2010-11-07 5 views

Je vais avoir coller de la difficulté d'un csv dans le DataGrid WPF - j'ai suivi les suggestions iciWPF DataGrid coller


et le code exectues sans problème - cependant, il semble que tous les De nouvelles lignes sont créées mais seule la première ligne est remplie avec des données. Les données semblent être constamment remplacées de sorte que le dernier élément qui se trouve dans les données du Presse-papiers est rempli dans la première ligne et toutes les autres lignes sont vides. Je sais que ce doit être un problème d'index ou quelque chose mais je ne peux pas le traquer.

De même, lorsque je regarde les objets de la collection de mappage de la grille, aucun d'entre eux ne contient de données. Y at-il quelque chose dans la colonne OnPastingCellClipboardContent de la colonne qui va mal?

Toutes les idées (voir le code ci-dessous)

protected virtual void OnExecutedPaste(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
     // parse the clipboard data 
     List<string[]> rowData = ClipboardHelper.ParseClipboardData(); 
     bool hasAddedNewRow = false; 

     // call OnPastingCellClipboardContent for each cell 
     int minRowIndex = Math.Max(Items.IndexOf(CurrentItem), 0); 
     int maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1; 
     int minColumnDisplayIndex = (SelectionUnit != DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow) ? Columns.IndexOf(CurrentColumn) : 0; 
     int maxColumnDisplayIndex = Columns.Count - 1; 

     int rowDataIndex = 0; 
     for (int i = minRowIndex; i <= maxRowIndex && rowDataIndex < rowData.Count; i++, rowDataIndex++) 
      if (CanUserAddRows && i == maxRowIndex) 
       // add a new row to be pasted to 
       ICollectionView cv = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Items); 
       IEditableCollectionView iecv = cv as IEditableCollectionView; 
       if (iecv != null) 
        hasAddedNewRow = true; 
        if (rowDataIndex + 1 < rowData.Count) 
         // still has more items to paste, update the maxRowIndex 
         maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1; 
      else if (i == maxRowIndex) 

      int columnDataIndex = 0; 
      for (int j = minColumnDisplayIndex; j < maxColumnDisplayIndex && columnDataIndex < rowData[rowDataIndex].Length; j++, columnDataIndex++) 
       DataGridColumn column = ColumnFromDisplayIndex(j); 
       column.OnPastingCellClipboardContent(Items[i], rowData[rowDataIndex][columnDataIndex]); 




Pour les personnes intéressées - il ne semble y avoir quelque chose va mal avec les colonnes tentent de mettre à jour la valeur de l'objet bindable - possible conversion de type de données, donc j'ai mis en œuvre moi-même et cela fonctionne comme un charme maintenant.

protected virtual void OnExecutedPaste(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
     // parse the clipboard data 
     List<string[]> rowData = ClipboardHelper.ParseClipboardData(); 
     bool hasAddedNewRow = false; 

     // call OnPastingCellClipboardContent for each cell 
     int minRowIndex = Math.Max(Items.IndexOf(CurrentItem), 0); 
     int maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1; 
     int minColumnDisplayIndex = (SelectionUnit != DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow) ? Columns.IndexOf(CurrentColumn) : 0; 
     int maxColumnDisplayIndex = Columns.Count - 1; 

     int rowDataIndex = 0; 
     for (int i = minRowIndex; i <= maxRowIndex && rowDataIndex < rowData.Count; i++, rowDataIndex++) 
      if (CanUserAddRows && i == maxRowIndex) 
       // add a new row to be pasted to 
       ICollectionView cv = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Items); 
       IEditableCollectionView iecv = cv as IEditableCollectionView; 
       if (iecv != null) 
        hasAddedNewRow = true; 
        if (rowDataIndex + 1 < rowData.Count) 
         // still has more items to paste, update the maxRowIndex 
         maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1; 
      else if (i == maxRowIndex) 

      int columnDataIndex = 0; 
      for (int j = minColumnDisplayIndex; j < maxColumnDisplayIndex && columnDataIndex < rowData[rowDataIndex].Length; j++, columnDataIndex++) 
       DataGridColumn column = ColumnFromDisplayIndex(j); 
       string propertyName = ((column as DataGridBoundColumn).Binding as Binding).Path.Path; 
       object item = Items[i]; 
       object value = rowData[rowDataIndex][columnDataIndex]; 
       PropertyInfo pi = item.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); 
       if (pi != null) 
        object convertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value, pi.PropertyType); 
        item.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).SetValue(item, convertedValue, null);      
       //column.OnPastingCellClipboardContent(item, rowData[rowDataIndex][columnDataIndex]); 




