(this.StartIndex, this.Length); 
       //  MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.StartIndex, this.GetStartSpanHtml()); 

       //  // readjust intersection after insertion of the first span.. 
       //  intersectionStartPos = Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH + intersectionStartPos; 
       // } 

       // // Build intersection span 
       // Span intersectonSpan = new Span(); 
       // intersectonSpan.SpanID = "intersectonSpan"; 
       // intersectonSpan.Text = intersectionText; 
       // intersectonSpan.Length = intersectionLength; 
       // intersectonSpan.StartIndex = intersectionStartPos; 
       // intersectonSpan.IsIntersection = true; 
       // intersectionSpanList.Add(intersectonSpan); 

       // MessageText = MessageText.Remove(intersectionStartPos, intersectionLength); 
       // MessageText = MessageText.Insert(intersectionStartPos, intersectonSpan.GetStartSpanHtml()); 

       // if (!this.IsProcessed) 
       //  item.StartIndex = item.StartIndex + intersectionLength + Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH + Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
       // else 
       //  item.StartIndex = item.StartIndex + intersectionLength + Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH; 

       // item.Length = item.Length - intersectionLength; 
       // item.Text = item.Text.Substring(intersectionLength, item.Length); 

       // //MessageText = MessageText.Remove(item.StartIndex, item.Length); 
       // //MessageText = MessageText.Insert(item.StartIndex, item.GetOuterHtml()); 

       // int offset; 

       // if (!this.IsProcessed) 
       //  offset = Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH + Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
       // else 
       //  offset = Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH; 

       // AdjustOffsetSpans(spanList, item, offset); 

       // this.IsProcessed = true; 

       // break; 
       //else if (item.StartIndex > this.StartIndex && item.EndPossition < this.EndPossition) 
       // // bigger span, inside there are children span(s) 

       // MessageText = MessageText.Remove(this.StartIndex, this.Length); 
       // MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.StartIndex, this.GetStartSpanHtml()); 

       // // since this span is the big guy. 

       // AdjustOffsetForInnerSpansAndExternalSpans(spanList, this, this.StartIndex, this.EndPossition); 

       // this.StartIndex += Span.SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
       // this.IsProcessed = true; 


     //internal static void AdjustOffsetForInnerSpansAndExternalSpans(List<Span> spanList, Span parentSpan, int parentStartIndex, int parentEndIndex) 
     // bool adjustAfterThisSpan = false; 

     // foreach (var item in spanList) 
     // { 
     //  if (item.SpanID == parentSpan.SpanID) 
     //  { 
     //   adjustAfterThisSpan = true; 
     //   continue; 
     //  } 

     //  if (adjustAfterThisSpan) 
     //  { 
     //   // is this span in the middle of the parent ? 
     //   if (item.StartIndex > parentSpan.StartIndex && item.EndPossition < parentSpan.EndPossition) 
     //   { 
     //    item.StartIndex += SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
     //   } 
     //   else 
     //   { 
     //    // after parent tag ? 
     //    item.StartIndex += SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
     //   } 
     //  } 
     // } 

     private void AdjustEndOffsetOfSpans(List<Span> spanList, Span span, int SPAN_END_LENGTH) 
      bool adjustAfterThisSpan = false; 

      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       if (item.SpanID == span.SpanID) 
        adjustAfterThisSpan = true; 

       if (adjustAfterThisSpan) 
        if (item.ParentSpan == null) 
         item.HTMLTagEndPossition += SPAN_END_LENGTH; 

        else if (span.ParentSpan != null && this.SpanID == item.ParentSpan.SpanID) 
        { } 

     internal static void AdjustStartOffsetOfSpans(List<Span> spanList, Span fromSpan, int offset) 
      bool adjustAfterThisSpan = false; 

      foreach (var item in spanList) 
       if (item.SpanID == fromSpan.SpanID) 
        adjustAfterThisSpan = true; 

       if (adjustAfterThisSpan) 
        item.StartIndex += offset; 

     internal void InsertStartSpan(ref List<Span> spanList, ref string MessageText) 

      MessageText = MessageText.Remove(this.StartIndex, this.Length); 
      MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.StartIndex, this.GetStartSpanHtml()); 

      AdjustStartOffsetOfSpans(spanList, this, SPAN_START_LENGTH); 

      // Adjust end element tag 
      switch (this.ElementType) 
       case SpanType.Intersection: 
         this.HTMLTagEndPossition = this.Length + SPAN_START_LENGTH + this.StartIndex; 
       case SpanType.InnerSpan: 
         this.HTMLTagEndPossition = this.Length + SPAN_START_LENGTH + this.StartIndex; 

         // increase the parent's tag offset conent length 
         this.ParentSpan.HTMLTagEndPossition += SPAN_START_LENGTH; 
       case SpanType.Undefined: 
         this.HTMLTagEndPossition = this.Length + SPAN_START_LENGTH + this.StartIndex; 


     internal void InsertEndSpan(ref List<Span> spanList, ref string MessageText) 
      switch (this.ElementType) 
       case SpanType.Intersection: 
         MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.HTMLTagEndPossition, this.GetEndSpanHtml()); 
       case SpanType.InnerSpan: 
         MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.HTMLTagEndPossition, this.GetEndSpanHtml()); 
       case SpanType.Undefined: 
         MessageText = MessageText.Insert(this.HTMLTagEndPossition, this.GetEndSpanHtml()); 

      AdjustEndOffsetOfSpans(spanList, this, SPAN_END_LENGTH); 



commentaire Markup: ID doivent être uniques. Faites-leur des classes à la place: class="intersection".