2012-03-11 2 views



J'ai trouvé la réponse. Cela implique d'intercepter la valeur dans set_rules() en utilisant 2 fonctions de rappel. J'ai supprimé le code pour ce post, donc c'est plus facile à comprendre.

Le fichier de configuration:

// This is where the default text will come from so it's easy to modify 
// The second config (['address']) is there just to show that ['test'] is an array 
$config['test']['name'] = 'Default Text'; 
$config['test']['address'] = 'Some other text'; 

Les règles:

// The sample rule. Do not add 'required' in the rules since _sanitize already 
// does the checking for blank values. Insert the name of the field 
// within the []. _sanitize() needs to be called before _check(). 
$this->form_validation->set_rules('name', 'Name', 'trim|callback__sanitize[name]|callback__check[name]'); 

Les deux fonctions de rappel: _sanitize() et _Consultez()

// CALLBACK: _sanitize 
* If field is empty(), inserts the default value found in the config file 
* Works alongside _check(). 
public function _sanitize($str, $arg){ 
    $text = $this->config->item('test'); 
    return $text[$arg]; 

    // If !empty(), return the value as if nothing happened 
    return $str; 

// CALLBACK: _check 
* If value is equivalent to the default value (from the config file), mark it as FALSE 
* Works alongside _sanitize(). 
public function _check($str, $arg){ 
    $text = $this->config->item('test'); 

    if($str == $text[$arg]){ 
    $this->form_validation->set_message('_check', 'The %s field is required'); 
    return FALSE; 

    return TRUE; 

Enfin, le code de la vue:

// Put at top of page 
$name = array(

// Put within the page 
<?php echo form_input($name); ?> 
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