Le message est très bon par Vincent mais KlausG Ajout de quelques corrections dans ce qui devrait également être pris en compte pour travailler avec FrameWork 4.0. Très important

Original post Site Web de Vincent: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vinsibal/archive/2008/09/25/pasting-content-to-new-rows-on-the-wpf-datagrid.aspx

Note: Si vous ne pouvez pas ajouter la ligne assurer que vous avez un constructeur par défaut pour votre article.

Mise à jour 06/03/2018 (pour soutenir DataGrid avec des colonnes réorganisées par l'utilisateur)


<myControl:CustomDataGrid ... 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Input; 

namespace HQ.Wpf.Util.MyControl 
    public class CustomDataGrid : DataGrid 
     public event ExecutedRoutedEventHandler ExecutePasteEvent; 
     public event CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler CanExecutePasteEvent; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     static CustomDataGrid() 
       new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Paste, 
        new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnExecutedPasteInternal), 
        new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnCanExecutePasteInternal))); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     #region Clipboard Paste 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     private static void OnCanExecutePasteInternal(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
      ((CustomDataGrid)target).OnCanExecutePaste(target, args); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     /// <summary> 
     /// This virtual method is called when ApplicationCommands.Paste command query its state. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="args"></param> 
     protected virtual void OnCanExecutePaste(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args) 
      if (CanExecutePasteEvent != null) 
       CanExecutePasteEvent(target, args); 
       if (args.Handled) 

      args.CanExecute = CurrentCell != null; 
      args.Handled = true; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     private static void OnExecutedPasteInternal(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
      ((CustomDataGrid)target).OnExecutedPaste(target, args); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     /// <summary> 
     /// This virtual method is called when ApplicationCommands.Paste command is executed. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="target"></param> 
     /// <param name="args"></param> 
     protected virtual void OnExecutedPaste(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args) 
      if (ExecutePasteEvent != null) 
       ExecutePasteEvent(target, args); 
       if (args.Handled) 

      // parse the clipboard data   [row][column] 
      List<string[]> clipboardData = HQ.Util.General.Clipboard.ClipboardHelper2.ParseClipboardData(); 

      bool hasAddedNewRow = false; 

      Debug.Print(">>> DataGrid Paste: >>>"); 
#if DEBUG 
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
      int minRowIndex = Items.IndexOf(CurrentItem); 
      int maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1; 
      int startIndexOfDisplayCol = (SelectionUnit != DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow) ? CurrentColumn.DisplayIndex : 0; 
      int clipboardRowIndex = 0; 
      for (int i = minRowIndex; i <= maxRowIndex && clipboardRowIndex < clipboardData.Count; i++, clipboardRowIndex++) 
       if (i < this.Items.Count) 
        CurrentItem = Items[i]; 

        BeginEditCommand.Execute(null, this); 

        int clipboardColumnIndex = 0; 
        for (int j = startIndexOfDisplayCol; clipboardColumnIndex < clipboardData[clipboardRowIndex].Length; j++, clipboardColumnIndex++) 
         // DataGridColumn column = ColumnFromDisplayIndex(j); 
         DataGridColumn column = null; 
         foreach (DataGridColumn columnIter in this.Columns) 
          if (columnIter.DisplayIndex == j) 
           column = columnIter; 

         column?.OnPastingCellClipboardContent(Items[i], clipboardData[clipboardRowIndex][clipboardColumnIndex]); 

