2017-08-27 3 views

J'ai quatre feuilles:VBA Fonction définie par l'utilisateur erreur #VALUE


    sample row-1: ABC, INV_ID1  
    sample row-2: ABC, INV_ID2  
    sample row-3: XYZ, INV_ID3  
    sample row-4: XYZ, INV_ID4 

    sample row: date1, status_INV_ID_1, returns_INV_ID_1, 
          status_INV_ID_2, returns_INV_ID_2,  

    sample row: date1, status_INV_ID_3, returns_INV_ID_3, 
          status_INV_ID_4, returns_INV_ID_4, 

    sample row: date1, all_totals 

Je veux all_totals = totalABC + totalXYZ

Étant donné que le nombre de retours feuilles peuvent augmenter à l'avenir et je l'intention de fournir un filtrage basé sur le propriétaire (ABC/XYZ etc.), J'ai écrit la fonction vba suivante à appeler à partir de la colonne all_totals de la feuille "TOTALS" avec date1 comme paramètre. Cela ne fonctionne pas et ma meilleure estimation est que cela peut être dû à une limitation de "Fonction définie par l'utilisateur".

Cependant, comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous, je ne modifie aucune autre valeur de cellule, seulement celle de la cellule à partir de laquelle la fonction est appelée. Je me demande simplement si quelqu'un a des suggestions sur la façon de résoudre ce problème?

'Returns the current month total due for ALL 
'Data is pulled from individual owner sheets 
Function getCurrentMonthTotalDue(theDate As Date) As Integer 
' theDate  - MANDATORY: Month for which data is needed 
' RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST - is a named range of all installment dates in the "RETURNS-XXX" sheets 
' RETURNS_PER_OWNER_TOTAL_DUE_THIS_MONTH_LIST - is a named range of totals in the "RETURNS-XXX" sheets 

Dim uniqueOwnerList as Variant 
Dim returnsPerOwnerDateRange, returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange as Range 
Dim i,j as integer 
Dim totalDue as Integer 

totalDue = 0 

uniqueOwnerList = getUniqueOwnerList 

for i = LBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) To UBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) 
    'Construct the ranges to refer 
    returnsPerOwnerDateRange  = Sheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST)   

    for j = 1 to returnsPerOwnerDateRange.Count                       '=====> BUT DOES NOT HIT THIS ONE AND NO ERROR IS SHOWN 
    if (returnsPerOwnerDateRange(j).value = theDate) then 
     totalDue = totalDue + returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange(j) 
    end if 
    next j 
next i 

'Return value 
getCurrentMonthTotalDue = totalDue 

End Function 

EDIT: Y compris le code complet pour fournir plus de contexte:

Option Explicit 

'Header names 


'Returns column number in the range containing the given header string 
'Input range is assumed to be a single row range 
Function getColumnNumber(theRange as Range, theColumnHeader as String) 
' theRange - MANDATORY: The range in which search is to be made 
' theColumnHeader - MANDATORY: The string to be searched 

Dim myRow As Range 
Dim myCell As Range 
Dim myColumn as long 

myColumn = -1 

for each myRow in theRange.rows 
for each myCell in myRow.Cells 
    myColumn = myColumn + 1 
    if myCell.Value = theColumnHeader then 
    getColumnNumber = myColumn 
    end if 
next myCell 
next myRow 
getColumnNumber = -1 
End Function 


'Returns a list of unique entries from a given range 
Function getUniqueListFromRange(theSourceRange as Range) 
'Code courtesy Jean-François [email protected] 
    Dim varIn As Variant 
    Dim varUnique As Variant 
    Dim iInRow As Long 
    Dim iUnique As Long 
    Dim nUnique As Long 
    Dim isUnique As Boolean 

    varIn = theSourceRange 
    ReDim varUnique(1 To UBound(varIn, 1) * UBound(varIn, 2)) 

    nUnique = 0 
    For iInRow = LBound(varIn, 1) To UBound(varIn, 1) 

      isUnique = True 
      For iUnique = 1 To nUnique 
       If varIn(iInRow, 1) = varUnique(iUnique) Then 
        isUnique = False 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next iUnique 

      If isUnique = True Then 
       nUnique = nUnique + 1 
       varUnique(nUnique) = varIn(iInRow, 1) 
      End If 

