2017-04-15 1 views

J'essaye de créer un égaliseur graphique en python. Tout se passe bien mais je ne peux pas lancer l'audio en temps réel. Je conçois 5 curseurs, qui représentent chaque bande de fréquence (total de 5 bandes). Chaque fois que je manipule ces curseurs, le jeu audio des scikits recalcule à nouveau. voici mon code afin que vous puissiez voir i avec plus de détailsEgaliseur graphique

Equalizer Fonction:

from scipy.io import wavfile 
from scipy import signal 
import pyaudio 
import wave 
import sys 
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# import numpy as np 
import scikits.audiolab 

def processAudio(audio, X, X2, X3, X4, X5): 

## Import Audio Signal 

samplerate, data = wavfile.read(audio) 

data = data.astype(float) ## floating points 

d = (data[:,0] + data[:,1])/2 ## make it mono 

# d = d/max(d) 

## Create the Low Pass filter 

centFL = 45.0 ## center frequency of the lowpass 

R = float((centFL * 2)/samplerate) 

b, a = signal.butter(4,R,'low', analog=False) ### create a lowpass filter 

# w,h = signal.freqs(b,a) ## frequency response coefficients to be plot 

# plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) 
# plt.title('Butterworth filter frequency response') 
# plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians/second]') 
# plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') 
# plt.margins(0, 0.1) 
# plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') 
# plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency 
# plt.show() 

YL = signal.filtfilt(b, a, d) ## signal fiter with low pass coefficients 

YL = YL/max(YL) ## normalize YL 

G = 2**(X/6) 

YL = YL * G ### mutliplicacion filtro uno 


## High pass filter 

centFH = 15000.0 ## center frequency of the highpass 

RH = float((centFH * 2)/samplerate) 

bH,aH = signal.butter(4,RH, 'high', analog=False) ## create a highpass filter 

YH = signal.filtfilt(bH,aH,d) ## apply the filter 

YH = YH/max(YH) ##normalize 

G2 = 2**(X2/6) 

YH = YH * G2 ## multiplicacion filtro 2 

# scikits.audiolab.play(YH,samplerate) 

# w2,h2 = signal.freqs(bH,aH) ## frequency response coefficients to be plot 

## Three Band Pass filter 

## 700 central freq 
centFB = 700.0 

RcentFB = float((centFB*2)/samplerate) 

# start = centFL ## start of the first filter = cutoff of the low pass 

start = float((centFL*2)/samplerate) ## convert to radiants 

end = 2*RcentFB - start 

bB, aB = signal.butter(4,[start,end],btype='band',analog=False) ## fitler coefficients 

YB = signal.filtfilt(bB,aB,d) ## fitler the signal 

YB = YB/max(YB) ####normalize 

G3 = 2**(X3/6) 

YB = YB * G3 ### multiplicacion filtro tres 

# scikits.audiolab.play(YB,samplerate) 

# W3, h3 = signal.freqs(bB,aB) 

## Band Pass Filter 2khz 

centFB2 = 2000.0 

RcentFB2 = float((centFB2*2)/samplerate) 

start2 = end 

end2 = 2*RcentFB2 - start2 

bB2,aA2 = signal.butter(4,[start2, end2],btype = 'band', analog=False) 

YB2 = signal.filtfilt(bB2,aA2,d) 

YB2 = YB2/max(YB2) 

G4 = 2**(X4/6) 

YB2 = YB2 * G4 ### multiplicacion filtro 4 

# scikits.audiolab.play(YB2,samplerate) 

centFB3 = 8000.0 

RcentFB3 = float((centFB3*2)/samplerate) 

start3 = end2 

end3 = RH 

bB3, aA3 = signal.butter(4,[start3, end3], btype='band',analog=False) 

YB3 = signal.filtfilt(bB3,aA3,d) 
YB3 = YB3/max(YB3) 

G5 = 2**(X5/6) #### tranformacion de db a linear 

YB3 = YB3 * G5 ### multiplicacion filtro 5 

# scikits.audiolab.play(YB3,samplerate) 

Equalizer = YL + YB + YB2 + YB3 + YH 

#### Play Audio 

GUI Fonction

from Tkinter import * 
import tkFileDialog 
import threading 
from Equalizer import processAudio 

# GUI assosiated Functions 
filepath = '' 

def choosefile(): 
     global filepath 
     filepath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('Audio Files', '*.wav')]) 
    except ValueError: 

def getSliderValues(): 
    sliderVector = [] 
    if filepath: 
     audioThread = threading.Thread(target=processAudio, args=(filepath, sliderVector[0], sliderVector[1], sliderVector[2], sliderVector[3], sliderVector[4])) 
    test45hzslider.after(500, getSliderValues) 

root = Tk() 
root.title("Graphic Equalizer") 
# Initiation of Frames 
sliderframes = Frame(root) 
slider1frame = Frame(sliderframes) 
slider2frame = Frame(sliderframes) 
slider3frame = Frame(sliderframes) 
slider4frame = Frame(sliderframes) 
slider5frame = Frame(sliderframes) 

importframe = Frame(root) 

# Variable creation 
## En estas variables es que se guarda el valor del slider cuando le des al boton o hagan refresh con el timer 
Value45hz = DoubleVar() 
Value700hz = DoubleVar() 
Value2khz = DoubleVar() 
Value8khz = DoubleVar() 
Value15khz = DoubleVar() 

# All sliderframes widgets 

# Slider 1 
w = Scale(slider1frame, from_=12, to=-12, variable=Value45hz) ### slider label =45hz 
# Label for slider 1 
label45hz = Label(slider1frame, text='45Hz') 