#if DEBUG 
         sb.AppendFormat("{0,-10}", clipboardData[clipboardRowIndex][clipboardColumnIndex]); 
         sb.Append(" - "); 

        CommitEditCommand.Execute(this, this); 
        if (i == maxRowIndex) 
         hasAddedNewRow = true; 

#if DEBUG 

      // update selection 
      if (hasAddedNewRow) 

       CurrentItem = Items[minRowIndex]; 

       if (SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow) 
        SelectedItem = Items[minRowIndex]; 
       else if (SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.CellOrRowHeader || 
         SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.Cell) 
        SelectedCells.Add(new DataGridCellInfo(Items[minRowIndex], Columns[startIndexOfDisplayCol])); 


     // ****************************************************************** 
     /// <summary> 
     ///  Whether the end-user can add new rows to the ItemsSource. 
     /// </summary> 
     public bool CanUserPasteToNewRows 
      get { return (bool)GetValue(CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty); } 
      set { SetValue(CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty, value); } 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     /// <summary> 
     ///  DependencyProperty for CanUserAddRows. 
     /// </summary> 
     public static readonly DependencyProperty CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty = 
             typeof(bool), typeof(CustomDataGrid), 
             new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, null, null)); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     #endregion Clipboard Paste 

     private void SetGridToSupportManyEditEitherWhenValidationErrorExists() 
      this.Items.CurrentChanged += Items_CurrentChanged; 

      //Type DatagridType = this.GetType().BaseType; 
      //PropertyInfo HasCellValidationProperty = DatagridType.GetProperty("HasCellValidationError", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 

     void Items_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      //throw new NotImplementedException(); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     private void SetGridWritable() 
      Type DatagridType = this.GetType().BaseType; 
      PropertyInfo HasCellValidationProperty = DatagridType.GetProperty("HasCellValidationError", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); 
      if (HasCellValidationProperty != null) 
       HasCellValidationProperty.SetValue(this, false, null); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public void SetGridWritableEx() 
      BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; 
      PropertyInfo cellErrorInfo = this.GetType().BaseType.GetProperty("HasCellValidationError", bindingFlags); 
      PropertyInfo rowErrorInfo = this.GetType().BaseType.GetProperty("HasRowValidationError", bindingFlags); 
      cellErrorInfo.SetValue(this, false, null); 
      rowErrorInfo.SetValue(this, false, null); 

     // ****************************************************************** 

également: Presse-papiers Aide:

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.IO; 

namespace HQ.Util.General.Clipboard 
    public static class ClipboardHelper 
     public delegate string[] ParseFormat(string value); 

     public static List<string[]> ParseClipboardData() 
      List<string[]> clipboardData = null; 
      object clipboardRawData = null; 
      ParseFormat parseFormat = null; 

      // get the data and set the parsing method based on the format 
      // currently works with CSV and Text DataFormats    
      IDataObject dataObj = System.Windows.Clipboard.GetDataObject(); 
      if ((clipboardRawData = dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue)) != null) 
       parseFormat = ParseCsvFormat; 
      else if((clipboardRawData = dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.Text)) != null) 
       parseFormat = ParseTextFormat; 

      if (parseFormat != null) 
       string rawDataStr = clipboardRawData as string; 

       if (rawDataStr == null && clipboardRawData is MemoryStream) 
        // cannot convert to a string so try a MemoryStream 
        MemoryStream ms = clipboardRawData as MemoryStream; 
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms); 
        rawDataStr = sr.ReadToEnd(); 
       Debug.Assert(rawDataStr != null, string.Format("clipboardRawData: {0}, could not be converted to a string or memorystream.", clipboardRawData)); 

       string[] rows = rawDataStr.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 
       if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0) 
        clipboardData = new List<string[]>(); 
        foreach (string row in rows) 
        Debug.WriteLine("unable to parse row data. possibly null or contains zero rows."); 

      return clipboardData; 

     public static string[] ParseCsvFormat(string value) 
      return ParseCsvOrTextFormat(value, true); 

     public static string[] ParseTextFormat(string value) 
      return ParseCsvOrTextFormat(value, false); 

