2010-04-19 3 views

Existe-t-il une méthode intégrée dans la bibliothèque .NET qui renverra tous les enregistrements MX pour un domaine donné? Je vois comment vous obtenez le CNAMES, mais pas les enregistrements MX.Comment obtenir des enregistrements mx pour un nom DNS avec System.Net.DNS?


Voir [ce] (http://www.csharphelp.com/2005/12/dns-client-utility/) annonce blog - le gars a écrit un client MX en utilisant UDP brut ports. Classe de fichier unique, vous devriez donc pouvoir l'utiliser tel quel. – Oded


Une autre solution simple consiste à exécuter une commande nslookup -q = mx et à lire la réponse. Le code de travail ici http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/40e97e/verify-email-online/ – shrutyzet


Le code de cette page utilise 'DLLImport' pour appeler les fonctions Windows natives et fonctionne dans les environnements 32/64bit. Le code source complet inclus: http://pinvoke.net/default.aspx/dnsapi.DnsQuery –



La bibliothèque ARSoft.Tools.Net par Alexander Reinert semble faire le travail assez bien.

Il est disponible à partir NuGet:

PM> Install-Package ARSoft.Tools.Net 

Importer l'espace de noms:

using ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns; 

Ensuite, faire une recherche synchrone est aussi simple que:

var resolver = new DnsStubResolver(); 
var records = resolver.Resolve<MxRecord>("gmail.com", RecordType.Mx); 
foreach (var record in records) { 

Ce qui nous donne la sortie:


Sous le capot, il semble que la bibliothèque construit les paquets UDP (ou TCP) nécessaires pour envoyer au résolveur, comme vous pouvez vous y attendre. La bibliothèque a même une logique (appelée avec DnsClient.Default) pour découvrir quel serveur DNS interroger. La documentation complète peut être trouvée here.


bien. Je l'utiliserais si jamais je devais le refaire. – Segfault


ARSoft.Tools.Net est génial! – Tohid


J'ai passé toute la journée à déterminer comment envoyer/recevoir des requêtes DNS et j'ai trouvé cela. C'est un gestionnaire générique complet. Vous avez juste à définir le serveur DNS et passer en 'd' par exemple. my.website.com?d=itmanx.com

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Handler" %> 

using System; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Net; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

public class Handler : IHttpHandler 
    string dns = "dc1"; //change to your dns 
    string qtype = "15"; //A=1 MX=15 
    string domain = ""; 
    int[] resp; 

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) 
     context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; 

      if (context.Request["t"] != null) qtype = context.Request["t"]; 
      if (context.Request["d"] != null) domain = context.Request["d"]; 

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain)) throw new Exception("Add ?d=<domain name> to url or post data"); 

     catch (Exception ex) 
      string msg = ex.Message; 
      if (msg == "1") msg = "Malformed packet"; 
      else if (msg == "5") msg = "Refused"; 
      else if (msg == "131") msg = "No such name"; 

      context.Response.Write("Error: " + msg); 

    public void Do(HttpContext context) 
     UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(dns, 53); 

     // SEND REQUEST-------------------- 
     List<byte> list = new List<byte>(); 
     list.AddRange(new byte[] { 88, 89, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); 

     string[] tmp = domain.Split('.'); 
     foreach (string s in tmp) 
      char[] chars = s.ToCharArray(); 
      foreach (char c in chars) 
     list.AddRange(new byte[] { 0, 0, Convert.ToByte(qtype), 0, 1 }); 

     byte[] req = new byte[list.Count]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { req[i] = list[i]; } 

     udpc.Send(req, req.Length); 

     // RECEIVE RESPONSE-------------- 
     IPEndPoint ep = null; 
     byte[] recv = udpc.Receive(ref ep); 

     resp = new int[recv.Length]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < resp.Length; i++) 
      resp[i] = Convert.ToInt32(recv[i]); 

     int status = resp[3]; 
     if (status != 128) throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}", status)); 
     int answers = resp[7]; 
     if (answers == 0) throw new Exception("No results"); 

     int pos = domain.Length + 18; 
     if (qtype == "15") // MX record 
      while (answers > 0) 
       int preference = resp[pos + 13]; 
       pos += 14; //offset 
       string str = GetMXRecord(pos, out pos); 
       context.Response.Write(string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", preference, str)); 
     else if (qtype == "1") // A record 
      while (answers > 0) 
       pos += 11; //offset 
       string str = GetARecord(ref pos); 
       context.Response.Write(string.Format("{0}\n", str)); 

