2017-08-25 2 views

J'utilise PYTHON IDE spyder3.2.1 dans anaconda2, avec python2.7, ubuntu14.04Spyder juste "noyau est mort, le redémarrage" quand je lance net.forward dans pytorch


est tout simple comme suit :

import torch 
from torch.autograd import Variable 
import torch.nn as nn 
import torch.nn.functional as F 
import numpy as np 

class Net(nn.Module): 

    def __init__(self): 
     super(Net, self).__init__() 
     # 1 input image channel, 6 output channels, 5x5 square convolution 
     # kernel 
     self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 5) 
     self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5) 
     # an affine operation: y = Wx + b 
     self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120) 
     self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84) 
     self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10) 

    def forward(self, x): 
     # Max pooling over a (2, 2) window 
     x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv1(x)), (2, 2)) 
     # If the size is a square you can only specify a single number 
     print "after conv1 size is {}".format(x.size()) 
     x = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(self.conv2(x)), 2) 
     print "after conv2 size is {}".format(x.size()) 
     x = x.view(-1, self.num_flat_features(x)) 
     x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) 
     x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) 
     x = self.fc3(x) 
     return x 

    def num_flat_features(self, x): 
     size = x.size()[1:] # all dimensions except the batch dimension 
     num_features = 1 
     for s in size: 
      num_features *= s 
     return num_features 

net = Net() 

print "hello wrold" 
input = Variable(torch.Tensor(np.random.randint(1,10,size=(1,1,32,32)))) 
print net.forward(input) 

lorsque j'utilise ordinateur portable ou une console jupyter, il fonctionne normalement, cela signifie que le code n'a pas d'erreur.
Mais quand je l'utilise de Spyder, il se planter aime ça:
enter image description here
As I am not allowed to embed the error image: it says "Kernel died, restarting"

J'essaie juste de réduire mon code pour trouver où le problème est.

Le problème est absolument autour du tout début F.max_pool2d(), dans la fonction de méthode de transfert.

Mais après avoir beaucoup cherché, je n'ai toujours aucune idée de comment le réparer.

liste Conda:

