2016-10-14 4 views

Je veux adresser le port 0xE020 (Hex -> Dec = 57.376), mais il est hors limites pour un court. Maintenant, j'ai besoin de cela pour tester les ports parallèles d'extension PCI-E.Est-il possible d'adresser des ports élevés avec Inpout32.dll?

Merci à la réponse à cette question (https://stackoverflow.com/a/4618383/3391678) j'utilise le code de travail suivant pour 32 environnements de bits:

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

namespace LPTx86 
    public class LPT 

     private static extern void Out32(short PortAddress, short Data); 

     private static extern char Inp32(short PortAddress); 

     private short _PortAddress; 

     public LPT(short PortAddress) 
      _PortAddress = PortAddress; 

     public void Write(short Data) 
      Out32(_PortAddress, Data); 

     public byte Read() 
      return (byte)Inp32(_PortAddress); 

Et pour 64 environnements de bits:

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

namespace LPTx64 
    class LPT 
     [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Out32")] 
     private static extern void Out32_x64(short PortAddress, short Data); 

     [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")] 
     private static extern char Inp32_x64(short PortAddress); 

     private short _PortAddress; 

     public LPT64(short PortAddress) 
      _PortAddress = PortAddress; 

     public void Write(short Data) 
      Out32_x64(_PortAddress, Data); 

     public byte Read() 
      return (byte)Inp32_x64(_PortAddress); 

(Oui, j'ai enlevé Est-il possible et comment puis-je adresser les ports qui ne correspondent pas à un court-métrage?


Utiliser 'ushort' pour obtenir ah ead, le numéro de port n'est pas une valeur signée. –


J'ai regardé dans les fichiers d'en-tête et oui, c'est ushort, je ferais mieux de corriger cela avant que quelque chose ne se brise ... –



Il est possible:

J'ai essayé et changé le type de la variable du port de courte int, je l'ai testé et il semble fonctionner:

Edit: code refactorisé de combiner les données/contrôle/ports d'état dans un seul paquet

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

namespace LPTtestdrive 
    class LPT_X 

     private static extern UInt32 IsInpOutDriverOpen(); 

     private static extern void Out32(int PortAddress, short Data); 

     private static extern char Inp32(int PortAddress); 


     [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "IsInpOutDriverOpen")] 
     private static extern UInt32 IsInpOutDriverOpen_x64(); 

     [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Out32")] 
     private static extern void Out32_x64(int PortAddress, short Data); 

     [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")] 
     private static extern char Inp32_x64(int PortAddress); 

     private bool _X64; 
     private int DataAddress; 
     private int StatusAddress; 
     private int ControlAddress; 

     public LPT_X(int PortAddress) 
      DataAddress = PortAddress; 
      StatusAddress = (int)(DataAddress + 1); 
      ControlAddress = (int)(DataAddress + 2); 

      //now the code tries to determine if it should use inpout32.dll or inpoutx64.dll 
      uint nResult = 0; 

       Console.WriteLine("trying 32 bits"); 
       nResult = IsInpOutDriverOpen(); 
       if (nResult != 0) 
        Console.WriteLine("using 32 bits"); 
      catch (BadImageFormatException) 
       Console.WriteLine("32 bits failed"); 
      catch (DllNotFoundException) 
       throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find InpOut32.dll"); 
      catch (Exception exc) 

       Console.WriteLine("trying 64 bits"); 
       nResult = IsInpOutDriverOpen_x64(); 
       if (nResult != 0) 
        Console.WriteLine("using 64 bits"); 
        _X64 = true; 
      catch (BadImageFormatException) 
       Console.WriteLine("64 bits failed"); 
      catch (DllNotFoundException) 
       throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find InpOutx64.dll"); 
      catch (Exception exc) 

      throw new ArgumentException("Unable to open either inpout32 and inpoutx64"); 

     public void WriteData(short Data) 
      if (_X64) 
       Out32_x64(DataAddress, Data); 
       Out32(DataAddress, Data); 

     public void WriteControl(short Data) 
      if (_X64) 
       Out32_x64(ControlAddress, Data); 
       Out32(ControlAddress, Data); 

     public byte ReadData() 
      if (_X64) 
       return (byte)Inp32_x64(DataAddress); 
       return (byte)Inp32(DataAddress); 

     public byte ReadControl() 
      if (_X64) 
       return (byte)Inp32_x64(ControlAddress); 
       return (byte)Inp32(ControlAddress); 

     public byte ReadStatus() 
      if (_X64) 
       return (byte)Inp32_x64(StatusAddress); 
       return (byte)Inp32(StatusAddress); 

utiliser comme ceci:

int read; 
int Adress = 0xE020; 
    LPT = new LPT_X(Address); 

    read = LPT.ReadStatus(); 