# Slider 2 
w2 = Scale(slider2frame, from_=12, to=-12, variable=Value700hz) #slider label = 700hz 
# Label for slider 2 
label700hz = Label(slider2frame, text='700Hz') 

# Slider 3 
w3 = Scale(slider3frame, from_=12, to=-12, variable=Value2khz) # slider label = 2khz 
# Label for slider 3 
label2khz = Label(slider3frame, text='2kHz') 

# Slider 4 
w4 = Scale(slider4frame, from_=12, to=-12, variable=Value8khz) # slider label = 8k 
# Label for slider 4 
label8khz = Label(slider4frame, text='8kHz') 

# Slider 5 
w5 = Scale(slider5frame, from_=12, to=-12, variable=Value15khz) ### slider label= 15khz 
# Label for slider 5 
label15khz = Label(slider5frame, text='15kHz') 

# Audio Import Button 
audiobutton = Button(importframe, text='Import Audio...', command=choosefile) 
filenamelabel = Label(importframe, text='No File Chosen.') 
test45hzslider = Label(importframe, text='No Value') 



## dale run a ver si el gas pela 

###45Hz, 700Hz, 2KHz 8k, 15KHz 

vous ne pouvez pas utiliser filtfilt en temps réel comme filtre à la fois vers l'avant et en arrière sur le signal. En d'autres termes, c'est non-causal. Deuxièmement, vous avez écrit votre code pour effectuer un filtrage sur l'ensemble du signal avant qu'il puisse éventuellement jouer. Si vous voulez un comportement en temps réel, vous devez exécuter les filtres sur un morceau de signal et lire la sortie, le tout en boucle – jaket


Merci pour la réponse Jaket c'est la première fois que je travaille en temps réel. Cela a plus de sens maintenant. Comme vous me l'avez dit, je devrais tamponner le signal et l'envoyer à la sortie en morceaux. à propos de filfilt est il y a un autre filtre que je devrais utiliser pour filtrer le signal. devrait-il être un filtre FIR? – man


I filter the signal using overlap and add but I still cant find a way to hook up pyaudio for real time processing. 

#### Overlap And ADD 
import numpy as np 
import math as m 
from scipy.io import wavfile 
from scipy import signal 

import pyaudio 
import wave 
import sys 
import time 
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# import numpy as np 
import scikits.audiolab 

# x = np.array([3,-2,4,1,1,0,-3,5]) 
# y = np.array([1, -1, 2]) 

##############################################Importa el audio################################################### 
## Import Audio 

fs, x = wavfile.read('Firstsaturday.wav') 

###### PyAudio 

# floating point 

x = x.astype(float) 

##make it mono 
x = (x[:,0] + x[:,1])/2 

#############################################Importa el audio################################################### 

##########################################LOW PASS FILTER################################################### 
numtaps = 100 
## nyquist 
nyq = fs/2. 
cutoff = 45.0 
### create the filter 
y = signal.firwin(numtaps,cutoff/nyq) 

###########################################LOW PASS FILTER################################################### 

######################################PRIMER BAND PASS FILTER##################################################### 

centFB = 700.0 

FB1S = cutoff ### start at the end of the cutoff 

FB1E = 2*centFB - FB1S ### dos veces la frecuencia central - el cutoff frequency 

y2 = signal.firwin(numtaps,[FB1S,FB1E],nyq=fs/2,pass_zero=False) 

# trata a ver como suena 
######################################PRIMER BAND PASS FILTER##################################################### 

######################################SEGUNDO BAND PASS FILTER##################################################### 

### center frequency 
centFB2 = 2000.0 ## 2khz 

FB2S = FB1E ### empieza el segundo filto 

FB2E = 2*centFB2 - FB2S ### termina el filtro 

y3 = signal.firwin(numtaps,[FB2S,FB2E],nyq=fs/2,pass_zero=False) 

######################################SEGUNDO BAND PASS FILTER##################################################### 

######################################TERCER BAND PASS FILTER####################################################### 

centFB3 = 8000.0 ### 8khz 

FB3S = FB2S 

FB3E = 2*centFB3 - FB3S 

y4 = signal.firwin(numtaps,[FB3S,FB3E], nyq=fs/2,pass_zero=False) 

######################################TERCER BAND PASS FILTER####################################################### 

######################################HIGH PASS FILTER ############################################################# 

centHP = 15000.0 #### 15khz 

HPE = 2*centHP - HPS 

y5 = signal.firwin(numtaps,[HPS,HPE],nyq=fs/2,pass_zero=False) 

######################################HIGH PASS FILTER ############################################################# 

# print(y5) 
Equalizer = np.concatenate((y,y2,y3,y4,y5),axis=0) 
# print(Equalizer) 

# Equalizer = [y,y2,y3,y4,y5] 

convlen = len(x) + len(Equalizer) - 1 

### result of zeros 

ConvResult = np.zeros(convlen,dtype=float,order='F') 

# determine the segment length 

seglen = 1024 
# determine how many segments we have in audio signal x 

Segments = m.ceil(float(len(x))/float(seglen)) 

SegmentINT = int(Segments) 
# print(SegmentINT) 

for i in range(0,SegmentINT): 
    ## stablish indexes for dry audio 
    dryStart = i * seglen 

    dryEnd = dryStart + seglen - 1 
    if dryEnd > len(x) - 1: 
     dryEnd = len(x) - 1 

    convsegment = signal.fftconvolve(x[dryStart:dryEnd + 1],Equalizer) 

    ## add convresult 

    StartConv = dryStart 
    EndConv = dryEnd + len(Equalizer) - 1 

    ConvResult[StartConv:EndConv + 1]= ConvResult[StartConv:EndConv + 1] + convsegment 

ConvResult = ConvResult/max(ConvResult) 