    private string GetARecord(ref int start) 
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

     int len = resp[start]; 
     for (int i = start; i < start + len; i++) 
      if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append("."); 
      sb.Append(resp[i + 1]); 
     start += len + 1; 
     return sb.ToString(); 
    private string GetMXRecord(int start, out int pos) 
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     int len = resp[start]; 
     while (len > 0) 
      if (len != 192) 
       if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append("."); 
       for (int i = start; i < start + len; i++) 
        sb.Append(Convert.ToChar(resp[i + 1])); 
       start += len + 1; 
       len = resp[start]; 
      if (len == 192) 
       int newpos = resp[start + 1]; 
       if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append("."); 
       sb.Append(GetMXRecord(newpos, out newpos)); 
     pos = start + 1; 
     return sb.ToString(); 

    public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } 

Certains fournisseurs d'hébergement Web n'autoriseront pas System.Net.SocketPermission. Si vous obtenez une "Demande d'autorisation de type 'System.Net.SocketPermission ... a échoué", parlez très bien à votre fournisseur d'hébergement :) – Christian


gentil .. merci pour vos efforts :) – nonintanon


C'est super - merci pour poster ceci. – Ethan


Voici une classe utilisée pour rechercher des enregistrements MX uniquement.

using System; 
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Net; 
    using System.Net.Sockets; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 

    namespace Mx.Dns 
     public class Query 
      //Build a DNS query buffer according to RFC 1035 4.1.1 e 4.1.2 
      private readonly int id; 
     private readonly int flags; 
     private readonly int QDcount; 
     private readonly int ANcount; 
     private readonly int NScount; 
     private readonly int ARcount; 
     private readonly string Qname; 
     private readonly int Qtype; 
     private readonly int Qclass; 
     public byte[] buf; 

     public Query(int ID, string query, int qtype) 
      //init vectors with given + default values 
      id = ID; 
      flags = 256; 
      QDcount = 1; 
      ANcount = 0; 
      NScount = 0; 
      ARcount = 0; 
      Qname = query; 
      Qtype = qtype; 
      Qclass = 1; //Internet = IN = 1 

      //build a buffer with formatted query data 

      //header information (16 bit padding 
      buf = new byte[12 + Qname.Length + 2 + 4]; 
      buf[0] = (byte)(id/256); 
      buf[1] = (byte)(id - (buf[0] * 256)); 
      buf[2] = (byte)(flags/256); 
      buf[3] = (byte)(flags - (buf[2] * 256)); 
      buf[4] = (byte)(QDcount/256); 
      buf[5] = (byte)(QDcount - (buf[4] * 256)); 
      buf[6] = (byte)(ANcount/256); 
      buf[7] = (byte)(ANcount - (buf[6] * 256)); 
      buf[8] = (byte)(NScount/256); 
      buf[9] = (byte)(NScount - (buf[8] * 256)); 
      buf[10] = (byte)(ARcount/256); 
      buf[11] = (byte)(ARcount - (buf[10] * 256)); 
      //QNAME (RFC 1035 4.1.2) 
      //no padding 
      string[] s = Qname.Split('.'); 
      int index = 12; 
      foreach (string str in s) { 
       buf[index] = (byte)str.Length; 
       byte[] buf1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str); 
       buf1.CopyTo(buf, index); 
       index += buf1.Length; 
      //add root domain label (chr(0)) 
      buf[index] = 0; 

