2016-09-02 3 views

Je ne peux pas expliquer cette erreur dans le jeu que j'essaie de faire. Je suis un nouveau venu dans la programmation de jeux, et je suis un tutoriel sur YouTube. Pour autant que je puisse voir, je fais exactement la même chose que dans la vidéo, mais j'ai toujours cette erreur.Une explication inexpliquée "n'est pas abstraite et ne remplace pas la méthode abstraite" erreur

Error: Uncompilable source code - tilegame.entities.creatures.Player is not abstract and does not override abstract method die() in tilegame.entities.Entity at tilegame.entities.creatures.Creature.(Creature.java:11)

Entité Classe:

package tilegame.entities; 

import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 
import tilegame.Game; 
import tilegame.Handler; 

public abstract class Entity { 

    public static final int DEFAULT_HEALTH = 10; 
    protected Handler handler; 
    protected float x, y; 
    protected int width, height; 
    protected int health; 
    protected boolean active = true; 
    protected Rectangle bounds; 

    public Entity(Handler handler, float x, float y, int width, int height){ 
     this.handler = handler; 
     this.x = x; 
     this.y = y; 
     this.width = width; 
     this.height = height; 
     health = DEFAULT_HEALTH; 

     bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); 

    public abstract void tick(); 

    public abstract void render(Graphics g); 

    public abstract void die(); 

    public void hurt(int amt){ 
     health += amt; 
     if(health <= 0){ 
      active = false; 

    public boolean checkEntityCollisions(float xOffset, float yOffset){ 
     for(Entity e : handler.getWorld().getEntityManager().getEntity()){ 
      if(e.getCollisionBounds(0f, 0f).intersects(getCollisionBounds(xOffset, yOffset))) 
       return true; 
     return false; 

    public Rectangle getCollisionBounds(float xOffset, float yOffset){ 
     return new Rectangle ((int) (x + bounds.x + xOffset), (int) (y + bounds.y + yOffset), bounds.width, bounds.height); 

    public float getX() { 
     return x; 

    public void setX(float x) { 
     this.x = x; 

    public float getY() { 
     return y; 

    public void setY(float y) { 
     this.y = y; 

    public int getWidth() { 
     return width; 

    public void setWidth(int width) { 
     this.width = width; 

    public int getHeight() { 
     return height; 

    public void setHeight(int height) { 
     this.height = height; 

    public int getHealth() { 
     return health; 

    public void setHealth(int health) { 
     this.health = health; 

    public boolean isActive() { 
     return active; 

    public void setActive(boolean active) { 
     this.active = active; 

Classe du joueur:

package tilegame.entities.creatures; 

import java.awt.Color; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; 
import tilegame.Game; 
import tilegame.Handler; 
import tilegame.gfx.Animation; 
import tilegame.gfx.Assets; 

public class Player extends Creature{ 

    private Animation animDown, animUp, animLeft, animRight; 

    public Player(Handler handler, float x, float y){ 
     super(handler, x, y, Creature.DEFAULT_CREATURE_WIDTH, Creature.DEFAULT_CREATURE_HEIGHT); 

     bounds.x = 20; 
     bounds.y = 24; 
     bounds.width = 23; 
     bounds.height = 39; 

     animDown = new Animation(250, Assets.player_down); 
     animUp = new Animation(250, Assets.player_up); 
     animLeft = new Animation(250, Assets.player_left); 
     animRight = new Animation(250, Assets.player_right); 

    public void tick() { 


    public void die() { 
     System.out.println("You died"); 

    private void getInput(){ 
     xMove = 0; 
     yMove = 0; 

      yMove = -speed; 
      yMove = speed; 
      xMove = -speed; 
      xMove = speed; 

    public void render(Graphics g) { 
     g.drawImage(getCurrentAnimationFrame(), (int) (x - handler.getGameCamera().getxOffset()), (int) (y - handler.getGameCamera().getyOffset()), width, height, null); 

