2017-10-02 6 views



Il est hub événement pas nécessairement, mais je veux déclencher le travail et passer en quelque sorte des données (comme JSON par exemple)

Selon votre description, je suggère que vous pourriez envisager d'utiliser des emplois web d'azur (vous pouvez aussi en utilisant eventhub trigger ou queue trigger) et l'utilisation de l'analyse du lac de données azur SDK net pour atteindre vos besoins. Avant de commencer à utiliser le SDK net d'analytics, vous devez tout d'abord enregistrer une application AD pour que votre application demande au jeton (en utilisant l'identifiant client et le secret) d'accéder à l'ADLA. Enregistrez une application dans Azure AD et créez un principe de service pour cette application.

Pour plus d'informations sur la procédure de registre de l'application et l'accès au jeton, veuillez vous reporter au code document.

Remarque: N'oubliez pas d'ajouter la permission avec votre groupe AD pour accéder au lac de données, plus de détails, vous pouvez vous référer à ce article. Après cela, vous pouvez utiliser les codes ci-dessous pour créer des travaux Web qui seront déclenchés par la file d'attente (ou le concentrateur d'événements) afin de créer un nouveau travail dans Data Lake Analytics pour exécuter votre script.

Codes comme ci-dessous:

Avis: Vous devez installer le paquet ci-dessous à partir Nuget:

Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC (preview) 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs; 
using Microsoft.Rest; 
using System.Threading; 
using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication; 

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory; 
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Analytics; 
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store; 
using Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC; 
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Analytics.Models; 
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; 

namespace WebJob1 
    public class Functions 
     // This function will get triggered/executed when a new message is written 
     // on an Azure Queue called queue. 
     public static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("queue")] string message, TextWriter log) 
      string adlaAccountName = "adlaAccountName"; 
      string subscriptionId = "yoursubscriptionid"; 

      string domain = "tenantid"; 
      var armTokenAudience = new Uri(@"https://management.core.windows.net/"); 
      var adlTokenAudience = new Uri(@"https://datalake.azure.net/"); 
      var aadTokenAudience = new Uri(@"https://graph.windows.net/"); 

      // ---------------------------------------- 
      // Perform authentication to get credentials 
      // ---------------------------------------- 

      string clientId = "clientId"; 
      string secretKey = "clientsecretKey"; 
      var armCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalSecretKey(domain, armTokenAudience, clientId, secretKey); 
      var adlCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalSecretKey(domain, adlTokenAudience, clientId, secretKey); 
      var aadCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalSecretKey(domain, aadTokenAudience, clientId, secretKey); 

      //var tokenCache = new TokenCache(); 
      //tokenCache.BeforeAccess = BeforeTokenCacheAccess; 
      //tokenCache.AfterAccess = AfterTokenCacheAccess; 
      //var armCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, armTokenAudience, tokenCache, PromptBehavior.Auto); 
      //var adlCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, adlTokenAudience, tokenCache, PromptBehavior.Auto); 
      //var aadCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, aadTokenAudience, tokenCache, PromptBehavior.Auto); 

      // var armCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, armTokenAudience, PromptBehavior.Auto); 
      // var adlCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, adlTokenAudience, PromptBehavior.Auto); 
      // var aadCreds = GetCredsInteractivePopup(domain, aadTokenAudience, PromptBehavior.Auto); 

      // string clientId = "<service principal/application client ID>"; 
      // var certificate = new X509Certificate2(@"<path to (PFX) certificate file>", "<certificate password>"); 
      // var armCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalCertificate(domain, armTokenAudience, clientId, certificate); 
      // var adlCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalCertificate(domain, adlTokenAudience, clientId, certificate); 
      // var aadCreds = GetCredsServicePrincipalCertificate(domain, aadTokenAudience, clientId, certificate); 