     private static string[] ParseCsvOrTextFormat(string value, bool isCSV) 
      List<string> outputList = new List<string>(); 

      char separator = isCSV ? ',' : '\t'; 
      int startIndex = 0; 
      int endIndex = 0; 

      for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) 
       char ch = value[i]; 
       if (ch == separator) 
        outputList.Add(value.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)); 

        startIndex = endIndex + 1; 
        endIndex = startIndex; 
       else if (ch == '\"' && isCSV) 
        // skip until the ending quotes 
        if (i >= value.Length) 
         throw new FormatException(string.Format("value: {0} had a format exception", value)); 
        char tempCh = value[i]; 
        while (tempCh != '\"' && i < value.Length) 

        endIndex = i; 
       else if (i + 1 == value.Length) 
        // add the last value 

      return outputList.ToArray(); 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using MoreLinq; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15265588/how-to-find-item-with-max-value-using-linq 

namespace HQ.Util.General.CSV 
    public class CsvHelper 
     public static Dictionary<LineSeparator, Func<string, string[]>> DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc = new Dictionary<LineSeparator, Func<string, string[]>>(); 

     static CsvHelper() 
      DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc[LineSeparator.Unknown] = ParseLineNotSeparated; 
      DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc[LineSeparator.Tab] = ParseLineTabSeparated; 
      DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc[LineSeparator.Semicolon] = ParseLineSemicolonSeparated; 
      DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc[LineSeparator.Comma] = ParseLineCommaSeparated; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public enum LineSeparator 
      Unknown = 0, 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static LineSeparator GuessCsvSeparator(string oneLine) 
      List<Tuple<LineSeparator, int>> listOfLineSeparatorAndThereFirstLineSeparatedValueCount = new List<Tuple<LineSeparator, int>>(); 

      listOfLineSeparatorAndThereFirstLineSeparatedValueCount.Add(new Tuple<LineSeparator, int>(LineSeparator.Tab, CsvHelper.ParseLineTabSeparated(oneLine).Count())); 
      listOfLineSeparatorAndThereFirstLineSeparatedValueCount.Add(new Tuple<LineSeparator, int>(LineSeparator.Semicolon, CsvHelper.ParseLineSemicolonSeparated(oneLine).Count())); 
      listOfLineSeparatorAndThereFirstLineSeparatedValueCount.Add(new Tuple<LineSeparator, int>(LineSeparator.Comma, CsvHelper.ParseLineCommaSeparated(oneLine).Count())); 

      Tuple<LineSeparator, int> bestBet = listOfLineSeparatorAndThereFirstLineSeparatedValueCount.MaxBy((n)=>n.Item2); 

      if (bestBet != null && bestBet.Item2 > 1) 
       return bestBet.Item1; 

      return LineSeparator.Unknown; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static string[] ParseLineCommaSeparated(string line) 
      // CSV line parsing : From "jgr4" in http://www.kimgentes.com/worshiptech-web-tools-page/2008/10/14/regex-pattern-for-parsing-csv-files-with-embedded-commas-dou.html 
      var matches = Regex.Matches(line, @"\s?((?<x>(?=[,]+))|""(?<x>([^""]|"""")+)""|""(?<x>)""|(?<x>[^,]+)),?", 

      string[] values = (from Match m in matches 
           select m.Groups["x"].Value.Trim().Replace("\"\"", "\"")).ToArray(); 

      return values; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static string[] ParseLineTabSeparated(string line) 
      var matchesTab = Regex.Matches(line, @"\s?((?<x>(?=[\t]+))|""(?<x>([^""]|"""")+)""|""(?<x>)""|(?<x>[^\t]+))\t?", 

      string[] values = (from Match m in matchesTab 
           select m.Groups["x"].Value.Trim().Replace("\"\"", "\"")).ToArray(); 

      return values; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static string[] ParseLineSemicolonSeparated(string line) 
      // CSV line parsing : From "jgr4" in http://www.kimgentes.com/worshiptech-web-tools-page/2008/10/14/regex-pattern-for-parsing-csv-files-with-embedded-commas-dou.html 
      var matches = Regex.Matches(line, @"\s?((?<x>(?=[;]+))|""(?<x>([^""]|"""")+)""|""(?<x>)""|(?<x>[^;]+));?", 