      //add Qtype and Qclass (16 bit values) 
      index = buf.Length - 4; 
      buf[index] = (byte)(Qtype/256); 
      buf[index + 1] = (byte)(Qtype - (buf[index] * 256)); 
      buf[index + 2] = (byte)(Qclass/256); 
      buf[index + 3] = (byte)(Qclass - (buf[index + 2] * 256)); 
    public class C_DNSquery 
     public StringCollection result = new StringCollection(); 
     public int Error = 0; 
     public string ErrorTxt = "undefined text"; 
     public bool Done = false; 
     public UdpClient udpClient; 
     private string DNS; 
     private string Query; 
     private int Qtype; 
     public bool IS_BLACKLIST_QUERY = false; 
     public C_DNSquery(string IPorDNSname, string query, int type) 
      DNS = IPorDNSname; 
      Query = query; 
      Qtype = type; 
     public void doTheJob() 
      //check if provided DNS contains an IP address or a name 
      IPAddress ipDNS; 
      IPHostEntry he; 
      try { 
       //try to parse an IPaddress 
       ipDNS = IPAddress.Parse(DNS); 
      } catch (FormatException) { 
//    Console.WriteLine(e); 
       //format error, probably is a FQname, try to resolve it 
       try { 
        //try to resolve the hostname 
        he = Dns.GetHostEntry(DNS); 
       } catch { 
        //Error, invalid server name or address 
        Error = 98; 
        ErrorTxt = "Invalid server name:" + DNS; 
        Done = true; 
       //OK, get the first server address 
       ipDNS = he.AddressList[0]; 

      //Query the DNS server 
      //our current thread ID is used to match the reply with this process 

      Query myQuery = new Query(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Query, Qtype); 
      //data buffer for query return value 
      Byte[] recBuf; 

      //use UDP protocol to connect 
      udpClient = new UdpClient(); 
      do { 
       try { 
        //connect to given nameserver, port 53 (DNS) 
        udpClient.Connect(DNS, 53); 
        //send query 
        udpClient.Send(myQuery.buf, myQuery.buf.Length); 
        //IPEndPoint object allow us to read datagrams.. 
        //..selecting only packet coming from our nameserver and port 
        IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipDNS, 53); 
        //Blocks until a message returns on this socket from a remote host. 
        recBuf = udpClient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); 
       } catch (Exception e) { 
        //connection error, probably a wrong server address 
        Error = 99; 
        ErrorTxt = e.Message + "(server:" + DNS + ")"; 
        Done = true; 
       //repeat until we get the reply with our threadID 
      } while (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId != ((recBuf[0] * 256) + recBuf[1])); 

      //Check the DNS reply 
      //check if bit QR (Query response) is set 
      if (recBuf[2] < 128) { 
       //response byte not set (probably a malformed packet) 
       Error = 2; 
       ErrorTxt = "Query response bit not set"; 
       Done = true; 
      //check if RCODE field is 0 
      if ((recBuf[3] & 15) > 0) { 
       //DNS server error, invalid reply 
       switch (recBuf[3] & 15) { 
        case 1: 
         Error = 31; 
         ErrorTxt = "Format error. The nameserver was unable to interpret the query"; 
        case 2: 
         Error = 32; 
         ErrorTxt = "Server failure. The nameserver was unable to process the query."; 
        case 3: 
         Error = 33; 
         ErrorTxt = "Name error. Check provided domain name!!"; 
        case 4: 
         Error = 34; 
         ErrorTxt = "Not implemented. The name server does not support the requested query"; 
        case 5: 
         Error = 35; 
         ErrorTxt = "Refused. The name server refuses to reply for policy reasons"; 
         Error = 36; 
         ErrorTxt = "Unknown. The name server error code was: " + Convert.ToString((recBuf[3] & 15)); 
       Done = true; 
      //OK, now we should have valid header fields 
      int QDcnt, ANcnt, NScnt, ARcnt; 
      int index; 
      QDcnt = (recBuf[4] * 256) + recBuf[5]; 
      ANcnt = (recBuf[6] * 256) + recBuf[7]; 
      NScnt = (recBuf[8] * 256) + recBuf[9]; 
      ARcnt = (recBuf[10] * 256) + recBuf[11]; 
      index = 12; 
      //sometimes there are no erros but blank reply... ANcnt == 0... 
      if (ANcnt == 0) { // if blackhole list query, means no spammer !!//if ((ANcnt == 0) & (IS_BLACKLIST_QUERY == false)) 
       //error blank reply, return an empty array 
       Error = 4; 
       ErrorTxt = "Empty string array"; 
       Done = true; 