alabaster     0.7.10     py27_0 
anaconda     4.4.0    np112py27_0 
anaconda-client   1.6.3     py27_0 
anaconda-navigator  1.6.2     py27_0 
anaconda-project   0.6.0     py27_0 
asn1crypto    0.22.0     py27_0 
astroid     1.4.9     py27_0 
astroid     1.5.3      <pip> 
astropy     1.3.2    np112py27_0 
Babel      2.5.0      <pip> 
babel      2.4.0     py27_0 
backports     1.0      py27_0 
backports.functools-lru-cache 1.4      <pip> 
backports.weakref   1.0rc1     <pip> 
backports_abc    0.5      py27_0 
beautifulsoup4   4.6.0     py27_0 
bitarray     0.8.1     py27_0 
blaze      0.10.1     py27_0 
bleach     1.5.0     py27_0 
bleach     2.0.0      <pip> 
bokeh      0.12.5     py27_1 
boto      2.46.1     py27_0 
bottleneck    1.2.1    np112py27_0 
cairo      1.14.8      0 
cdecimal     2.3      py27_2 
certifi     2017.7.27.1    <pip> 
cffi      1.10.0     py27_0 
chardet     3.0.3     py27_0 
chardet     3.0.4      <pip> 
click      6.7      py27_0 
cloudpickle    0.2.2     py27_0 
clyent     1.2.2     py27_0 
colorama     0.3.9     py27_0 
conda      4.3.21     py27_0 
conda-env     2.6.0       0 
configparser    3.5.0     py27_0 
contextlib2    0.5.5     py27_0 
cryptography    1.8.1     py27_0 
curl      7.52.1      0 
cycler     0.10.0     py27_0 
cython     0.25.2     py27_0 
cytoolz     0.8.2     py27_0 
dask      0.14.3     py27_1 
datashape     0.5.4     py27_0 
dbus      1.10.10      0 
decorator     4.0.11     py27_0 
distributed    1.16.3     py27_0 
docutils     0.14      <pip> 
docutils     0.13.1     py27_0 
entrypoints    0.2.2     py27_1 
entrypoints    0.2.3      <pip> 
enum34     1.1.6     py27_0 
et_xmlfile    1.0.1     py27_0 
expat      2.1.0       0 
fastcache     1.0.2     py27_1 
flask      0.12.2     py27_0 
flask-cors    3.0.2     py27_0 
fontconfig    2.12.1      3 
freetype     2.5.5       2 
funcsigs     1.0.2     py27_0 
functools32     py27_0 
futures     3.1.1     py27_0 
get_terminal_size   1.0.0     py27_0 
gevent     1.2.1     py27_0 
glib      2.50.2      1 
greenlet     0.4.12     py27_0 
grin      1.2.1     py27_3 
gst-plugins-base   1.8.0       0 
gstreamer     1.8.0       0 
h5py      2.7.0    np112py27_0 
harfbuzz     0.9.39      2 
hdf5      1.8.17      1 
heapdict     1.0.0     py27_1 
html5lib     0.999999999    <pip> 
html5lib     0.999     py27_0 
icu      54.1       0 
idna      2.5      py27_0 
idna      2.6      <pip> 
imagesize     0.7.1     py27_0 
ipaddress     1.0.18     py27_0 
ipykernel     4.6.1     py27_0 
ipython     5.3.0     py27_0 
ipython_genutils   0.2.0     py27_0 
ipywidgets    6.0.0     py27_0 
isort      4.2.5     py27_0 
isort      4.2.15     <pip> 
itsdangerous    0.24      py27_0 
jbig      2.1       0 
jdcal      1.3      py27_0 
jedi      0.10.2     py27_2 
jinja2     2.9.6     py27_0 
jpeg      9b       0 
jsonschema    2.6.0     py27_0 
jupyter     1.0.0     py27_3 
jupyter-client   5.1.0      <pip> 
jupyter_client   5.0.1     py27_0 
jupyter_console   5.1.0     py27_0 
jupyter_core    4.3.0     py27_0 
lazy-object-proxy   1.2.2     py27_0 
lazy-object-proxy   1.3.1      <pip> 
libffi     3.2.1       1 
libgcc     4.8.5       2 
libgfortran    3.0.0       1 
libiconv     1.14       0 
libpng     1.6.27      0 
libsodium     1.0.10      0 
libtiff     4.0.6       3 
libtool     2.4.2       0 
libxcb     1.12       1 
libxml2     2.9.4       0 
libxslt     1.1.29      0 
llvmlite     0.18.0     py27_0 
locket     0.2.0     py27_1 
lxml      3.7.3     py27_0 
Markdown     2.6.8      <pip> 
markupsafe    0.23      py27_2 
MarkupSafe    1.0      <pip> 
matplotlib    2.0.2    np112py27_0 
mccabe     0.6.1      <pip> 
mistune     0.7.4     py27_0 
mkl      2017.0.1      0 
mkl-service    1.1.2     py27_3 
mock      2.0.0      <pip> 
mpmath     0.19      py27_1 
msgpack-python   0.4.8     py27_0 
multipledispatch   0.4.9     py27_0 
navigator-updater   0.1.0     py27_0 
nbconvert     5.2.1      <pip> 
nbconvert     5.1.1     py27_0 
nbformat     4.4.0      <pip> 
nbformat     4.3.0     py27_0 
networkx     1.11      py27_0 
nltk      3.2.3     py27_0 
nose      1.3.7     py27_1 
notebook     5.0.0     py27_0 
numba      0.33.0    np112py27_0 
numexpr     2.6.2    np112py27_0 
numpy      1.12.1     py27_0 
numpy      1.13.1     <pip> 
numpydoc     0.6.0     py27_0 