      string[] values = (from Match m in matches 
           select m.Groups["x"].Value.Trim().Replace("\"\"", "\"")).ToArray(); 

      return values; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static string[] ParseLineNotSeparated(string line) 
      string [] lineValues = new string[1]; 
      lineValues[0] = line; 
      return lineValues; 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static List<string[]> ParseText(string text) 
      string[] lines = text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); 
      return ParseString(lines); 

     // ****************************************************************** 
     public static List<string[]> ParseString(string[] lines) 
      List<string[]> result = new List<string[]>(); 

      LineSeparator lineSeparator = LineSeparator.Unknown; 
      if (lines.Any()) 
       lineSeparator = GuessCsvSeparator(lines[0]); 

      Func<string, string[]> funcParse = DictionaryOfLineSeparatorAndItsFunc[lineSeparator]; 

      foreach (string line in lines) 
       if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) 


      return result; 

     // ****************************************************************** 


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; 
using HQ.Util.General.CSV; 

namespace HQ.Util.General.Clipboard 
    // Uses Clipboard in WPF (PresentationCore.dll in v4 of the framework) 
    public static class ClipboardHelper2 
     public delegate string[] ParseFormat(string value); 

     public static List<string[]> ParseClipboardData() 
      List<string[]> clipboardData = new List<string[]>(); 

      // get the data and set the parsing method based on the format 
      // currently works with CSV and Text DataFormats    
      IDataObject dataObj = System.Windows.Clipboard.GetDataObject(); 

      if (dataObj != null) 
       string[] formats = dataObj.GetFormats(); 
       if (formats.Contains(DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue)) 
        string clipboardString = (string)dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue); 
         // EO: Subject to error when a CRLF is included as part of the data but it work for the moment and I will let it like it is 
         // WARNING ! Subject to errors 
         string[] lines = clipboardString.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); 

         string[] lineValues; 
         foreach (string line in lines) 
          lineValues = CsvHelper.ParseLineCommaSeparated(line); 
          if (lineValues != null) 
       else if (formats.Contains(DataFormats.Text)) 
        string clipboardString = (string)dataObj.GetData(DataFormats.Text); 
        clipboardData = CsvHelper.ParseText(clipboardString); 

      return clipboardData; 

vraiment un bon. fonctionne principalement mais parfois je reçois un plantage sur la ligne CommitEditCommand.Exécuter (ceci, ceci); et le message d'erreur est "La chaîne d'entrée n'était pas dans un format correct.". c'est ce que j'obtiens quand j'utilise une combobox et si aucun élément n'est sélectionné. Bien que j'ai utilisé MVVM patern, il faudra s'attendre à quelque chose au moment de coller. Mais mettre un essai rattraper permettra de résoudre mon problème. – batmaci


J'ai ajouté mon code actuel. Je suppose que j'ai des problèmes comme vous parce qu'il y a de gros changements. Celui-ci devrait fonctionner, j'espère. Notez que le format CSV a parfois des saveurs différentes (le séparateur peut changer: "", ""; ", tab, etc). En fait, le nouveau code fourni est utilisé dans notre code de production et semble fonctionner correctement. Bonne chance ! –


Si je ne me trompe pas, vous devriez aussi avoir besoin d'une vérification de la plage pour la variable j:

  for (int j = minColumnDisplayIndex; j <= maxColumnDisplayIndex && columnDataIndex < rowData[rowDataIndex].Length; j++, columnDataIndex++) 
       if (j == maxColumnDisplayIndex) 
       DataGridColumn column = ColumnFromDisplayIndex(j); 
       column.OnPastingCellClipboardContent(Items[i], rowData[rowDataIndex][columnDataIndex]); 

Sinon, vous obtenez un ArgumentOutOfRangeException quand coller du contenu avec plus de colonnes que votre grille peut réellement contenir.