    Next iInRow 
    '// varUnique now contains only the unique values. 
    '// Trim off the empty elements: 
    ReDim Preserve varUnique(1 To nUnique) 

    getUniqueListFromRange = varUnique 
End Function 

Function getUniqueOwnerList() 
Dim myRange As Range 


getUniqueOwnerList = getUniqueListFromRange(myRange) 
End Function 

Function getUniqueTicketList() 
Dim myRange As Range 


getUniqueTicketList = getUniqueListFromRange(myRange) 
End Function 

Function getUniqueInvestmentIDList() 
Dim myRange As Range 


getUniqueInvestmentIDList = getUniqueListFromRange(myRange) 
End Function 

Function isItemPresentinList(theItem as String, theList as Variant) as Boolean 
Dim i as long 
isItemPresentinList = False 

for i=LBound(theList, 1) To UBound(theList, 1) 
if (theList(i) = theItem) then 
    isItemPresentinList = True 
end if 
next i 

End Function 

Function getColumnID(theColumnHeader as String, theHeaderRange as Range) as long 
Dim columnIndex as long 
Dim myCell as Range 

columnIndex = 0 
getColumnID = 0 

for each myCell in theHeaderRange 
    columnIndex = columnIndex + 1 
    if myCell.Value = theColumnHeader then 
    getColumnID = columnIndex 
    end if 
next myCell 

End Function 

Function getInvestmentIDIndex(theInvestmentID as String) as long 
Dim theIndex as long 

theIndex = 0 
'If provided SVR-1, will return 1 
theIndex = Instr(theInvestmentID,"-") 

if theIndex = 0 then 
    theIndex = -1 
    theIndex = theIndex + 1 
end if 

getInvestmentIDIndex = theIndex 

End Function 

Function getAllInvestmentIDForOwner (theOwner as String) as Variant 
Dim i as long 
Dim j as long 
Dim theInvestmentOwnerRange as Range 
Dim theInvestmentIDRange as Range 
Dim theInvestmentList as Variant 

j = 0 
ReDim theInvestmentList(1 To UBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 1) * UBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 2)) 


for i = LBound(theInvestmentOwnerRange, 1) To UBound(theInvestmentOwnerRange, 1) 
    if (theInvestmentOwnerRange(i) = theOwner) then 
    j = j + 1 
    theInvestmentList(j) = theInvestmentIDRange(i) 
    end if 
next i 

ReDim Preserve theInvestmentList(1 to j) 

getAllInvestmentIDForOwner = theInvestmentList 

End Function 

Function getAllInvestmentIDForTicket (theTicketID as String) as Variant 
Dim i as long 
Dim j as long 
Dim theInvestmentOwnerRange as Range 
Dim theInvestmentTicketRange as Range 
Dim theInvestmentList as Variant 

j = 0 
ReDim theInvestmentList(1 To UBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 1) * UBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 2)) 


for i = LBound(theInvestmentTicketRange, 1) To UBound(theInvestmentTicketRange, 1) 
    if (theInvestmentTicketRange(i) = theTicketID) then 
    j = j + 1 
    theInvestmentList(j) = theInvestmentIDRange(i) 
    end if 
next i 

ReDim Preserve theInvestmentList(1 to j) 

getAllInvestmentIDForTicket = theInvestmentList 

End Function 

Function getTicketForInvestmentID (theInvestmentID as String) as String 
Dim i as long 
Dim j as long 
Dim theInvestmentIDRange as Range 
Dim theInvestmentTicketRange as Range 


for i = LBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 1) To UBound(theInvestmentIDRange, 1) 
    if (theInvestmentIDRange(i) = theInvestmentID) then 
    getTicketForInvestmentID = theInvestmentTicketRange(i) 
    end if 
next i 

getTicketForInvestmentID = "" 

End Function 

'Returns the current month total due for ALL 
'Data is pulled from individual owner sheets 
Function getCurrentMonthTotalDue(theDate As Date) 
' theDate  - MANDATORY: Month for which data is needed 

Dim uniqueOwnerList as Variant 
Dim returnsPerOwnerDateRange as Range 
Dim returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange as Range 
Dim i as long 
Dim j as long 
Dim totalDue as long 

totalDue = 0 

uniqueOwnerList = getUniqueOwnerList 

for i = LBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) To UBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) 
    'Construct the ranges to refer 
    Set returnsPerOwnerDateRange  = Sheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range("RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST") 
    Set returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange = Sheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range("RETURNS_PER_OWNER_TOTAL_DUE_THIS_MONTH_LIST") 

    for j = 1 to returnsPerOwnerDateRange.CountLarge 
    if (returnsPerOwnerDateRange(j).value = theDate) then 
     totalDue = totalDue + returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange(j) 
    end if 
    next j 
next i 

