2012-03-17 2 views

J'ai mis en place Sequoyah selon http://wiki.eclipse.org/Sequoyah/ndk_guide. Je le teste sur l'exemple hello-jni fourni avec le NDK. Cela fonctionne bien sans le débogage, et aussi jusqu'à l'étape où le guide vous dit d'exécuter ndk-gdb. Cependant, lorsque je tente de lancer la partie de débogage C dans Eclipse, il ditJe ne peux pas trouver la fonction jni dans Sequoyah

(no debugging symbols found) 
(no debugging symbols found) 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
/system/bin/linker: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstdc++.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libm.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
liblog.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libz.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbinder.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libexpat.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcrypto.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libgabi++.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libicuuc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libicui18n.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libssl.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstlport.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnativehelper.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnetutils.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv2_dbg.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libEGL.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libwpa_client.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhardware_legacy.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libpixelflinger.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhardware.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libemoji.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libjpeg.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libskia.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libui.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv2.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libgui.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libcamera_client.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libsqlite.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdvm.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libGLESv1_CM.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libETC1.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libsonivox.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_foundation.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmedia.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libnfc_ndef.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libusbhost.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libharfbuzz.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbluedroid.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdbus.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libandroid_runtime.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libvorbisidec.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_yuv.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libdrmframework.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libchromium_net.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_amrnb_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_enc_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright_avc_common.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libstagefright.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmtp.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libexif.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libmedia_jni.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbcc.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libbcinfo.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libRS.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
librs_jni.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libandroid.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libwebcore.so: No such file or directory. 
Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhello-jni.so: No such file or directory. 
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. 
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers 
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. 
warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint 
Cannot access memory at address 0x1 
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command. 
Function "Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI" not defined. 

Ainsi, les dernières lignes semblent être le problème, mais il est très bizarre, car il fonctionne très bien lorsque vous l'exécutez normalement, mais le débogueur ne peut pas le trouver pour une raison quelconque.

Error while mapping shared library sections: 
libhello-jni.so: No such file or directory. 
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. 
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers 
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code. 
warning: shared library handler failed to enable breakpoint 
Cannot access memory at address 0x1 
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command. 
Function "Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI" not defined. 



Il se trouve que lorsque je supprimé la ligne de gdb2.setup comme tutoriel dit, il a changé la fin de ligne. Je l'ai remarqué quand j'ai ouvert le fichier avec Visual Studio sur un accident et il m'a demandé si je voulais normaliser les fins de ligne. Donc, je viens de faire comme il a dit, avec l'option Unix LF

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