2017-10-18 18 views

Je reçois une erreur qui dit:MySQL Node.js Erreur de syntaxe (ME CONDUIRE FOU)

C:\Users\Minh Lu\Desktop\MusicMediaWebApp\database\dbService.js:34 
[0]    con.query(sql, typeCast: function(field, next) { 
[0]       ^^^^^^^^ 
[0] SyntaxError: missing) after argument list 

De ceci:

/* Retrieves a User model by ID */ 
    getUserByID: function(ID, callback) { 
     this.tryConnect().getConnection(function(err, con) { 
      var sql = queries.getUserByID; 
      con.query(sql, typeCast: function(field, next) { 

       // We only want to cast bit fields that have a single-bit in them. If the field 
       // has more than one bit, then we cannot assume it is supposed to be a Boolean. 
       if ((field.type === "BIT") && (field.length === 1)) { 

        var bytes = field.buffer(); 

        // A Buffer in Node represents a collection of 8-bit unsigned integers. 
        // Therefore, our single "bit field" comes back as the bits '0000 0001', 
        // which is equivalent to the number 1. 
        return(bytes[ 0 ] === 1); 

       return next(); 

      }, ID, function (err, result) { 
       if (err) throw err; 
       // Call the callback function in the caller of this method so we can do something with this "result" 
       return callback(result); // [] if not found 

Et je suis tellement confus quant à ce que la syntaxe erreur c'est? C'est la même méthode que dans la documentation: https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql#type-casting




Regardez de près la documentation.

    sql: '...', 
    typeCast: function (field, next) { 
    if (field.type == 'TINY' && field.length == 1) { 
     return (field.string() == '1'); // 1 = true, 0 = false 
    return next(); 

connection.query(...) est d'accepter un objet en tant que paramètre.


Oui, j'ai réalisé cela. Merci! –