2011-11-16 4 views

Échec de la compilation: c: \ Utilisateurs \ miralp \ AppData \ Local \ Temp_qjans4v.0.cs (36,6): erreur CS0012: Le type 'System.Xml.XmlDocument' est défini dans un assembly ce n'est pas référencé. Vous devez ajouter une référence à l'assembly 'System.Xml, Version = 1.0.3300.0, Culture = neutre, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089'. Je reçois cette erreur, le fichier de construction ressembleTâche de script de génération nant

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<project name="Ttl.Deploy.Refunds.Functions.build" basedir="." xmlns="http://nant.sf.net/release/0.85/nant.xsd"> 

    <script language="C#" prefix="ttl" > 
        <include name="System.Xml.dll" /> 
        <include name="System.dll" />  
        <include name="System.IO.dll" />   
        <include name="NAnt.Core.dll" /> 

        <import namespace="System.Xml" /> 
        <import namespace="System" /> 
        <import namespace="System.IO" /> 
        <import namespace="NAnt.Core" /> 

       public string Expand_nant_properties_into_template(string templateFilepath, string propertiesFilepath, string applicationVersion) 
        const int INDENT_LEVEL = 0; 
        const string APPLICATION_VERSION = "applicationVersion"; 

        //Get the contents of the template to be expanded 
        string template = new FileInfo(templateFilepath) 

        //Create a new NAnt project with only the properties in the properties file 
        Project project = new Project(propertiesFilepath, Level.None, INDENT_LEVEL); 
        project.Properties.Add(APPLICATION_VERSION, applicationVersion); 

        //Load the properties into memory 

        return project.Properties.ExpandProperties(template, Location.UnknownLocation); 




Définissez la propriété nant.settings.currentframework comme ceci:

<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5" /> 
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