2009-09-16 6 views



Je me suis trouvé la solution après de nombreuses tentatives. La solution n'est pas idéale mais elle semble fonctionner.

Assurez-vous de gérer l'événement de changement de feuille de calcul:

displayWorksheet.Change += new Excel.DocEvents_ChangeEventHandler(CellsChange); 

la méthode pour manipuler devrait alors ressembler à ceci:

private void CellsChange(Excel.Range Target) 
    if ((this.Application.Selection as Excel.Range) != null) 
     Excel.Range selectedRange = thisAddIn.Application.Selection as Excel.Range; 
     if (selectedRange.Rows.Count > 1) 
      //put your code to handle autofill here 

Voici comment je determmine si une seule cellule a changé ou multiples soit en collant une gamme de cellules ou par des valeurs de drague

//Get the currentCell/s changed 
     object missing = System.T 
     string currentCell = Target.get_Address(
     missing, missing, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, missing, missing); 

//Split the currentCell variable this aids the logic in getting cell letter and number 
     char[] delimiter = new char[] {'$'}; 
     string[] CellSplit = currentCell.Split(delimiter); 

//try parse the value in position 1 if this is true then a whole sheet has been pasted and needs to be checked 
     //usually will be false if 1 cell is changed or multiple by dragging 
     Int32 int32Val; 
     bool result; 
     result = Int32.TryParse(CellSplit.GetValue(1).ToString).Replace":", ""),System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer, null, out int32Val); 

    //check the length of the array as this will help in determining how the cells have been changed 
     int numCellSplit = CellSplit.Length; 

    //the result is false if a single cell was changed and the length is 3 
     if (CellSplit.Length == 3 && result == false) 
      \\your code here 
    //the result is true if the whole sheet has been pasted 
     if (CellSplit.Length == 3 && result == true) 
      \\your code here 

    //if the user dragged the data from one cell across others 
     if (CellSplit.Length == 5 && result == false) 
      //create char arrays to get the Alphabetical letters to use to loop 
      char[] FirstLetter = CellSplit.GetValue(1).ToString().ToCharArray(); 
      char[] SecondLetter = CellSplit.GetValue(3).ToString().ToCharArray(); 

      int Alphaletter = (char)FirstLetter.GetValue(0); 
      int Betaletter = (char)SecondLetter.GetValue(0); 
      //Alphabetical letters have an int value so they can be used to loop through the cells 
      for (int CellCheck = Alphaletter; CellCheck <= Betaletter; CellCheck++) 
       int LoopStart = int.Parse(CellSplit.GetValue(2).ToString().Replace(":", "")); 
       int LoopEnd = int.Parse(CellSplit.GetValue(4).ToString()); 

       for (; LoopStart <= LoopEnd; LoopStart++) 

        //your code here       


J'espère cela aide d'une certaine manière à déterminer comment les cellules ont été changées.