numpydoc     0.7.0      <pip> 
odo      0.5.0     py27_1 
olefile     0.44      py27_0 
opencv     1.0.1      <pip> 
opencv-python     <pip> 
openpyxl     2.4.7     py27_0 
openssl     1.0.2l      0 
packaging     16.8      py27_0 
pandas     0.20.1    np112py27_0 
pandocfilters    1.4.1     py27_0 
pandocfilters    1.4.2      <pip> 
pango      1.40.3      1 
partd      0.3.8     py27_0 
path.py     10.3.1     py27_0 
pathlib2     2.3.0      <pip> 
pathlib2     2.2.1     py27_0 
patsy      0.4.1     py27_0 
pbr      3.1.1      <pip> 
pcre      8.39       1 
pep8      1.7.0     py27_0 
pexpect     4.2.1     py27_0 
pickleshare    0.7.4     py27_0 
pillow     4.1.1     py27_0 
pip      9.0.1     py27_1 
pixman     0.34.0      0 
ply      3.10      py27_0 
prompt_toolkit   1.0.14     py27_0 
protobuf     3.3.0      <pip> 
psutil     5.2.2     py27_0 
ptyprocess    0.5.1     py27_0 
py      1.4.33     py27_0 
pycairo     1.10.0     py27_0 
pycodestyle    2.3.1      <pip> 
pycosat     0.6.2     py27_0 
pycparser     2.17      py27_0 
pycrypto     2.6.1     py27_6 
pycurl     7.43.0     py27_2 
pyflakes     1.5.0     py27_0 
pyflakes     1.6.0      <pip> 
pygments     2.2.0     py27_0 
pylint     1.6.4     py27_1 
pylint     1.7.2      <pip> 
pylzma     0.4.9.post0    <pip> 
pyodbc     4.0.16     py27_0 
PyOpenGL     3.1.0      <pip> 
pyopenssl     17.0.0     py27_0 
pyparsing     2.1.4     py27_0 
pyqt      5.6.0     py27_2 
pytables     3.3.0    np112py27_0 
pytest     3.0.7     py27_0 
python     2.7.13      0 
python-dateutil   2.6.1      <pip> 
python-dateutil   2.6.0     py27_0 
pytz      2017.2     py27_0 
pywavelets    0.5.2    np112py27_0 
pyyaml     3.12      py27_0 
pyzmq      16.0.2     py27_0 
qt      5.6.2       4 
qtawesome     0.4.4     py27_0 
qtconsole     4.3.0     py27_0 
qtconsole     4.3.1      <pip> 
qtpy      1.2.1     py27_0 
QtPy      1.3.1      <pip> 
readline     6.2       2 
requests     2.18.4     <pip> 
requests     2.14.2     py27_0 
rope      0.10.7     <pip> 
rope      0.9.4     py27_1 
ruamel_yaml    0.11.14     py27_1 
scandir     1.5      py27_0 
scikit-image    0.13.0    np112py27_0 
scikit-learn    0.18.1    np112py27_1 
scipy      0.19.0    np112py27_0 
seaborn     0.7.1     py27_0 
setuptools    27.2.0     py27_0 
setuptools    36.2.7     <pip> 
simplegeneric    0.8.1     py27_1 
singledispatch     py27_0 
sip      4.18      py27_0 
six      1.10.0     py27_0 
snowballstemmer   1.2.1     py27_0 
sortedcollections   0.5.3     py27_0 
sortedcontainers   1.5.7     py27_0 
Sphinx     1.6.3      <pip> 
sphinx     1.5.6     py27_0 
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.0.1      <pip> 
spyder     3.2.1      <pip> 
spyder     3.1.4     py27_0 
sqlalchemy    1.1.9     py27_0 
sqlite     3.13.0      0 
ssl_match_hostname     py27_1 
statsmodels    0.8.0    np112py27_0 
subprocess32    3.2.7     py27_0 
sympy      1.0      py27_0 
tblib      1.3.2     py27_0 
tensorflow    1.2.1      <pip> 
tensorlayer    1.6.0      <pip> 
terminado     0.6      py27_0 
testpath     0.3.1      <pip> 
testpath     0.3      py27_0 
tk      8.5.18      0 
toolz      0.8.2     py27_0 
torch-0.2.0    1       <pip> 
torchvision    0.1.9      <pip> 
tornado     4.5.1     py27_0 
tqdm      4.15.0     <pip> 
traitlets     4.3.2     py27_0 
typing     3.6.2      <pip> 
unicodecsv    0.14.1     py27_0 
unixodbc     2.3.4       0 
urllib3     1.22      <pip> 
wcwidth     0.1.7     py27_0 
webencodings    0.5.1      <pip> 
werkzeug     0.12.2     py27_0 
wheel      0.29.0     py27_0 
widgetsnbextension  2.0.0     py27_0 
wrapt      1.10.11     <pip> 
wrapt      1.10.10     py27_0 
xlrd      1.0.0     py27_0 
xlsxwriter    0.9.6     py27_0 
xlwt      1.2.0     py27_0 
xz      5.2.2       1 
yaml      0.1.6       0 
zeromq     4.1.5       0 
zict      0.1.2     py27_0 
zlib      1.2.8       3 

Comment avez-vous installé PyTorch? De la chaîne d'Anaconda de soumith? Avez-vous essayé d'utiliser Python 3.6 à la place? –


Je réinstalle pytorch par ** l'installation de source **, et tout va bien –



(développeur Spyder ici) Je ne sais pas pourquoi cela se passe, mais j'ai ouvert an issue dans notre numéro de suivi afin de ne pas oublier de jeter un oeil à dans le futur.

Mise à jour: Ce problème a été résolu par l'OP en mettant à jour PyTorch.