2017-08-24 4 views

J'ai réussi à faire disparaître mon formulaire correctement, mais pour une raison quelconque, mon fondu ne fonctionne pas correctement. La forme "accroche" pendant le chargement. Il charge normalement, puis disparaît. Plutôt que de se faner dans le début avec. Cela se fait en créant un module, puis en codant dans le formulaire.Ms Access se fade sous forme avec Windows API

Le code de formulaire:

Option Compare Database 
Dim gintC 

Private Sub Form_Load() 
Me.TimerInterval = 2 
FadeForm Me, Fadezero, 1, 5 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form_Timer() 
If IsEmpty(gintC) Then 
    FadeForm Me, Fadein, 1, 15 
End If 
gintC = 1 
Me.TimerInterval = 0 
End Sub 

Private Sub Form_Close() 
FadeForm Me, Fadeout, 1, 255 
End Sub 

Le module:

Public Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ 
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long 

Public Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ 
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long 

Public Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32" _ 
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal crey As Byte, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long 

Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 

Public Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20) 

Public Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000 

Public Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = &H20& 

Public Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2& 

'Enum for determining the direction of the fade. 

Public Enum FadeDirection 

    Fadein = -1 

    Fadeout = 0 

    Fadezero = 1 

    SetOpacity = 1 

End Enum 

Public Sub FadeForm(frm As Form, Optional Direction As FadeDirection = FadeDirection.Fadein, _ 
Optional iDelay As Integer = 0, Optional StartOpacity As Long = 5) 

    Dim lOriginalStyle As Long 
    Dim iCtr As Integer 
    'You can only set a form's opacity if it's Popup property = True. 
    If (frm.PopUp = True) Then 
     'Get the form window’s handle, and remember its original style. 
     lOriginalStyle = GetWindowLong(frm.hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) 
     SetWindowLong frm.hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, lOriginalStyle Or WS_EX_LAYERED 
     'If the form’s original style = 0, it hasn’t been faded since it was opened. 
     'To get fading to work, we have to set its style to something other than zero. 
     If (lOriginalStyle = 0) And (Direction <> FadeDirection.SetOpacity) Then 
      'Recursively call this same procedure to set the value. 
      FadeForm frm, SetOpacity, , StartOpacity 
     End If 
     'Depending on the direction of the fade... 
     Select Case Direction 
      Case FadeDirection.Fadezero 
       iCtr = StartOpacity 
       SetLayeredWindowAttributes frm.hWnd, 0, CByte(iCtr), LWA_ALPHA 
      Case FadeDirection.Fadein 
       'Just in case. 
       If StartOpacity < 1 Then StartOpacity = 1 
       'Fade the form in by varying its opacity 
       'from the value supplied in 'StartOpacity' 
       'to 255 (completely opaque). 
       For iCtr = StartOpacity To 255 Step 1 
       SetLayeredWindowAttributes frm.hWnd, 0, CByte(iCtr), LWA_ALPHA 
       'Process any outstanding events. 
       'Wait a while, so the user can see the effect. 
       Sleep iDelay 
      Case FadeDirection.Fadeout 
       'Just in case. 
       If StartOpacity < 6 Then StartOpacity = 255 
       'Fade the form out by varying its opacity 
       'from 255 to 1 (almost transparent). 
       For iCtr = StartOpacity To 1 Step -1 
       SetLayeredWindowAttributes frm.hWnd, 0, CByte(iCtr), LWA_ALPHA 
       'Process any outstanding events. 
       'Wait a while, so the user can see the effect. 
       Sleep iDelay 
      Case Else 'FadeDirection.SetOpacity. 
       'Just in case. 
       Select Case StartOpacity 
       Case Is < 1: StartOpacity = 1 
       Case Is > 255: StartOpacity = 255 
       End Select 
       'Set the form's opacity to a specific value. 
       SetLayeredWindowAttributes frm.hWnd, 0, CByte(StartOpacity), LWA_ALPHA 
       'Process any outstanding events. 
       'Wait a while, so the user can see the effect. 
       Sleep iDelay 
     End Select 
     'The form’s Popup property MUST = True 
     MsgBox "The form's Popup property must be set to True.", vbOKOnly & vbInformation, "Cannot fade form" 
    End If 

End Sub 

Tous les conseils? Une idée de pourquoi le fondu de fermeture fonctionne, mais le fondu de chargement ne fonctionne pas? Merci.


Essayez événement Open charge pas « Lorsque vous ouvrez un formulaire , les événements suivants se produisent dans cet ordre: Ouvrir → Charger → Redimensionner → Activer → Actuel « – 4dmonster


Oui, j'avais essayé et j'ai toujours le même problème. Merci bien –


Ensuite, vous devriez OpenForm avec WindowMode = acHidden, et si les appels d'API ne le rendront pas visible lors de l'ouverture, définissez Me.Visible = True dans Timer – 4dmonster



Vous devriez

  • code mouvement Load-Open événement
  • appel OpenForm avec WindowMode = acHidden
  • mis Me.Visible = True à minuterie