      // ---------------------------------------- 
      // Create the REST clients using the credentials 
      // ---------------------------------------- 

      var adlaAccountClient = new DataLakeAnalyticsAccountManagementClient(armCreds); 
      adlaAccountClient.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; 

      var adlsAccountClient = new DataLakeStoreAccountManagementClient(armCreds); 
      adlsAccountClient.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; 

      var adlaCatalogClient = new DataLakeAnalyticsCatalogManagementClient(adlCreds); 
      var adlaJobClient = new DataLakeAnalyticsJobManagementClient(adlCreds); 
      var adlsFileSystemClient = new DataLakeStoreFileSystemManagementClient(adlCreds); 

      var graphClient = new GraphRbacManagementClient(aadCreds); 
      graphClient.TenantID = domain; 

      // ---------------------------------------- 
      // Perform operations with the REST clients 
      // ---------------------------------------- 

      var script = @" your script "; 
      var jobId = Guid.NewGuid(); 
      var properties = new USqlJobProperties(script); 
      var parameters = new JobInformation("test1", JobType.USql, properties, priority: 1, degreeOfParallelism: 1, jobId: jobId); 
      //Create and submit new job 
      var jobInfo = adlaJobClient.Job.Create(adlaAccountName, jobId, parameters); 

     // The interactive samples reuse Azure PowerShell's client ID 
     // For production code you should use your own client ids 
     private static string azure_powershell_clientid = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2"; 

     * Interactive: User popup 
     * (no token cache to reuse/save session state) 
     private static ServiceClientCredentials GetCredsInteractivePopup(string domain, Uri tokenAudience, PromptBehavior promptBehavior = PromptBehavior.Auto) 
      SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); 

      // The client id comes from Azure PowerShell 
      // for production code you should use your own client id 

      var clientSettings = new ActiveDirectoryClientSettings 
       ClientId = azure_powershell_clientid, 
       ClientRedirectUri = new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), 
       PromptBehavior = promptBehavior 

      var serviceSettings = ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure; 
      serviceSettings.TokenAudience = tokenAudience; 

      var creds = UserTokenProvider.LoginWithPromptAsync(domain, clientSettings, serviceSettings).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); 

      return creds; 

     * Interactive: User popup 
     * (using a token cache to reuse/save session state) 
     private static ServiceClientCredentials GetCredsInteractivePopup(string domain, Uri tokenAudience, TokenCache tokenCache, PromptBehavior promptBehavior = PromptBehavior.Auto) 
      SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); 

      var clientSettings = new ActiveDirectoryClientSettings 
       ClientId = azure_powershell_clientid, 
       ClientRedirectUri = new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), 
       PromptBehavior = promptBehavior 

      var serviceSettings = ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure; 
      serviceSettings.TokenAudience = tokenAudience; 

      var creds = UserTokenProvider.LoginWithPromptAsync(domain, clientSettings, serviceSettings, tokenCache).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); 

      return creds; 

     * Interactive: Device code login 
     * NOT YET SUPPORTED by Azure's .NET SDK authentication library 
     private static ServiceClientCredentials GetCredsDeviceCode() 
      throw new NotImplementedException("Azure SDK's .NET authentication library doesn't support device code login yet."); 

     * Non-interactive: Service principal/application using a secret key 
     * Setup: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-authenticate-service-principal#create-service-principal-with-password 
     private static ServiceClientCredentials GetCredsServicePrincipalSecretKey(string domain, Uri tokenAudience, string clientId, string secretKey) 
      SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); 

      var serviceSettings = ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure; 
      serviceSettings.TokenAudience = tokenAudience; 

      var creds = ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(domain, clientId, secretKey, serviceSettings).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); 

      return creds; 

     * Non-interactive: Service principal/application using a certificate 
     * Setup: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-authenticate-service-principal#create-service-principal-with-self-signed-certificate 
     private static ServiceClientCredentials GetCredsServicePrincipalCertificate(string domain, Uri tokenAudience, string clientId, X509Certificate2 certificate) 
      SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext()); 

      var clientAssertionCertificate = new ClientAssertionCertificate(clientId, certificate); 
      var serviceSettings = ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure; 
      serviceSettings.TokenAudience = tokenAudience; 

      var creds = ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentWithCertificateAsync(domain, clientAssertionCertificate, serviceSettings).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); 

      return creds; 


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