'Return value 
getCurrentMonthTotalDue = totalDue 

End Function 

'Returns the current month due for the specified parameters 
'Data is pulled from individual owner sheets with name matching the template 'RETURNS-XXX' 
Function getCurrentMonthDue(theDateRow As long, theOwnerList As Variant, theTicketList As Variant, theInvestmentList As Variant) 
' theDateRow  - MANDATORY: RowID of Month for which data is needed 
' theOwnerList  - MANDATORY: List of Owner names for which data is needed 
' theTicketList  - MANDATORY: List of Ticket IDs for which data is needed 
' theInvestmentList - MANDATORY: List of Investment IDs for which data is needed 

Dim uniqueOwnerList as Variant 
Dim allInvestmentsList as Variant 
Dim returnsPerOwnerDataRange as Range 
Dim i as long 
Dim j as long 
Dim theColumnID as long 

theColumnID = 0 
uniqueOwnerList = getUniqueOwnerList 

'FIRST: Loop through all owners mentioned in the filter value 
for i = LBound(theOwnerList, 1) To UBound(theOwnerList, 1) 
    'SECOND: Loop through all investments for the specific owner from the filter values provided 
    allInvestmentsList = getAllInvestmentIDForOwner(CStr(theOwnerList(i))) 
    for j = LBound(allInvestmentsList, 1) To UBound(allInvestmentsList, 1) 
     'THIRD: Check if the ticketID and investmentID match the filter values provided 
     if isItemPresentinList(getTicketForInvestmentID(Cstr(allInvestmentsList(j))),theTicketList) AND isItemPresentinList(CStr(allInvestmentsList(j)),theInvestmentList) then 
     'Construct the ranges to refer 
     Set returnsPerOwnerDataRange  = Sheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & theOwnerList(i)).Range("RETURNS_PER_OWNER_DATA_RANGE") 

     'return the correct due amount 
     theColumnID = RETURNS_PER_OWNER_FIRST_INVESTMENT_ID_COLUMN_ID*getInvestmentIDIndex(CStr(theInvestmentList(j))) 
     getCurrentMonthDue = returnsPerOwnerDataRange (theDateRow)(theColumnID) 
     end if 
    next j 
next i 

'Return value 
getCurrentMonthDue = 0 

End Function 

Function getFilteredList(theShape as Shape) 
Dim i As Long 
Dim selectedCount As Long 
Dim filteredList As Variant 

selectedCount = 0 

With theShape 
    ReDim filteredList(1 To .ListCount) 

    For i = 1 To .ListCount 
     If .Selected(i) Then 
      selectedCount = selectedCount + 1 
      filteredList(selectedCount) = .List(i) 
     End If 
    Next i 

    ' Trim off the empty elements: 
    ReDim Preserve filteredList(1 To selectedCount) 

End With 

getFilteredList = filteredList 

end function 

Function getOwnerFilteredList 
getOwnerFilteredList = getFilteredList(Sheets("CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY").ListBoxes("List Box 8")) 
End function 

Function getTicketFilteredList 
getTicketFilteredList = getFilteredList(Sheets("CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY").ListBoxes("List Box 9")) 
End function 

Function getInvestmentIDFilteredList 
getInvestmentIDFilteredList = getFilteredList(Sheets("CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY").ListBoxes("List Box 10")) 
End function 

Le code est incomplet: de votre implémentation ' getUniqueOwnerList() 'doit renvoyer une plage et ses cellules doivent contenir uniquement des numéros de ligne valides (pas de chaînes, de négatifs, de 0 ou de cellules vides). Mais il y a plus de problèmes: assurez-vous d'utiliser 'Option Explicit' en haut du module pour éliminer les problèmes de base, trouvez toutes les instances de" Integer "et remplacez-les par **" Long "**.Définissez correctement toutes les variables: la ligne 'Dim i, j comme entier 'définit i comme Variant et j comme Integer, quand vous voulez' Dim i As Long, j As Long'. La même chose pour 'returnsPerOwnerDateRange'. –


Une fois que vous avez terminé ce qui précède, utilisez le mot-clé 'Set' lors de l'affectation aux plages: La ligne' returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange = Sheets (RETURNS_PER_OWNER ...) 'devrait être' Set returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange = Sheets (RETURNS_PER_OWNER ...) ', puis remplacer' returnsPerOwnerDateRange. Count' avec 'returnsPerOwnerDateRange.CountLarge' –