      //Decode received information 
      string s1; 
      // START TEST 
      s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recBuf, 0, recBuf.Length); 
      // END TEST 

      if (QDcnt > 0) { 
       //we are not really interested to this string, just parse and skip 
       s1 = ""; 
       index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s1); 
       index += 4; //skip root domain, Qtype and QClass values... unuseful in this contest 
      if (IS_BLACKLIST_QUERY) { 
       // get the answers, normally one ! 
       // int the four last bytes there is the ip address 
       Error = 0; 
       int Last_Position = recBuf.Length - 1; 
       result.Add(recBuf[Last_Position - 3].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position - 2].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position - 1].ToString() + "." + recBuf[Last_Position].ToString()); 
       Done = true; 
      int count = 0; 
      //get all answers 
      while (count < ANcnt) { 
       s1 = ""; 
       index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s1); 
       int QType = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1]; 
       index += 2; 
       s1 += "," + QType.ToString(); 
       int QClass = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1]; 
       index += 2; 
       s1 += "," + QClass.ToString(); 
       //TTL (Time to live) 
       int TTL = (recBuf[index] * 16777216) + (recBuf[index + 1] * 65536) + (recBuf[index + 2] * 256) + recBuf[index + 3]; 
       index += 4; 
       s1 += "," + TTL.ToString(); 
       int blocklen = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1]; 
       index += 2; 
       if (QType == 15) { 
        int MXprio = (recBuf[index] * 256) + recBuf[index + 1]; 
        index += 2; 
        s1 += "," + MXprio.ToString(); 
       string s2; 
       index = parseString(recBuf, index, out s2); 
       s1 += "," + s2; 
      Error = 0; 
      Done = true; 
     private int parseString(byte[] buf, int i, out string s) 
      int len; 
      s = ""; 
      bool end = false; 
      while (!end) { 
       if (buf[i] == 192) { 
        //next byte is a pointer to the string, get it.. 
        s += getString(buf, buf[i]); 
        end = true; 
       } else { 
        //next byte is the string length 
        len = buf[i]; 
        //get the string 
        s += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, i, len); 
        i += len; 
        //check for the null terminator 
        if (buf[i] != 0) { 
         //not null, add a point to the name 
         s += "."; 
        } else { 
         //null char..the string is complete, exit 
         end = true; 
      return i; 
     private string getString(byte[] buf, int i) 
      string s = ""; 
      int len; 
      bool end = false; 
      while (!end) { 
       len = buf[i]; 
       s += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, i, len); 
       i += len; 
       if (buf[i] == 192) { 
        s += "." + getString(buf, buf[i]); 
        return s; 
       if (buf[i] != 0) { 
        s += "."; 
       } else { 
        end = true; 
      return s; 

Voici comment l'utiliser.

/// <summary> 
     /// Get the MX from the domain address. 
     /// </summary> 
     public static string getMXrecord(string domain) 
      domain = domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1); 
      string LocalDNS = GetDnsAdress().ToString(); 
      Console.WriteLine("domain: " + domain); 

      // resolv the authoritative domain (type=2) 
      C_DNSquery DnsQry = new C_DNSquery(LocalDNS, domain, 2); 
      Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DnsQry.doTheJob)); 
      int timeout = 20; 
      while ((timeout > 0) & (!DnsQry.Done)) { 
      if (timeout == 0) { 
       if (DnsQry.udpClient != null) { 
       DnsQry.Error = 100; 

      string[] ns1; 
      string MyNs = ""; 
      if (DnsQry.Error == 0) { 
       ns1 = DnsQry.result[0].Split(','); 
       MyNs = ns1[4]; 
      } else { 
       MyNs = LocalDNS; 

      // Resolve MX (type = 15) 
      DnsQry = new C_DNSquery(MyNs, domain, 15); 
      Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DnsQry.doTheJob)); 
      timeout = 20; 
      string TTL = ""; 
      string MXName = ""; 
      Int32 preference = 9910000; 
      while ((timeout > 0) & (!DnsQry.Done)) { 
      if (timeout == 0) { 
       if (DnsQry.udpClient != null) { 
       DnsQry.Error = 100; 
      if (DnsQry.Error == 0) { 

       if (DnsQry.result.Count == 1) { 
        string[] ns2 = DnsQry.result[0].Split(','); 
        MXName = ns2[5]; 
        TTL = ns2[3]; 
        preference = Int32.Parse(ns2[4]); 
        Console.WriteLine("domaine: {0} MX: {1} time: {2} pref: {3} ttl: {4}", domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1), MXName, 
         DateTime.Now, preference, TTL); 