     //Show bounding box 

     g.fillRect((int) (x + bounds.x - handler.getGameCamera().getxOffset()), 
       (int) (y + bounds.y - handler.getGameCamera().getyOffset()), 
       bounds.width, bounds.height);*/ 

    private BufferedImage getCurrentAnimationFrame(){ 
     if(xMove < 0){ 
      return animLeft.getCurrentFrame(); 
     }else if(xMove > 0){ 
      return animRight.getCurrentFrame(); 
     }else if(yMove < 0){ 
      return animUp.getCurrentFrame(); 
      return animDown.getCurrentFrame(); 

Créature Classe:

package tilegame.entities.creatures; 

import java.awt.Graphics; 
import tilegame.Game; 
import tilegame.Handler; 
import tilegame.entities.Entity; 
import tilegame.tiles.Tile; 

public abstract class Creature extends Entity{ 

    public static final float DEFAULT_SPEED = 3.0f; 
    public static final int DEFAULT_CREATURE_WIDTH = 64, 

    protected float speed; 
    protected float xMove, yMove; 

    public Creature(Handler handler, float x, float y, int width, int height) { 
     super(handler, x, y, width, height); 
     speed = DEFAULT_SPEED; 
     xMove = 0; 
     yMove = 0; 

    public void move(){ 
     if(!checkEntityCollisions(xMove, 0f)) 
     if(!checkEntityCollisions(0f, yMove)) 

    public void moveX(){ 
     if(xMove > 0){//Moving right 

      int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x + bounds.width)/Tile.TILEWIDTH; 

      if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT) && !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){ 
       x += xMove; 
       x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x - bounds.width - 1; 

     }else if(xMove < 0){//Moving left 
      int tx = (int) (x + xMove + bounds.x)/Tile.TILEWIDTH; 

      if(!collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT) && 
        !collisionWithTile(tx, (int) (y + bounds.y + bounds.height)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT)){ 
       x += xMove; 
       x = tx * Tile.TILEWIDTH + Tile.TILEWIDTH - bounds.x; 

    public void moveY(){ 
     if(yMove < 0){//Moving up 
      int ty = (int) (y + yMove + bounds.y)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT; 

      if(!collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x)/Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty) && 
        !collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x + bounds.width)/Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty)){ 
       y += yMove; 
       y = ty * Tile.TILEHEIGHT + Tile.TILEHEIGHT - bounds.y; 

     }else if(yMove > 0){ //Moving down 
      int ty = (int) (y + yMove + bounds.y + bounds.height)/Tile.TILEHEIGHT; 

      if(!collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x)/Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty) && 
        !collisionWithTile((int) (x + bounds.x + bounds.width)/Tile.TILEWIDTH, ty)){ 
       y += yMove; 
       y = ty * Tile.TILEHEIGHT - bounds.y - bounds.height - 1; 

    protected boolean collisionWithTile(int x, int y){ 
     return handler.getWorld().getTile(x, y).isSolid(); 

    public int getHealth() { 
     return health; 

    public void setHealth(int health) { 
     this.health = health; 

    public float getSpeed() { 
     return speed; 

    public void setSpeed(float speed) { 
     this.speed = speed; 

    public float getxMove() { 
     return xMove; 

    public void setxMove(float xMove) { 
     this.xMove = xMove; 

    public float getyMove() { 
     return yMove; 

    public void setyMove(float yMove) { 
     this.yMove = yMove; 

je mets en œuvre la même filière de méthode abstraite(); dans les classes de pierre et d'arbre aussi. Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi j'ai cette erreur. Quelqu'un veut-il l'expliquer? J'ai essayé de réécrire le code, en redémarrant NetBeans.


Si vous débutez en programmation, commencez par les bases et non par un jeu. – SomeJavaGuy


Le joueur doit remplacer la méthode die() – Kelvin


@Kelvin et ce n'est pas ?? – joc



Votre code, réduit au minimum (check how to create a MVCE) est correcte et ne jette pas d'erreur:

abstract class Entity { 
    public abstract void die(); 

class Player extends Creature{ 

    public void die() { 
     System.out.println("You died"); 

abstract class Creature extends Entity{ 

Alors vérifier vos importations, vous pourriez avoir une classe Player supplémentaire dans un autre emballage.