Thx pour vos commentaires, fait les changements toujours le même résultat. Je n'ai pas inclus getUniqueOwnerList() car cela ne semblait pas être le problème (la fonction renvoyait des valeurs et j'allais dans la boucle). Je suis toujours incapable d'expliquer pourquoi le contrôle d'exécution ne va pas au-delà des instructions "set range". (PS: J'ai inclus le code incorporant vos commentaires à la fin de la question originale ci-dessus) –



Comme Paul Bica mentionne dans un commentaire, vous êtes:

  • ne pas définir vos variables que vous attendez - c'est-à-dire returnsPerOwnerDateRange et i sont tous deux déclarés Variant. (Le fait que returnsPerOwnerDateRange est un Variant est la raison pour laquelle votre code ne tombe pas en panne sur la déclaration

    returnsPerOwnerDateRange  = Sheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST) 

    , parce que le courant fait returnsPerOwnerDateRange dans un tableau 2 dimensions Variant contenant les valeurs de la gamme.)

  • N'utilise pas Set pour affecter des références à des objets tels que des plages.

  • Ne pas entourer les noms de plage dans les guillemets doubles pour les rendre littéraux. (Comme il était, ils étaient interprétées comme des variables, comme je suppose que votre RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX est.)

Le code suivant fonctionnera probablement:

'Returns the current month total due for ALL 
'Data is pulled from individual owner sheets 
Function getCurrentMonthTotalDue(theDate As Date) As Long ' Should this be Double? 
    ' theDate  - MANDATORY: Month for which data is needed 
    ' RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST - is a named range of all installment dates in the "RETURNS-XXX" sheets 
    ' RETURNS_PER_OWNER_TOTAL_DUE_THIS_MONTH_LIST - is a named range of totals in the "RETURNS-XXX" sheets 

    Dim uniqueOwnerList As Variant 
    Dim returnsPerOwnerDateRange As Range, returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange As Range 
    Dim i As Long, j As Long 
    Dim totalDue As Long ' Should this be Double? 

    totalDue = 0 

    uniqueOwnerList = getUniqueOwnerList 

    For i = LBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) To UBound(uniqueOwnerList, 1) 
     'Construct the ranges to refer 
     'Assumes that "RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX" is a global constant 
     Set returnsPerOwnerDateRange  = Worksheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range("RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST")   
     Set returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange = Worksheets(RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList(i)).Range("RETURNS_PER_OWNER_TOTAL_DUE_THIS_MONTH_LIST") 

     For j = 1 To returnsPerOwnerDateRange.Cells.Count 
      'NOTE: Referencing the cells within a range using a single index, 
      '  rather than a row and column index is a dangerous habit to get into, 
      '  but will work if the range is a single row or a single column. 
      If returnsPerOwnerDateRange(j).Value = theDate Then 
       totalDue = totalDue + returnsPerOwnerTotalDueRange(j).Value 
      End If 
     Next j 
    Next i 

    'Return value 
    getCurrentMonthTotalDue = totalDue 

End Function 

Merci pour vos commentaires. Votre observation sur le type de données "Double" est correcte, je ferai les changements dans l'itération finale. Cependant, le problème que j'ai semble être plus grave. Le contrôle d'exécution frappe la première des instructions "Définir les retours ..." et ne va pas au-delà. (PS: pls voir le code complet modifié dans les questions initiales) –


PS2: Juste pour souligner l'appel à getCurrentMonthTotalDue est faite à partir d'une cellule de feuille de calcul (comme une formule avec des paramètres) –


Placez un point d'arrêt sur le premier des 'Set retourne. ..' déclarations, et essayez d'invoquer la fonction. Quand il s'arrête à la ligne, tapez '? RETURNS_PER_OWNER_SHEET_PREFIX & uniqueOwnerList (i)' dans la fenêtre Exécution et appuyez sur Entrée - est-ce que cela affiche la feuille que vous attendez? Cette feuille a-t-elle une plage nommée "RETURNS_PER_OWNER_INSTALLMENT_DATE_LIST"? (Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir pourquoi il se bloquerait sur cette ligne si elle était précédemment dépassée quand vous avez 'returnsPerOwnerDateRange' étant défini comme' Variant' sauf si toutes vos feuilles ne sont pas correctement configurées.) – YowE3K