       } else { 
        for (int indns = 0; indns <= DnsQry.result.Count - 1; indns++) { 
         string[] ns2 = DnsQry.result[indns].Split(','); 
         if (Int32.Parse(ns2[4]) < preference) { 
          MXName = ns2[5]; 
          TTL = ns2[3]; 
          preference = Int32.Parse(ns2[4]); 
Console.WriteLine("domain: {0} MX: {1} time: {2} pref: {3} ttl: {4}", domain.Substring(domain.IndexOf('@') + 1), MXName, 
           DateTime.Now, preference, TTL); 

      return MXName; 

Juste Roled ma propre bibliothèque parce qu'il n'y avait rien pour un soutien de base .net/xplat ... https://github.com/MichaCo/DnsClient.NET

Il fonctionne assez grand et vous donne comme les messages du journal si vous voulez.

Simple à utiliser

var lookup = new LookupClient(); 
var result = await lookup.QueryAsync("google.com", QueryType.ANY); 

et fonctionne avec des serveurs personnalisés en cours d'exécution sur tous les ports, plusieurs serveurs, etc ...

voir aussi DnsClient Website pour plus de détails


La réponse acceptée doesn » t travailler pour .NET framework < 4.5, donc suggérer que ceux d'entre vous qui ne peuvent pas utiliser ARSOFT.Tools peuvent utiliser DNDNs de https://dndns.codeplex.com

Étant donné ci-dessous est une application de console qui renvoie l'enregistrement MX pour un domaine donné en modifiant leurs exemples.

using System; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 
using DnDns.Enums; 
using DnDns.Query; 
using DnDns.Records; 

namespace DnDnsExamples 
class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     DnsQueryRequest request3 = new DnsQueryRequest(); 
     DnsQueryResponse response3 = request3.Resolve("gmail.com", NsType.MX, NsClass.INET, ProtocolType.Tcp); 

    private static void OutputResults(DnsQueryResponse response) 
     foreach (IDnsRecord record in response.Answers) 
      Console.WriteLine(" |--- RDATA Field Length: " + record.DnsHeader.DataLength); 
      Console.WriteLine(" |--- Name: " + record.DnsHeader.Name); 
      Console.WriteLine(" |--- NS Class: " + record.DnsHeader.NsClass); 
      Console.WriteLine(" |--- NS Type: " + record.DnsHeader.NsType); 
      Console.WriteLine(" |--- TTL: " + record.DnsHeader.TimeToLive); 

Mon approche était d'utiliser nslookup.exe pour récupérer l'enregistrement MX.

La solution n'est pas aussi sophistiquée que la réécriture de DNS complet ou l'utilisation d'une DLL système -> mais cela fonctionne, avec un petit nombre de lignes.

Pour obtenir les choses, ce code> fonctionne tout simplement < il est RESSOURCE pas efficace, ni rapide et a un beaucoup de place pour improvment (plusieurs noms d'hôtes, async, valeur de retour plus utile, en ajoutant la priorité):

static List<string> GetMxRecords(string host){ 
    ProcessStartInfo nslookup_config = new ProcessStartInfo("nslookup.exe"); 
    nslookup_config.RedirectStandardInput = true; 
    nslookup_config.RedirectStandardOutput = true; 
    nslookup_config.RedirectStandardError = true; 
    nslookup_config.UseShellExecute = false; 
    var nslookup = Process.Start(nslookup_config); 
    nslookup.StandardInput.WriteLine("set q=mx"); 
    List<string> lines = new List<string>(); 
    while (!nslookup.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) 
     string l = nslookup.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); 
     if (l.Contains("internet address =")) 
      while (l.Contains("\t\t")) 
       l = l.Replace("\t\t", "\t"); 
      lines.Add(l.Replace("\tinternet address = ","=")); 

Devrait travailler internationalement, puisque nslookup ne supporte pas la traduction (je travaille sur une machine allemande et je reçois une sortie en anglais).

Le résultat sont des chaînes comme ceci:


C'est une bonne approche, merci pour le partage! – Segfault


Vous pouvez utiliser la bibliothèque this open source à faire presque tout type de requête que vous auriez besoin habituellement.


DnsClient dnsClient = new DnsClient(); 
string mxDomain = dnsClient.ResolveMX("example.com"); 
string mxDomainIP = dnsClient.ResolveMX("example.com", true); 
string mxDomainIPv6 = dnsClient.ResolveMX("example.com", true, true); 
Questions connexes