2010-12-18 9 views

Je dois trouver si Path2D s'intersecte. Pour l'instant, je le fais en extrayant simplement un tableau de lignes à partir de path, et en trouvant si l'une d'entre elles se croisent. Mais il a O (n^2) complexité, et c'est donc très lent. Y a-t-il un moyen plus rapide de le faire?Trouver si Path2D s'auto-intersecte


Question équivalente pour PHP: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411636/is-there-an-easy-way-to-detect-line-segment-intersections – finnw



Vous pouvez le faire plus rapidement en utilisant l'algorithme ligne de balayage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweep_line_algorithm


Each line has a start point and an end point. Say that `start_x` <= `end_x` for all the lines. 
Create an empty bucket of lines. 
Sort all the points by their x coordinates, and then iterate through the sorted list. 
If the current point is a start point, test its line against all the lines in the bucket, and then add its line to the 
if the current point is an end point, remove its line from the bucket. 

Le pire des cas est encore O(N^2), mais le cas moyen est O(NlogN)


Merci! Mais une amélioration à votre méthode - si vous maintenez l'ordre "above-below" dans le bucket (trier par le premier point y coordonnée de la ligne), vous pouvez tester la nouvelle ligne uniquement contre les lignes au-dessus et en dessous. log n) complexité du temps au lieu de O (n). Trouvé sur: Rogach


Voici mon Implémentation Java de cet algorithme:

import java.awt.Point; 
import java.awt.geom.Line2D; 
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; 
import java.util.*; 

* Path2D helper functions. 
* <p/> 
* @author Gili Tzabari 
public class Path2Ds 
    * Indicates if a Path2D intersects itself. 
    * <p/> 
    * @return true if a Path2D intersects itself 
    public static boolean isSelfIntersecting(PathIterator path) 
     SortedSet<Line2D> lines = getLines(path); 
     if (lines.size() <= 1) 
      return false; 

     Set<Line2D> candidates = new HashSet<Line2D>(); 
     for (Line2D line: lines) 
      if (Double.compare(line.getP1().distance(line.getP2()), 0) <= 0) 
       // Lines of length 0 do not cause self-intersection 
      for (Iterator<Line2D> i = candidates.iterator(); i.hasNext();) 
       Line2D candidate = i.next(); 

       // Logic borrowed from Line2D.intersectsLine() 
       int lineRelativeToCandidate1 = Line2D.relativeCCW(line.getX1(), line.getY1(), line. 
        line.getY2(), candidate.getX1(), candidate.getY1()); 
       int lineRelativeToCandidate2 = Line2D.relativeCCW(line.getX1(), line.getY1(), line. 
        line.getY2(), candidate.getX2(), candidate.getY2()); 
       int candidateRelativeToLine1 = Line2D.relativeCCW(candidate.getX1(), 
        candidate.getX2(), candidate.getY2(), line.getX1(), line.getY1()); 
       int candidateRelativeToLine2 = Line2D.relativeCCW(candidate.getX1(), 
        candidate.getX2(), candidate.getY2(), line.getX2(), line.getY2()); 
       boolean intersection = (lineRelativeToCandidate1 * lineRelativeToCandidate2 <= 0) 
        && (candidateRelativeToLine1 * candidateRelativeToLine2 <= 0); 
       if (intersection) 
        // Lines may share a point, so long as they extend in different directions 
        if (lineRelativeToCandidate1 == 0 && lineRelativeToCandidate2 != 0) 
         // candidate.P1 shares a point with line 
         if (candidateRelativeToLine1 == 0 && candidateRelativeToLine2 != 0) 
          // line.P1 == candidate.P1 
         if (candidateRelativeToLine1 != 0 && candidateRelativeToLine2 == 0) 
          // line.P2 == candidate.P1 
         // else candidate.P1 intersects line 
        else if (lineRelativeToCandidate1 != 0 && lineRelativeToCandidate2 == 0) 
         // candidate.P2 shares a point with line 
         if (candidateRelativeToLine1 == 0 && candidateRelativeToLine2 != 0) 
          // line.P1 == candidate.P2 
         if (candidateRelativeToLine1 != 0 && candidateRelativeToLine2 == 0) 
          // line.P2 == candidate.P2 
         // else candidate.P2 intersects line 
         // line and candidate overlap 
        return true; 
       if (candidate.getX2() < line.getX1()) 
     return false; 

    * Returns all lines in a path. The lines are constructed such that the starting point is found 
    * on the left (or same x-coordinate) of the ending point. 
    * <p/> 
    * @param path the path 
    * @return the lines, sorted in ascending order of the x-coordinate of the starting point and 
    * ending point, respectively 
    private static SortedSet<Line2D> getLines(PathIterator path) 
     double[] coords = new double[6]; 
     SortedSet<Line2D> result = new TreeSet<Line2D>(new Comparator<Line2D>() 
      public int compare(Line2D o1, Line2D o2) 
       int result = Double.compare(o1.getX1(), o2.getX1()); 
       if (result == 0) 
        // Ensure we are consistent with equals() 
        return Double.compare(o1.getX2(), o2.getX2()); 
       return result; 
     if (path.isDone()) 
      return result; 
     int type = path.currentSegment(coords); 
     assert (type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO): type; 
     Point.Double startPoint = new Point.Double(coords[0], coords[1]); 
     Point.Double openPoint = startPoint; 

     while (!path.isDone()) 
      type = path.currentSegment(coords); 
      assert (type != PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO && type != PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO): type; 
      switch (type) 
       case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: 
        openPoint = startPoint; 
       case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: 
        coords[0] = openPoint.x; 
        coords[1] = openPoint.y; 
      Point.Double endPoint = new Point.Double(coords[0], coords[1]); 
      if (Double.compare(startPoint.getX(), endPoint.getX()) < 0) 
       result.add(new Line2D.Double(startPoint, endPoint)); 
       result.add(new Line2D.Double(endPoint, startPoint)); 
      startPoint = endPoint; 
     return result; 
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